Everyday Dialogues in English Speaking Who are your roommates

roommates situation one ted and marshall are new 
roommates and this is the first day they move in  

they want to know each other to prepare 
to live in university life together  

hi i’m marshall i guess i’m your new roommate hi 
i’m ted nice to meet you i just unpacked my stuff  

this is my side of the room and that will be yours 
great nice to meet you too what is your major  

i major in physics how about you i study 
law i want to be an environmental lawyer  

where do you come from i’m from texas that’s 
pretty far from here i’m from new jersey  

cool and anyway i’ll bring a tv so if it’s 
possible can you bring a mini refrigerator okay  

do you have an idea of the kind of dorm decor 
you want what is your style i’m in the funky  

retro style i want to hang up posters 
of rock bands and some famous artists  

i like rock music too do you 
want to coordinate dorm decor  

great decorate the room together will be so 
much fun and what are your thoughts on chores  

we will split the chores equally 
according to our study schedule  

most of my classes are in the morning so i 
will do the chores at noon great and when i  

get back at night i’ll do the rest how do you 
feel about guests and socializing in the dorm  

i have a girlfriend if you’re okay with it 
you’ll hang out in our room occasionally  

sure i’m cool with that just 
tell me before she gets here  

thank you for understanding are you taking any 
extracurriculars or playing sports on campus i’m  

currently in the environmental club i’m planning 
on joining the soccer team do you play soccer

i like watching football but i don’t play 
what do you do in your spare time do you  

watch tv shows together sure i want to 
apply for a part-time job in my spare time  

it’d be fun to go together it’s a good idea 
it’s a good opportunity to have more experiences  

are you planning on going home a lot i only 
trot back to my parents house for the holidays  

i want to go home every weekend so you can 
invite your friends over on the weekend  

great and how do you like to study  

i like listening to music when i study do you 
mind i like studying in silence but it’s okay  

we can schedule our study time differently 
or i can go to the university library  

okay and what are you planning to do over summer 
break i don’t have any plan yet how about you  

i will go to the beach uh to my friend’s 
party you can come with me if you want  

that sounds fun we need to relax after 
this semester that’s right we’ll have so  

much fun living together i’m so excited 
to start our university life together  

situation two lucas comes back home from college  

and his little brother mike wants 
his advice on living with roommates  

hi lucas welcome home i missed you hey mike i 
missed you too have you been good to mom and dad  

yes i have and i’m so excited for you 
to come home for this summer holiday  

tell me everything about your college life is it 
fun do you have a roommate it’s fun but also tough  

i have a roommate but i don’t like him 
have so much trouble living together  

really why he is slobby and unorganized we 
just can’t get along we have nothing in common  

and his annoying behaviors are driving me crazy 
how bad is he for example it’s one thing to leave  

his shoes and socks on his bedroom floor 
that is his own private space after all  

but don’t be a slob in shared spaces 
like the kitchen or living room  

that’s so rude did you guys 
agree to share the house chores  

yes but we agreed to pick up after yourself 
and he still lives dishes in the sink  

leaves dirty pots and pans on the stove doesn’t 
put away leftovers do you guys share the bathroom  

yes and he leaves his dirty clothes or towels in 
the bathroom and toothpaste splatter in the sink  

or on the bathroom mirror all the time i guess 
you guys fight a lot right yes he doesn’t respect  

my schedule i have an 8 am class every day but 
sometimes he comes home at 2 am banging the door  

or sets up the alarm at 7am but never gets up 
to turn it off i see what are his personalities  

he is needy he depends on me for a social 
life and even all his emotional support  

if he doesn’t have other people he can 
count on or any other ways to help himself  

that can be exhausting and overwhelming for me 
you can set up some limits to when you talk to him  

and how long he will be around him trust me you 
feel so much better he is also an attention seeker  

he will do anything for 
attention including talking  

about me behind my back sharing my 
personal information with others

you should let him know his behavior is 
causing a rift hopefully he’ll hear you out  

and reevaluate his actions i hope so roommates can 
be lifelong friends but they can be a nightmare  

so what will you do when you go back to 
your dorm people usually think moving  

rooms or changing roommates will be the 
magic solution to all their problems  

but learning how to deal with situations you have 
with your roomie can benefit you your entire life  

i think roommate problems are 
caused by miscommunications  

and the problem can be solved just by sitting 
down with a neutral friend and talking things out  

you are going to college next year remember 
don’t let yourself be a bad roommate and  

notice bad signs from your roomie soon should 
i share the dorm room with anyone or live alone  

it’s nice to have someone who can wake you when 
you sleep through your alarm or bring you soup  

when you’re sick they might introduce you 
to a different culture or new point of view  

i may have a roommate who likes to do the 
same things as i do but you may not have  

the privacy you’re used to and may have to 
seek out places like the library to get it  

if your roommate’s habits personality or schedule 
are very different from yours it can be hard to  

adjust to living together that’s true so what 
should i do to live harmoniously with my roommate  

communicating often and openly is 
essential for any successful relationship  

make rules and respect them for example you 
guys agreed that if one of them is trying  

to study the other won’t blare music 
or will record tv shows to watch later  

what if we don’t agree on something 
you’ll both have to make some compromises  

if you behave politely to your roommate 
your roommate is likely to follow your lead  

thanks for your advice and good luck with 
your roommate thanks i hope i can work it out  

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