ENGLISH STUDY PLAN Follow This 7Day English Study Plan

hey welcome to this week’s english

lesson now in this lesson i am going to

give you a seven day english study plan

now this plan is going to help you study

consistently for a seven day period and

you’ll also improve your english fluency

now are you ready

well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in

so what is the goal of this study plan

the goal is for you to improve your use

of english vocabulary

idioms and expressions but you will also

improve your english fluency and learn

more about american culture so let’s get

started with day number one and the

question is what is the focus of day

number one the focus is english

vocabulary you see your goal for day

number one is to master new english

vocabulary words and use them in real


you see you must remember this is the

important point you must remember to use

the words at least once on this day you

know many times as an english learner

you’re intelligent you learn so much you

put so much information into your brain

and you retain the information but it’s

hard to use it sometimes

and that’s simply because you have not

put it into practice immediately so on

this day day number one you’re going to

learn new vocabulary words but you must

use them in real life on this day

so let me show you the steps for day

number one the first step is to find



english vocabulary words

step number two write the definition of

each vocabulary word

after you’ve written the definition

you’re going to pick three example

sentences for each vocabulary word and

write them down you want to make sure

you have real examples so that you can

be aware of how native english speakers

use each word in real life and finally

write your own example sentence for each

vocabulary word so again you’re focusing

on three new vocabulary words finding

the meaning example sentences and then

making your own sentence this is how you

study on day number one

now on day number two we have a

different focus you see day number two

the focus is going to be english


now your goal is to master new english

expressions and use them in real life

again you’re seeing this point being


using what you learn in real life

remember to use this

these expressions at least one time

today the day that you’re studying on

day two you need to use each expression

at least one time

so what are the steps you need to follow

in order to truly learn these words so

first you’re going to find three new

english expressions

step two

write the definition down of the


then you’re going to pick three example

sentences for each expression and write

them down you’re seeing this pattern


and finally write your own example

sentence for each expression remember

how important it is to find real example


find out how native english speakers use

the expression

all three expressions in real life and

then make your own sentence now i want

to show you this really quickly because

this is actually something that i use in

my plan again you probably already have

your copy it’s free

365 day english study plan this is a

full year plan and it’s free the link is

in the description but i want to show

you something really quickly because it

shows you what i’m teaching you today

i’m actually looking at the plan right

now and i’m going to go all the way down

and we’re going to look at day 29 in the

plan because it’s very similar to what

i’m teaching you right now this

seven-day plan

look at what happens on day 29 the focus

is english

vocabulary again day number one for our

seven day plan is vocabulary but look

how it’s set up

you have word number one

then you have the meaning and three

example sentences and then your sentence


in this plan as well i emphasize how

important it is to find the word

write the meaning

write three example sentences and then

write your own sentence so i just wanted

you to see what it looks like in an

actual plan so we have day number one


day number two

great expressions now on day number

three of our seven day plan you are

going to focus on

english steven yes

good english idioms again during this

seven day period each day has a

different focus because by the end of

this seven day period your english

fluency will have improved

if you’ve studied and follow the plan

you’ll realize wait a minute i can use

new words new expressions new idioms and

so much more so you’re going to master

new english idioms and use them in real

life and you need to remember to use

them on this day day number three

so let’s look at these steps in order to

learn the english idioms step one find

three new english idioms and i want to

pause really quickly because you’ll


i use the number three a lot and that’s

because it’s an excellent number for

your brain to be able to learn

grasp and then use what it’s learning if

you learn a hundred words in one day 100

idioms yes you may learn them but it’s

almost impossible to use those 100

idioms the same day but three is like a

magical number you learn them you

practice and you use them immediately on

the same day so three is a great number

now step number three excuse me step

number two

write the definition of each idiom

then step number three pick three

example sentences you see that number

three again right

and finally write your own example

sentence for each idiom so again day one

day two and day three we’re focusing on

vocabulary expressions and idioms you’re

building up your word bank you’re

building up your expression bank and

your idiom bank so that when you start

speaking there are so many natural words

and expressions you can use to sound

more natural now what about day number

four now day number four you’re going to

focus on


phrasal verbs again the first part of

the seven day period you need to put

lots of information in

lots of information that

we use as native english speakers and

you’re going to try to use these phrasal

verbs in real life

and remember

to use them at least once on this day

day number four now again step number

one find three you see that number three

new english phrasal verbs don’t forget

day one is what

excellent vocabulary day two

excellent expressions day three

idioms very good and day number four we

are focusing on english phrasal verbs

next you’re gonna write the definition

of each phrasal verb remember you can

find these phrasal verbs online you can

find them in a book you want to find

three that you don’t know already

then you’re going to pick example

sentences for each phrasal verb and

write them down and finally you’re going

to write your own example sentence for

each phrasal verb and again i want to

remind you when you are setting this up

when you are studying these phrasal

verbs you want to make sure that your

notebook is set up similar to this

you have this section right here

write the phrasal verb right here then

you have the meaning then you have the

sentences that you’re finding online or

in a dictionary and then you have your

very own sentence this is important as

you’re studying during the seven day

period make sure you organize your notes

now let’s move on to day number five day

number five now your focus for day

number five is going to be

english sentence creation and fluency

i’m gonna pause you see what happened


the first four days you’re putting in

new information you have new words new

expressions new idioms new phrasal verbs

and then on day five you need to start

creating sentences listen i love this

plan this simple seven day plan will

take your english so far

you’ll go faster you’ll speak english

fluently as you continue to follow these

plans that i give you so again this

seven-day plan now that we’re on day

five now it’s the sentence creation and

fluency so your goal is to improve your

ability to think creatively in english

so what you’re going to need to remember


you have to select images that are

interesting to you don’t worry i’m gonna

explain this let me show you let me

explain it to you so here are the steps

you need to follow step number one

you’re going to find

five interesting images now you can

choose images that look interesting to

you it’s totally up to you whichever

image you like pick an image that is

interesting to you and what you’re gonna

do is you’re going to find or create

five descriptive sentences for each

image remember your goal is to describe

the images you find again creative

thinking on day number five

you’re gonna then write them down in

your journal

and finally you’re going to try to


each sentence and repeat them as you

look at the individual images now i’m

going to show you some photos

and i want to show you how you’re going

to do this as you practice on day five

so let me share

my screen with you right now here we go

so look at this image i have on my

screen right now

let’s say this is the image i chose

because i like technology and i see


using a computer

so i have to make a sentence to describe

this image so i can say ah

the woman is eating uh uh some grapes

and also some olives or i can say the

woman is working hard on her computer or

i can say the woman is wearing an

amazing sweater you see what’s happening

right i’m describing the picture and

that’s the focus on day number five

again following these steps your goal is

to describe the image now let me show

you again what it looks like inside of

my journal so right here i have again

english sentence creation

and fluency but notice how i’ve broken

it down i’m picking five images and then

what i’m doing is right here

writing five descriptive sentences in my

journal and i want you to do the exact

same thing

so day number five is starting to create

sentences you’re starting to put into

practice what you’ve been learning but

what about day number six so day number

one vocabulary day number two

expressions number three idioms number

four english phrasal verbs and number

five thinking creatively making new

sentences now on day number six you’re

gonna have a different focus on day

number six you’re gonna focus on

american culture

listen this seven-day plan is a holistic

plan you’re not just focusing on one

thing remember in order to speak english

fluently you must study many different

things but all connected to english

alright so today your goal is to learn

more about american culture which will

help you understand native english

speakers more now you must remember to

take notes on the new things that you

learn this is so important so what are

the steps here we go step number one

find a video about a popular location

in america somewhere that maybe

americans really love going on a regular

basis find a video about that place you

can go on youtube and find free videos

to find out hey

this is the location that americans

really enjoy going to

step number two you’re going to write

notes related to how the location shows

american culture

this is very important think about this

is a very popular location in washington

dc the washington monument people love

to go there they love to sightsee but

even americans go there on a regular


why is it so important to american

culture watch a video about a topic like

this this is what the focus is going to

be on day number six so what’s going to

happen is you’re going to start

relaxing towards the end of the week

you’ve put a lot of information in for

the first part then you’ve been creative

and now you’re learning more in a

relaxed way hey let me learn some more

about american culture which will

improve your english fluency

now we get to day number seven and day

number seven is also a very important

day because it’s the day you will review

you see on this day you will focus on

simply reviewing the purpose of this day

is for you to allow your brain an

opportunity to process what you learned

this is an important part of the study

plan you can’t just study every single

day without giving your brain an

opportunity to soak up what you’ve

learned without giving your brain an

opportunity to review and reviewing is

also studying but it’s in a different

way you’re not putting more in you’re

reviewing what’s already inside and

that’s why day number seven is so

important now i really hope this seven

day study plan helps you remember if you

want my full plan for an entire year 365

day english study plan all you have to

do is hit the link right in the

description this plan will help you be

fluent in a year and it’s totally free

alright i hope you enjoyed today’s

lesson i will talk to you next time

you still there

you know what time it is it’s story time

hey i said it’s story time

all right

so today’s story is actually about

my dad so we talked about in our lesson

we talked about the seven day english

study plan right and you know how much i

truly love creating plans for you

well that actually came from my dad my

dad is a planner i remember growing up

my dad held a lot of positions at my

church and one of the positions he held

was as the men’s director

and my dad would organize every year

he’d organize a retreat for the men of

the church now these retreats were not

small my dad would plan activities he’d

plan for people to come and speak to the

men he’d have all the food arranged all

the transportation my dad is very


but i remember he always had a plan he

would always be writing things down he

made sure every eye was dotted and every

t was crossed so i got that skill

from my dad

now this is a skill that has helped me a

lot in my life but i remember

one special type of plan my dad would


he would have a plan when he left the

house and had to buy something and i

said my dad would always write things

down so i remember

when i figured this out

now my dad

sometimes would be tasked with going to

the store to buy the food for the month

my mom would say honey i have to work

today she had to work on the weekend

sometimes because she worked at the

hospital when that happened she said

honey i need you to get the food for the

week or for the month said okay baby no


and i remember my dad would always have

a plan for when he left what stores he

was going to go to and he’d write out

his plan on a piece of paper

and on that plan would also be all the

food he was going to purchase now my dad

does not steer away from a plan

if it’s on his list if he’s made a plan

he’s going to do it he’s going to

accomplish what’s on that paper

and i learned at a very young age

when i wanted something

it would not get purchased if it wasn’t

on my dad’s list if he didn’t have a

plan for it so i said you know what

instead of me asking

why i just write it down myself because

i knew my dad is very methodical

everything goes to a certain plan a list

and everything is very organized i said

okay so i remember my dad he had his

little paper with his list and his plan

for the day he said all right baby girl

i’m about to head out i said okay daddy

he said i’m gonna use the bathroom

really quickly i said no worries no


and he put his plan his little plan with

his list and everything on the table in

our kitchen next to the door

so i watched him walk to the bathroom

i proceeded to pick up my pen

turned the page of his plan and i saw

where he had the food list and i said

i scream

and i even put the type that i wanted

right next to it then i wrote the next

thing all right let me get some of these

and i wrote it on the list and i put my

pen down

and i sat down like nothing happened as

my dad walked out the bathroom said okay

baby girl picked up his plan he does not

go without a plan or a list

and he walked out the door

two hours later my dad arrived home with

bags of food

he’s unpacking the bags

and i see him

pick up a specific bag and he walked

over to our refrigerator one side was a

freezer one side was a refrigerator and

he opened the freezer stuck his hand in

the bag and do you know what he pulled

out he pulled out my ice cream

and he put it in the freezer as if

nothing had happened he didn’t ask who

wrote it on the list he didn’t ask how

it got on there because as long as it

was on the list

it got purchased

and from that day on

i knew if i wanted something just write

it on his list

now i’m a full grown woman right now but

i still do that if i’m at my parents

home visiting them and my dad is going


i’ll just write it on the list and i’ll

get what i want

so again plans are very helpful they

help you get what you need to get done

but i hope you enjoyed today’s story

maybe you have one of these funny

stories with your dad as well again

don’t forget to pick up your plan it’s

totally for free 365 day english study

plan the link is in the description and

i will talk to you all next time have an

awesome day an awesome week and an

awesome life