English Conversation Practice What Are You Doing Present Continuous Tense


hi alice

what are you doing i’m just relaxing a


watching some tv what’s on

i’m watching the news

so what’s happening

in the world the usual

politicians are trying to pretend they

know what they are doing


alice you are such a skeptic

that’s the way i am what’s that

it’s a book i’m reading what’s it about

it’s a story about a woman a young woman

who can’t stand her father

that sounds interesting

yeah it’s not that bad

alice what’s wrong

do you want to talk about it

no i’m so tired now

i’m going to bed good night

what are you doing i’m connecting to the

internet because i

need to send an email

who are you sending an email to

to my boss in america he needs the

weekly report

immediately why

because he has a meeting with the

shareholders tomorrow morning

what’s happening with the laptop

the internet connection isn’t working

very well

sometimes it happens to my computer too

do you have a suggestion usually

peter lends me his computer

is peter at home no

i think there’s only sharon okay

i’m going anyway


yes i am listening to you

yes i’m listening

who’s she talking to i don’t know

i guess it’s her father

just a moment what do you want

nothing it’s four o’clock in the morning

is everything all right alice

it’s none of your business

what excuse us sorry to interrupt

listen i know it’s late

i’m sorry but i’m talking to my father

he’s in boston now it’s nine o’clock



what do you want

i’m not tired anymore

neither am i what about

eating something i don’t know

i’m not really hungry i’m going to the

internet to

chat with a friend in italy would you

like to join me

now that i’m not sleeping anymore

would you like to see him how i have

pictures of him on my computer

and you know what he can see you too

with the webcam what

oh my gosh no

please i’m horrible now

no you’re not and besides

he might be interested why

do you think i need a boyfriend


fine i’m looking forward to seeing you

bye bye oh my god

okay guys don’t panic

what we have to be strong

and try to keep calm what are you

talking about

she’s coming tomorrow morning

who for god’s sake who

aunt mary the owner of the flat

so what your auntie

what’s so terrible about her

let me explain imagine me

in 50 years you mean

you old with your manias

your cleaning obsessions

oh my god okay okay don’t

panic so what do we have to do

let me see what do you have scheduled

for today

today is a busy day i have to finish my


no way painting means brushes

colors dirt and mess everywhere

as for me let’s check my date book

date book i don’t believe it you mean

you don’t have a pda please

alice i have a program on my laptop

i don’t need a pda as well

i’m just surprised that’s all you are

usually highly technological

that’s not entirely true i like to use

paper and pen as well

okay leave it guys let’s go

straight to the point

what’s on your schedule today

i’m meeting a client from four to five

and then i’m going to the mall why are

you going to the mall

i want to buy a new modem for my pc

a new modem that’s not exactly

business yes

well there’s something wrong with mine

okay maybe it’s not that important

i can go tomorrow morning that’s very

kind of you jack

well let me see i’ve got a list with all

your duties here

but what is it it’s always with me

for emergencies you know

like this one jack

at your order general

you have to clean up the kitchen you’re

washing the dishes

cleaning the oven and the fridge the


and the basin oh

and finally you have to sweep and mop

the floor

i’m ready oh and

obviously you have to clean your bedroom


sounds exciting alice

you have to clean the living room

you have to throw all these magazines

out put

all the cds in order clean up the carpet

and dust the furniture

do i have to mop the floor as well

of course as for me

i’m cleaning the bathroom and all the


well i want you both in the living room

at half

past six for a detailed report okay

yes sir yes sir


well done guys i’m proud of you

neat and clean rather stressful

i know but at last the flat is

perfectly clean

yes but now it’s us

that needs to be cleaned oh

excuse me hello

aunt mary everything is ready for your

arrival i’m picking you up at the

airport tomorrow at


really oh

i understand what is shame

oh no no not a problem at all

i hope you get well soon

right bye bye

so what

aunt mary isn’t coming anymore

she’s got cold

hey guys i’ve got the part

but what’s happening here

nothing special congratulations peter


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