English Listening Comprehension Discussing a New Design in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking about the
design of the company business card

which design did they decide on we’ve
got some new designs for the company

business card which one do you think is

let’s see I think the company name
should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these right I like these because
the company name is big and on top one

of these has a space for a photo what do
you think hmm I think it makes the text

a little too small yeah the text could
be a little hard to read with the

picture okay then let’s go with the
other one

which design did they decide on

a man and a woman are talking about the
design of the company business card

which design did they decide on we’ve
got some new designs for the company

business card which one do you think is

let’s see I think the company name
should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these right I like these because
the company name is big and on top one

of these has a space for a photo what do
you think hmm I think it makes the text

a little too small yeah the text could
be a little hard to read with the

picture okay then let’s go with the
other one did you get it right I hope

you learned something from this quiz let
us know if you have any questions see

you next time