English Conditional Sentences Complete Grammar Course

hey there i’m emma from um

english welcome to my complete series on

english conditional sentences i’m so

excited to be sharing such a

comprehensive set of lessons to help you


conditional sentences in english are

quite challenging to learn

but they are so much fun to use they

make your stories

and your experiences much more

interesting when you retell them in


in this collection you’ll find lessons

that go into detail about

all types of conditional sentences zero

first second third and

mixed conditional sentences all of these

lessons will help you to understand the

structure and the meaning

of these different types of sentences

but most importantly

there are lots of examples and quizzes

that you can take to test your knowledge

and check what you learn during the

lessons if you enjoy my lessons here at

english please make sure you subscribe

it really does help

and turn on the notifications so that

you get to see

all of my new lessons right now it’s

time to get started

first lesson is just below