English Words and Phrases to use at a Post Office

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and in this lesson

we’re going to talk about

10 phrases that you can use at the post

office let’s get started

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okay let’s get to the video okay first


my home address is this

my home address is this okay so if you

bring something to the post office you

want to send it somewhere

and it’s not clear which address is your

address the place you are sending

something from

you can tell the post office staff my

home address is

this and you can point as you say it or

you can reverse it as well

this is my home address you might also

hear slightly different pronunciations

you might hear

address or address both are fine so my

home address is this

or this is my home address both are fine

okay the next expression is can i

schedule a re-delivery

can i schedule a re-delivery this is

something you can use

on the phone if there’s not like an

online delivery option

can i schedule a re-delivery means you

expect to receive a package and the

package came

but you were not at home so you need to

reach out to the post office or

to the delivery service and schedule

another delivery time

you can do this on the phone can i

schedule a re-delivery

okay the next expression is how much

does the shipment cost

how much does the shipment cost another

way to ask this question

is how much is shipping you might hear

that used how much is shipping

how much does this shipment cost means

how much will it cost me

to send this package or to ship this


you can use this when you’re not sure

how much something is going to cost

if you want to try to find a cheaper way

to ship something for example

you can confirm the price with this

expression okay

let’s go to the next expression can i

have the package insured

can i have the package insured okay

so if you’re sending something valuable

or maybe something that’s breakable

or something really really important you

might want to buy

insurance for your package or for your

letter whatever you’re sending

you can ask can i have this package


to mean i want to buy insurance for this


so you can use this when you send

something from the post office or the

delivery service

can i have this package in short okay

the next expression is

how long does the delivery take

how long does the delivery take how long

does the delivery take or

how long does shipping take you might

hear something similar to that

this means how many days will it take

for my package to reach the destination

how long will the delivery take so they

might say

two business days or five business days

or a week

but this will give you some idea of when

the other person can expect to receive

your package

okay the next expression is will the

recipient receive my package by the end

of this week

will the recipient receive my package by

the end of this week

so you can use this expression if you

have a specific deadline in mind and you

can change

by the end of this week to your deadline

you can say something for example to

change this a little bit

like will the package arrive by tomorrow

or will the package be there by the end

of the month

so you can change this expression the by


time to refer to your deadline so if you

want to confirm

when something will arrive you can use

this to do so all right

next expression is will i be able to

track the delivery

will i be able to track the delivery

another way to ask this might be

how do i track the delivery or can i

track the delivery

if you want to use online tracking

services you can ask this question when

you send your package

will i be able to track the delivery

they might give you a website or

perhaps some kind of mobile phone number

that you can call

depends on the delivery service but if

you want to track your package and see

where it is you can use this question

okay on to the next expression how

reliable is the delivery process

how reliable is the delivery process

this is a question you might ask if

you’re shipping something that’s really

easy to break or something that’s really


or maybe if you need to ship something

to like a dangerous area

or a place where maybe roads have been

affected by something recently

so if you have some questions about how

safely your package will arrive you can

use this question

how reliable is the delivery process

this might lead to asking some questions


insurance for your package as well okay

on to the next

expression i’d like to send it via first


i’d like to send it via first class you

might also just hear

i’d like to send this first class so you

don’t have to use via

but first class means the highest level

like a premium level of shipping

so it’s more expensive yes but perhaps

there’s insurance

you might have faster shipping times

whatever it depends on the delivery

service that you’re using

but if you want to get the best shipping

service available you can ask for first


i’d like to send this first class please

okay on to the next expression

i’d like to send several parcels at once

i’d like to send several parcels at once

so parcel is another way of saying

package you can

of course replace parcel for package

here you can say i’d like to send

several packages or maybe you have a few

things you want to send

the point is if you come to the post

office or the delivery service with many

things you want to send

you can express that to the person

working there you can say i have a few

things i want to send or i have several

parcels i’d like to send

so if you go to the post office and you

have a few things you need to send you

can use an expression like this

you can say something like i have

several parcels i’d like to send

or more casually i have a few things to

send or i’d like to send a few

packages please you can use parcel or

package whatever sounds most comfortable

to you

but this expression can help the other

person understand your needs you don’t

have just one thing to send you have

a few alright that brings us to the end

those are 10 phrases that you can use at

the post office

what did you think you can let us know

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thanks very much for watching and i will

see you again in the next video

bye great work here’s a reward

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