English Idiom Practice It Didnt Cross My Mind

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm it didn’t cross my mind did

it cross your mind let’s talk about it

in today’s video lesson we’re going to

talk about an expression eat didn’t

cross my mind

let’s first break down this into

individual words and then let’s talk

about the meaning as a whole I have a

little story that I’d like to share with

you that goes with this expression but

first of all let’s talk about each word

let’s actually start at the end of this

expression and start talking about that

word the word mind mind if we say my

mind what does that mean what is my mind

talking about your brain your mind the

place where you think so when we say my

mind it’s what’s inside your head

what about didn’t cross didn’t cross you

might know the expression to cross the

street it means to go across the street

to cross the street and in this way we

can use cross to mean something a little

more mental not quite so physical to say

an idea an idea crossed my mind it means

it came into my mind I had some idea but

it didn’t cross my mind I mean it didn’t

come into my mind this idea didn’t cross

my mind I didn’t think about it I never

even imagined it didn’t cross my mind

I’d like to tell you a little story so

that you can understand this expression

in a broader context and also hopefully

this story will help you to not forget

this expression didn’t cross my mind

well a couple weeks ago my husband’s

work place he works at a chocolate shop

they had a big

New Year’s party and it was for

employees and employees families and

friends so there were a lot of people

there and at the New Year’s party the

owners of the chocolate shop gave all

the employees a special present they

gave them this bag this bag and as you

might see there are a lot of different

desserts on this bag there are cakes

chocolate strawberries little chocolate

truffles there is a wide variety here

Wow when someone who works at the

chocolate shop was looking online trying

to find some tights tights are kind of

like pants usually girls wear them

underneath a skirt or a dress so that

there is something warm covering her

legs she was going online to buy some

tights and she found this pattern on the


and she thought that’s really cute I’m

gonna buy it

and I liked it a lot so she bought the

tights with this pattern kind of desert

pattern and when she wore these types to

work she works at the chocolate shop

with my husband when she wore those

tights the other employees looked at

them and thought huh that looks really


why did your why do your tights look so

familiar and do you know what this

pattern the person who made this pattern

went to their chocolate shop and the

creator was inspired by their chocolate

and by their desserts and she made this

pattern based on their shop so each of

these desserts this color design light

blue and brown and each of these is to


as the chocolate shop where my husband

works so the girl who bought the tights

with this pattern she had no idea that

it was really inspired by her workplace

so we could say it didn’t cross her mind

that the same pattern was inspired by

her workplace she just thought it was a

cute design and wanted to buy it but in

reality she contacted the creator and

they said oh yes I visited your city I

went to the chocolate shop and I thought

it was so cute that I wanted to make a

design based on your chocolate so the

person who bought this design she bought

the tights we could say it didn’t cross

her mind that it was based on her

workplace she didn’t even think about it

it didn’t cross her mind so at the New

Year’s party the owners of the chocolate

shop bought bags with this design for

all of the employees it was so nice and

because my husband is an employee I also

get to use this bag but for the girl who

bought the tights originally it didn’t

cross her mind that this was actually

her workplace so do you see from this

story that we can use this expression to

mean I had no idea I never even thought

about it

I just liked the pattern and I didn’t

know it was actually from my workplace

before we go I wouldn’t give you a

couple other sample sentences so that

when we finish you can write your own

sample sentence in the comments you

could say it didn’t cross my mind that

English could be fun I always thought it

might be boring or just memorizing list

of vocabulary it didn’t cross my mind

that English could be fun and then I

went online and started learning English

and it was actually fun but at the

beginning you didn’t even think about it

it wasn’t a possibility the English

could be fun it didn’t cross my mind or

let’s say that maybe you got a new puppy

and you’re so excited to share pictures

of the puppy and just share how cute

your new puppy is so when you see your

friend you show her pictures you talk

about how cute your puppy is and then

your friends face looks kind of sad and

you don’t really know why and then you

realize oh yes last week her all dog

died I completely forgot well in this

situation maybe you did something a

little rude so you could say it didn’t

cross my mind that what I said was rude

it didn’t cross my mind that she might

be sad you didn’t even think about it

you were thinking about your new cute

puppy so this is something that you

might use in a situation where you just

didn’t realize that you were being rude

it didn’t cross my mind that my sentence

might be rude but now I know so I’m

going to try to be more polite you can

use this in a lot of situations so now I

have a challenge for you in the comments

below this video can you make your own

sentence using this expression it didn’t

cross my mind it didn’t cross my mind

let’s read the comments together and

learn from each other sentences I can’t

wait to see yours and I’ll talk to you


bye the next step is to download my free

ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident

English speaker I want to help you

master English and speak fluently feel

free to subscribe so that you don’t miss

new English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye