Feelings and emotions in English Learn English Conversation Easily and Quickly


feelings and emotions

basic vocabulary about emotions and


the expression you wear on your face is

far more important than the clothes you

wear on your back

how do you feel today

what influences your emotions

the weather your friends

your family

strangers or yourself

situation one today is a bad day


hi ariel what’s going on you always call

before coming i’m surprised

today is a bad day and i need you right

now qrixy

oh come in

tell me what happened

this morning the weather’s so good i

felt great

but everything got worse because of its


what happened

a banana

it is a sad story isn’t it yes i felt


let’s react something about my sad story

okay even though you haven’t said

anything yet what did the banana do

today i got up very early i decided to

walk to the company

i wore my favorite shirt i felt


but i tripped by a banana


what a stupid banana

then i fell into a puddle

my white shirt has completely turned

brown i felt so ashamed everyone was

looking at me

it’s so embarrassing then what did you


i went back home to change clothes so

i’m late for work

oh my dear is it okay

no when i go to work early why do i

never see my boss but today i arrived

late he and i face to face


do you often come to work late

no sir i mean that i am never late

seven minutes later i want to see report

on my desk

yes sir


what are you doing

it is last month’s report how did you

make a mistake like this

oh sorry sir i got the wrong report

not only you arrived late but your mind

was also not focused on work

i’m sorry

ten minutes later i want to see your

this month’s report and the reason why

you’re late this morning


trixie guess what happened

i don’t know

i said because of the banana so i was

late he got angry again

i’m speechless

i was so annoyed

today whatever i touch they are broken

how do you feel now

i’m suspicious of myself and sad

you can’t control what happened or will

happen to you but you can control your


let’s get back to your mood

don’t doubt yourself you are my

beautiful and talented friend

thank you i feel better

let’s eat something


situation two my boyfriend doesn’t care

about me anymore


you look unhappy today

what happened

i’m very disappointed

don’t tell me you’re arguing with your

boyfriend again

yes we argued but what happens he always

calls me first

but now he didn’t call anymore even i

called him he didn’t pick up

don’t worry too much maybe he’s busy

he ignores me we rarely text these days

why are you arguing

when i’m excited he’s bored when i’m

angry he doesn’t care i’m silent he

doesn’t care

when i want to go out with him he always

says he’s busy when i left he didn’t

stop me

i am confused now


thinking so much will make you more


does he still love me

go and ask him how do i know

no way i won’t call him first again

i don’t care about him anymore

maybe he doesn’t ignore you he can’t

hear you

because he’s so focused on thinking

that’s how men’s brains work

what does he think

and you you just said you don’t care

about him anymore

i think you should keep yourself busy

read books listen to music watch movies

work cook take care of your skin


what if he still doesn’t call back

after he comes out of his mind box he

will call you


yes he will call to let you know that

makeup or breakup

hey you make me nervous

i’m just joking but don’t let one guy

bother you too much if he likes you he

will say it and show it

because he’s a man

if not don’t expect it just waste your

time and skip many guys who like you

you’re right

and if you’re just like this i feel

you’ve lost yourself no longer a happy

and smiling girl as before

you’re right

thank you my friend

true love makes us wonderful happier

every day without worry or sadness i

don’t need a heartless boyfriend

so how do you feel now

now i feel confident positive and great

thank you so much

i’m glad to hear that


situation three

my best friend confessed to me


what’s wrong my sister your face looks

like a monkey

i’m not a monkey i’m still in shock

what happened to you

i said that i went out with andrew


oh yeah i remember


we were walking

suddenly he stopped and said he liked me

i was speechless for about five minutes

i’m so surprised

you and andrew are best friends right

i know

i’m so confused

how did you answer him

then i said you called me and i ran

straight home right away

oh my girl come here let me tell you

about my memory

what’s the memory

i used to have a best friend we were

very close on his birthday he said he

liked me in front of a lot of friends

oh my goodness how many people were


all the members of our class were there


so how did you

first i was surprised

then i’m confused and embarrassed

what did you answer him

i said we should be friends

what happened next

he was bewildered

then ashamed and sad

that’s what i felt then he said it was

just a joke

but after that we weren’t as close as we

used to be

he avoided me

how about you

i don’t want to lose him

but i don’t know if i like him or not

we’re just friends

what should i do next

ask yourself

ask your heart

don’t ask me


situation 4

it’s not what i expected


what’s up my son

you look so sad

i feel depressed dad

what’s up can you tell me

i’m so disappointed in myself

don’t doubt yourself

i was assigned to the company’s project

i remember that you said if you complete

well you will prove your creativity to

everyone and maybe you get promoted

but i failed the project did not bring

profit as i expected

the project doesn’t make a loss right

yes dad

you’re still lucky many people fail

completely and go out of their own money

people tell me not to be sad but i’m not

satisfied with myself

so do you know where the problem is

i haven’t reviewed the report yet

and you have time to sit here sad

i have worked hard i’ve been

enthusiastic all month but

find the problem help you do better next


negative emotions don’t help it makes

you feel unconfident doubt yourself then

you have missed the opportunity to learn


you’re right dad

don’t look back on the past and feel

regret let’s learn from the past

thank you so much

dad you’re the best i feel better now

working hard is good but you also need

to relax and keep your emotions positive

then your creativity and your mind will

go further


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