English Conversation Can you tell me English Lessons for Life


talking about

becoming a dad

bob asked his dad jay for advice

since he will become a dad for the first


next month

dad are you free now yeah

i’m just reading a newspaper

to be honest i’m quite nervous now

why can you tell me

well my wife is pregnant in the 34th


and the due date is coming soon

i’m so excited to meet my baby in person

not by frame but i’m not sure how to be

a good father

um i got it i understand your feeling

actually i used to be too how did you

take care of sarah and me

well first of all you have to accept the


that a new special person will live with

you you should get used to it

having a baby makes your life ups and

downs continuously

you have to sacrifice your time for your


you can’t hang out with your friends

every weekend

you can’t go to the gym once a day you

need to stay home

and help your wife because the schedule

of a baby is

different from an adult how is that


it depends on each stage of their life

generally they eat at least

five times per day until over two years


and they can’t go to the toilet by

themselves until four

you’re scaring me dad it’s fine not to

hang out with my friends

but i must go to the gym and i’m sure my

wife’s ability to feed our boy five

times per day alone

you know your mom and i almost got

divorced when you were born

i used to think like you that the wives

can take care of children by themselves


they directly gave birth i made many

excuses to go out for not having to hear

you cry

then your mother was depressed and we

couldn’t stop arguing

how did you overcome that period

your grandfather helped me to realize

how selfish i was

you know after giving birth women’s

health is not as good as before

they have to sacrifice all their time to

be my children’s side

they still do all the housework while

our life has no change

we need to take responsibility to take

care of the child

you’re right since my wife was pregnant

she’s been tired at night and recently

she can’t tie up her shoelaces it’s just

the beginning somehow we can’t help them

smoke much

but they need someone to share their

difficulties to know they’re not alone


jenny and tom talked about the first


tom met jenny’s children and how he

became their beloved stepfather

tom tomorrow is our fifth wedding


do you want to travel what about you


what do you want to do i have no idea

that’s why i asked you well

i just want to stay at home i need to

help layla

with her math her exam is coming

you’re so nice tom i still remember the

first time she met you

she said nothing then slammed her

bedroom door

i was so angry but you just smiled

she was nine at that time jen it wasn’t

easy for a kid to call someone

dad when her real dad just passed away a

few months ago

mark’s behavior was even more


thank god you were so patient to wait

for them until they opened their heart

they need time you see now they’re so

good to me

yeah the last time we argued they even

protected you

unbelievable i play soccer with mark

every afternoon and

go to the market with layla on the


thanks to them i started to learn how to

be a dad

actually it’s not that difficult when we

love someone from the bottom of our


and i do love them as much as i love you

oh sweetheart you are so wonderful

back in the day you asked me about my

favorite things about

layla and mark you even wrote it down


then you learned to cook sashimi for

mark and kit a woolen scarf for

layla at first

they didn’t care at all but i know if i

keep taking care of them sincerely

they will love me back indeed they do

you are always willing to listen to them

for hours talking about their friends

their teachers their feelings with their


i’m too busy to talk to them frequently

like you

you know i want to become a person who

feels comfortable sharing everything in

their life

so they don’t feel lonely after their

father’s death


james visits lucas’s house because his

wife cara has given birth to the second


lucas talks to james about his joys of

becoming a dad

hey james come in

i miss you so much bro i haven’t seen

you for a while

me too i need to come back home to

support kara

our baby is still small

hello kara how are you doing

i’m good the baby is still sleeping

please don’t talk loudly

i’ll go to the bedroom i’m sorry we will

stay in the living room

if you need anything just call me honey

james where is stefan uh he went camping

with his classmates

he’ll be back tomorrow morning so

how do you feel when you finally have a

girl as you wished

oh i’m still over the moon bro she’s so


yeah she is she takes after you

especially your nose

is there any difference when you take

care of stefan and her

she seems to be more gentle when we took

care of stefan he used to cry at night

until he’s

one year old but rosie rarely cries

she just gives us some signals when

she’s unhappy with the food

what do you do to help kara well i

cradle rosie to let kara sleep you know

our baby needs to drink milk once at

night and

sometimes she also rolls we need someone

awake to look after her

so are you awake the whole night

not really kara sleeps from 11 30 pm

until 4

then i sleep until 6 30.

what how can you be conscious to go to


it was hard at the beginning but anytime

i see our baby sleep deeply

i seem to be re-energized i love looking

at her for hours

she will be so beautiful when she grows


i know you love her so much you’re

delightful all the time you talk about



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