How Do You Feel English Common Question English Conversation for Speaking Practice


how do you feel

this is a weekly meeting at peter’s

company and peter is getting nervous

because he is applying for the higher

position in the head office and will be

given the result for today

he is on the way to the meeting and

meets his colleagues charlie and emma

hey peter you look nervous

ready for the announcement huh

yeah i am wish me luck charlie

you’re good enough for this position you

will have it

hey peter remember to call me after the

meeting we will celebrate for it

if i take the position sure

and if not we will get drunk

that’s enough for today

for the last news as you all know we are

looking for an executive consultant for

a marketing position at the head office

there are four people candidates for

this position including peter in our


and after a time of considering and

evaluating from the board of council i

have the result here



peter you are chosen for this position

omg really

hey congratulations


peter come up here

peter share something let us know

how do you feel now

thanks boss

omg i’m so excited

i don’t know what to say


well first of all thank you all i can’t


i can get this position

well it has been six years since the

first time i worked here and well i

can’t believe that i can go this far

from a clumsy intern who didn’t even

know how to use adobe

and was too clumsy that spilled coffee

on a usb containing a colleague’s

presentation material


i’m still so sorry leo for that time

even he doesn’t work with us anymore

and thanks to our boss marco who was my

manager at the beginning

and always generous and cheers me up

after every failure

at the beginning you were always

frowning and extremely meticulous i was

really scared of you back then

but thanks to that have progressed very

quickly and achieved a lot of success in

my career it was you who taught me to

become the person i am now

thank you margot you are my boss but

also my teacher value i am nothing

let us all cheer for our boss marco

and thanks to all you guys

who were always standing by my side

welcomed and accompanied me walking

through all of the difficult


and especially to my team charlie emma


raj i love you all

let’s go out and cheer up for this news

after work it’s all on me


this is the monthly meeting and julia is

excited to get the promotion that takes

the place of richard who is going to

work at another branch since next month

julia has worked here for nine years and

about 99 sure that she can get this

position so does everyone else think


all right i think that would be enough

for today and now for the last news

as you all know richard will no longer

work with us

he is going to be working at another

branch since next month

and after considering as well as

evaluating all of you i finally have a

result here


let us all congratulate ross

ross come up here

wow thank you thank you all

i will do my best and


one more round here

are you okay

you’ve already drunk a lot

how can i okay

it’s not just disappointed or upset it’s

betrayal will

it has been nine years since i worked


nine years will

and that junior who has just worked here

for three years could take the position

which was supposed to be mine

how could he do that to me

i’ve devoted all of my youth to brac and

that was how he treats me

yeah i know

you totally deserve this position and

everyone in our company also thinks like

that we were really shocked when we

heard the announcement

after the meeting i heard from our

colleagues that he is the son of one of

the bosses from the head office

that’s why he was chosen

richard can’t have any choice in this



son of one big boss

oh great now everything makes sense i

have tried so hard for what

still for nothing it’s all meaningless

bravo me


i’m so sorry

here cheer

i’ll be drunk with you

i have decided will

i will quit the job

yeah i think you should

you should work in a place that

appreciates you more


can’t waste my time anymore

let’s cheer will for my escape



it’s 10 pm and the street is so quiet


nausea is running in quick and hurry

straight to nicole’s house

hey nicole

open the door hurry


what did you come so late what happened

i’m and it’s freaking scary out here

close the door hurry fasten it


what happened us

i just got robbed on the street

what oh my god are you okay

yeah i am fine but i was really scared

drink this warm water

okay tell me the details

well it has been raining all night and

has just stopped and i really like the

smell of the air after the rain

so when only three blocks left to your

home i decided to walk instead of

keeping in a cab

and unluckily when it was only one block

away from your house the street light

was out and was so quiet one man with a

knife suddenly stopped me and told me to

give him my purse i was freaking out

there and i gave him it right after

why didn’t you fight back you’ve learned

kickboxing for five years

he hit a knife nicole

who knew what could happen

plus i didn’t bring much money and my

phone was old

then he looked at me and thought back he

threatened and made me follow him into a

small alley nearby

i felt some things not right here and

refused i was scared that maybe he

wanted to rape me

i didn’t have any choice i took the

opportunity and punched him right in the

face nose and throat gave him some kicks

also beat him to the ground took my

purse back and ran straight to your


didn’t you get hurt

nah i’m fine

i think we should call the police

possibly he went after you and could be

somewhere around out here

yeah you were right let’s call them

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