English Listening Comprehension Shopping for a Computer in The U.S.A.

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a woman is talking to a salesperson at
the mall which computer is she going to

buy excuse me I’m looking for a really
light Ultrabook okay how about this one

it’s really flat and light it looks nice
can you watch DVDs on this computer I am

afraid not you can watch DVDs on that
one but it’s a little bit larger and

heavier hmm yeah this is too heavy I’ll
buy the first one thank you so much you

can choose from white black or silver I
want the black one

which computer is she going to buy

a woman is talking to a salesperson at
the mall which computer is she going to

buy excuse me I’m looking for a really
light Ultrabook okay how about this one

it’s really flat and light it looks nice
can you watch DVDs on this computer I am

afraid not
you can watch DVDs on that one but it’s

a little bit larger and heavier hmm yeah
this is too heavy I’ll buy the first one

thank you so much you can choose from
white black or silver I want the black

one did you get it right I hope you
learned something from this quiz let us

know if you have any questions see you
next time
