English Conversation May I ask about salary English Practice Listening to Naturally



interview john

just graduated college he is looking for

a job

julia a recruiter from xyz company

invites him for an interview

hello you must be john right

thank you for coming to our company

today my name is julia

and i will be interviewing you for the

position of software developer at our


nice to meet you julia thank you for

giving me this opportunity

of course did you have any trouble

finding the office

nope the directions on the website were


good would you like some coffee or

whatever before we begin

i’m okay thank you should we start now

of course first of all can you tell me a

little bit about yourself

just a few sentences should be fine

yeah so my full name is john smith

i recently graduated from abc university

with a bachelor’s degree in computer


while i was studying i successfully

built software to track deliveries from


i did it with the help of two of my


it is my biggest achievement yet you can

have a look at it

through the link i included in my resume

right now

i’m looking for a job that can provide

me with the necessary tools to develop

even more complicated applications

that is really impressive may i ask how

did you find

out about our company as well i was

referred to your company by

an acquaintance but i had already known

about you before that

your online presence is very strong

thank you can you tell me why you are

interested in working for us

i believe that your company has one of

the strongest technical departments in

our field of work

there are many predecessors that i can


from if given the opportunity

furthermore the company culture of peers

being supportive of each other is very


you seem to have done a lot of research

on our company

what can you do that differentiates you

from other applicants

i noticed from your job description that

you are looking for someone with a

unique perspective

given my background of multiple years

living abroad

i believe i would be suitable for this


very interesting is there anything you

dislike about this job or our company

not much but i do have to say the lack

of an efficient communication channel

is worrying but i can definitely help

with that too

i agree that can be very useful

tell me how do you define success as a

software developer

i think of software development as a

lengthy process

a successful developer should not only

be able to create useful applications

but also should be open to criticism and

be able to adapt accordingly

i see that’s enough about the job should

we start talking about your plans

sure how long do you think you will be

able to work for us

as long as possible if allowed maybe

even 10 years

i can be very committed if i feel like i

am rewarded accordingly to my


okay based on your resume i think you

are more than qualified for this


what do you think about this i

personally don’t think so i agree that i

have done harder tasks before but i have


worked in a company setting with a scope

such as yours

i still think i can earn a lot of

knowledge from it

right i see that you interned for

another tech

company for a very long time why did you

not continue working for this company

i actually really loved my previous job


i do feel like i have outgrown it my

daily tasks were getting repetitive

therefore i could not grow my expertise


how did it feel to leave do you regret


no not really i do miss my old

colleagues very much but

i enjoy a good challenge and this one is

definitely fitting

furthermore i believe that every

opportunity is a valuable experience

that i can learn from

good mindset what do you think about

your old boss

oh daniel he is actually one of the best

people i have ever worked with

i say with and not four because he never

treated me as a subordinate

he always treats every employee the same

way and listens to their wants and needs

that is very valuable i’m happy to

inform you that our boss here is pretty


the same that’s really good to hear

is there anything else that you want to

know about me

let me see oh yes i am missing some


information what high school did you

attend i

don’t see it here on your resume oh i

didn’t include it because i studied high

school abroad

it is located in mexico named x

i understand by the way are you married

i am asking this because you might have

to move around a lot if you work for us

not yet i am very flexible with my


that’s great one last question

what do you usually do in your free time

i would describe myself as a very active


i play all kinds of sports for example i

like swimming a lot

i go swimming at least once every week i

also really enjoy playing basketball and


really do you watch sports as well of


as often as i can okay

i think i have all the information i

need from you do you have

any questions for us actually yes

may i ask about salary i don’t think we

have covered that

well we will have time to talk about it

in detail if you get

accepted for now however i would say

you can expect anywhere between a


to two thousand dollars a month i see

thank you very much you’re welcome thank

you again for coming today

we will inform you of the result through


by the latest friday amazing

thank you i hope we will be able to work

together in the future

goodbye bye bye


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