English Conversation between Parents and Children Everyday English Speaking Practice


i love dad so much

children have cute ways to express their

love to their parents

let’s watch this video and see how a

little girl says

i love you

to her dad


i’m here

yes i see you

dad why are you so late

i’ve been waiting for you for a long


sorry ginny i got stuck in traffic did

you feel bored or angry waiting for me

no dad

peter’s mom was late too

i played with him at this time

his mother just took him away before you



so lucky

oh ginny i have a gift for you can you

guess what it is

i’m so curious dad

is this a new doll i told you about last


wow jenny

you are so smart

it’s a barbie doll you love


it is inside the green box on the back


you can open it when we back home


thank you daddy

i love you so much


by the way how was your day sweetie

nothing special dad we learned new words

and studied math

oh we also learned a new song

do you want to listen to this song

of course i’d love to jimmy

its name is

five little ducks now the song begins

five little ducks went out one day over

the hill and far away

mother duck said quack

quack but only four little ducks came



what a cute song

do you know where did the little duck go

i don’t know dad

but finally all five little ducks came

back home

with their mother

oh we arrive home mom is waiting for you

at home

let’s send her a kiss and give her a

tight hug

we’ll bring your gift home and unbox it

you’ll love it so much

okay daddy

love you


love you too



wake up baby your breakfast is ready

ginny sweetie

yeah mom

good morning

i made a sandwich your most favorite

food for you

but you need to brush your teeth before

eating let’s do it ginny

yes mommy


love you my angel

love you

mom where is dad i have not seen him

since i got up


he is fixing the backyard you can go

there with him after eating your


did you and dad have breakfast

yes we all ate only you haven’t eaten

today is sunday so we let you wake up


thanks mom

i will eat you quickly to go out with


i really want to see what he is doing



there are two eggs on this plate

so great

and remember to drink a glass of milk


yes mom


hi dad good morning


ah good morning ginny

have you eaten breakfast

yes i have eaten

mom made a sandwich for me

what are you doing dad can i help you

with this

ah jenny i am repairing the backyard i

can do it myself you can sit there and

watch me work

by the way

what is your mom doing

she is watching dishes and preparing for

lunch we will have beef steak and potato

soup for this lunch

that is great

ah jenny you should just stay there and

not run into the

why yard

because it is very hot now

you may get sick if you play outside

and the cement is still wet it will make

you dirty if you are not careful

okay daddy i will sit here and talk with


dad are you tired you are working so


no problem sweetie i’m okay

ah could you bring me a glass of water i

am fairly thirsty

yes sir let me bring water for you

i think you should ask your mom to take

water for you

the water purifier is too high for you


i got it


sorry dad i can’t take the water because

i do not see where mom is


it’s okay jenny i will go in and take it

yes daddy

oh no ginny

what are you doing

i said that you should not go out there


sorry daddy i just want to write the

sentence which i studied yesterday

please go in first

i don’t want you to play under the


yes daddy

let me see

what did you write

i love dad so much

wow ginny

you are a cute and good girl

i’m so surprised and happy right now

i love you too jenny you are the best

thing in my life

i look you work so hard so i want to

send it to you daddy

i will keep it like this forever it

would be one of the best memory of

but me

i’m so thirsty

could you give me a water glass please

of course

let me take the water for you

here you are

stay here i have to find your mom and

announced her about that

i’m so curious daniel

what will you show me


our daughter wrote it surprised


jenny is this true

yes mom i wrote it while daddy went to

the house to take the water i’m so proud

of you my little princess

you can write exactly this sentence you

are a smart lovely girl come here ginny

let me kiss you

i love you too mommy

so cute i think i will take a photo with

these words you want to join

yes i’d love to

me please


come here with me

let’s smile everyone

so beautiful

i want to see it too daniel

here you are

i will post this picture on twitter

i want everyone to know about my cute

and smart girl

i agree

we are so proud of you ginny we love you

now ginny we should go in and let daddy

repair the rest of the yard

i will make lunch and you can watch

cartoons as you want

you also need to wash your hand he was

dirty when you touch the wet cement

but i still want to sit here with dad

jenny you should listen to your mom

i will try to repair it as soon as

possible and go in with you

you are a good girl right


i will go with mom

daddy you have to hurry up

i’ll wait for you in the house

okay jenny let me kiss you one more

bye daddy

see you later

bye ginny


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