Five English GET Expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and today i want to share

with you five expressions using the word

yet to help you sound more like a fluent

English speaker so let’s get going

actually number one is get going let’s

get going

you can use this expression if you are

going to a friend’s house and your wife

is taking a long time she’s drinking her

coffee she hasn’t even gotten dressed


so you can say come on let’s get going

we’re going to be late hurry let’s get

going number two number two is get up

get up has two uses they’re similar

meanings the first one for example could

be at a concert and the band is onstage

and the singer says alright everybody

get up let’s sing and all of the

audience stands up get up they get up

they stand up or you can use this in

your daily life and I’m sure that you’ve

used this in your native language a lot

if your children or your husband or your

wife or even your friend they’re

sleeping so long and you want to get

going you can tell them come on hurry

get up get up

it just means wake up wake up get up get

up get out of bed alright let’s go to

number three number three is get ready

get ready now for example tonight some

of my friends are coming over for dinner

so I could say I need to get ready I

need to go to the grocery store I need

to make dinner I need to clean my house

I need to get ready for my friends to

come over and I can also say I need to

get my house ready for my friends and

get my house ready means just clean up I

need to prepare for my friends I need to

get ready number four number four is

potentially a little

dude if you say it in the wrong way so

I’ll teach you to say it in the best way

possible it is get over it now let’s

think of an example I was talking with

one of my students last week and she

told me she just moved not just moved

but she moved to America a little bit

ago and she was invited to an American

family’s house she was so excited to

finally meet some Americans have some

American friends so she went over to

their house her kids went over to their

house and she brought a cake to share

with them and no one ate the cake it was

they said it was too close to dinner

time and no one ate it she felt really

disappointed like there was a

misunderstanding or miscommunication and

in this scenario if I said to her ah I

see that you’re disappointed but you

should get over it you should forget

about the problem that’s not very nice I

need to sympathize with her oh I’m so

sorry that happened to you let’s think

about how we can do it differently in

the future

ah that’s that was disappointing but if

I said to her I forget about the problem

it’s not a big deal just get over it oh

she might feel pretty upset but that’s

pretty rude but how can we say get over

it to be polite in this situation I can

to say get over it and be polite but she

can say it about herself so when she’s

telling me the story I went to a

friend’s house and they didn’t eat my

cake and I felt disappointed but you

know I should just get over it it was

just one time it’s not a big deal I need

to get over it and forget about it oh

that’s okay because she’s telling

herself get over it

all right number five number five is

also a little bit strong it is

get out actually that’s the closet but

get out get out tell is leave leave my

house get out I’m so angry just get out

so please only use this if you’re very

angry if you use this you could joke and

say I’m so angry get out it’s a joke

that’s okay but it is very strong so if

you use get out make sure that you’re

using it in the right context leave get

out I also want to share with you a

bonus get expression that is similar to

get out but it has a very different

meeting meaning it is get out of here

get out of here get out of here is not

negative it’s not angry it’s actually

positive so for example if my friend

told me that she was moving to France

and she’s so excited she got a great job

she’s going to be living in Paris I

would be so happy for her so I would say

Oh get out of here that’s amazing I’m so

happy for you it’s an expression of

surprise of happiness get out of here

it doesn’t mean get out it is just an

expression to show that you’re surprised

so when an American says to you or you

hear in a movie get out of here

it doesn’t literally mean okay I’ll get

out of here it means they are very

surprised and happy for you

so I’m curious are any of these

expressions new to you and when you hear

them in the movies or when you hear

native speakers use them in your daily

life or when you use them you can feel

confident that this is how native

English speakers use the word get and

you can use it correctly so leave me a

comment below and tell me are these new

for you and I hope that you can use them

soon talk to you later good bye