English Conversation How do you spend the day Learning English Speaking


talking about

daily activities

how do you spend the day

good evening i’m steve what’s your name

my name is karen how are you today karen

i’m fine what about you

i’m feeling good thank you

nice to meet you steve it’s nice to meet

you too

karen tell me about yourself

how do you spend a day what do you do

uh i wake up at 5 a.m and

take a cold shower

a cold shower really

yeah i don’t remember exactly where

but i read an article that says a cold

shower is healthier than a hot

shower oh i didn’t know that

i will try it tonight what do you do

after that

then i have breakfast with my wife and


how many children do you have i have


sons wow are you

serious you are full of surprises

i was just kidding i’m not even married


i have breakfast with my girlfriend and

then i go to work at 7am

what is your job i am an english teacher

that’s nice when do you come back home

generally i arrive home at 4 pm

what do you do in the evenings i cook

dinner with my girlfriend

after dinner we watch a film or

sometimes play video games together

i go to bed around 11 pm


time to refresh your soul

good morning hmm

oh uh good morning

what time is it six o’clock

we missed you at breakfast am i too late


i’m afraid so breakfast is in the great

tent from 5 to 5

  1. here have a piece of bread

is that it one piece of bread

everyone has gone off to swim in the

lake now

do you fancy joining us in december

you must be kidding it’s freezing

but the water is pure and it refreshes

your soul

you said that yesterday and i still

haven’t changed my mind

i came here to escape to forget

all my problems for a week not make

myself ill

no way am i going swimming and that’s

final now what’s the rest of the program

for today

well morning prayers start at 6

30 we meet in the great tent

and chant together okay

i need to unwind we do this for

half an hour until seven

how about yoga isn’t that in the morning

as well

i can’t wait for that the yoga class is

in the great tent from seven to eight

and then we will walk into the woods to

achieve inner peace

now wait a minute where’s that leaflet

you gave me

ah yes here it is yoga finishes at eight

walking till ten that’s for two

hours yes it’s really invigorating

the walk will cleanse your spirit and

refresh your soul

it seems a bit long for me i’m not that

keen on walking

anyway then from 10 to midday it’s

meditation right

yes we meditate together in the great


great and after lunch what’s this

it says here creative skills

ah here you will learn a special dance

dance among the trees to show our love

for nature and the world

the dance will refresh your soul

i’m not sure i like the sound of that

it’s not really me

oh you’ll take to it in no time

it’s from one to two o’clock after the


you will learn how to express yourself

through painting

and song as well ah that sounds more

like it oh and when do i get the massage

that’s at four o’clock then dinner

dinner yes here it is at five o’clock

what’s we get soup and bread

the soup and bread will let me guess

refresh my

soul right that’s right

then what then at 5 30

you return to your tent and meditate


you remain alone until breakfast the

next morning

i think that’ll be the best part

right i’ll see you at morning prayers in

the great tent

yes i’ll see you then


a day in the life of

what is a typical day like for you when

you’re in africa

dr goodall well when i am in gombe i set

up at a quarter to seven

for breakfast i usually have a piece of

bread and a cup of coffee

then i go and find the chimps


what happens when you find the chimps

i spend the day following them in the


it can be very tiring following the

chimps crawling through the jungle

but it’s always very interesting as i

never know where i’m going to go

do you stop for lunch oh

i usually don’t bother with lunch when

i’m out

what’s the hardest part of the day

i’m used to living in the jungle now

that has never been difficult for me


but in the day i normally feel most

tired around three o’clock

when do you start following the chimps

and go back home

when it gets dark out the chimps choose

a place to rest

the young ones play up in the branches

the sunset is lovely after a hot day

when i know they are settling down i

head for home

how do you spend your evenings

hmm the gombe evening is magical

it’s dark by 7 30 p.m i jump into

lake tangi and neca

the clear fresh water makes all the

tiredness go away

that i cook something like beans onions

and tomatoes over an open fire

and how about in the uk i guess your day

must be a bit different

just a bit yes in

bournemouth where i have a home

breakfast is at nine

this is great because i can get three

hours of work done first

i always have many letters to write i

try to reply to them all

especially ones from children in the

morning in the afternoon i write replies

to all the letters

i have tea with my family in the late


then i go for a walk with my dog

after supper it’s back to work again


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