How may I help you Learn English Speaking Practice Everyday


900 basic english conversational


lesson 43 at the police station

dialogue one

help police

what’s wrong

my daughter is missing i can’t find her


okay calm down i’m going to help you

find her what’s her name


she’s only five she doesn’t know how to

speak spanish

okay what does erica look like

she has brown curly hair

she’s skinny and small for her age

okay what is she wearing today

blue shorts and a pink t-shirt

and where did you last see her

we were just shopping in the vegetable

section i turned around and she was gone

don’t worry everything is going to be


dialogue 2


i was robbed

when did this happen

it happened this morning

what did he take

he took my phone and my wallet

did you see his face

i saw him perfectly

would you be able to pick him out of a


i could do that

lesson 44 at the cinema

dialog one

which genre do you usually like

romance action or comedy

i think i’m in the mood for a good

action film

inception is showing at the moment it’s

really good

okay i’ll go for that one then please

how many tickets would you like

just one i have a student card does that

make it cheaper

yes that will be six euros would you

like any drinks or popcorn

popcorn please

yes we do small or large

small please

okay that’s 11.50 altogether please

here you go

thank you enjoy the movie

dialogue too

i guess this will be a good movie

yes it gets lots of good reviews

buy tickets to see this movie

of course let’s go

lesson 45 at the hospital

dialogue one

hello how may i help you do you look


i’ve been feeling pretty ill for a few

days now

what are your symptoms

i feel

chilly i’ve got cramps i keep throwing

up and i feel dizzy and tired

it sounds like you might be a bit

dehydrated do you feel thirsty most of

the day

yes i can’t seem to drink enough



is the surgery a major one

yes it is

how long will it take

five hours

will i be given a local or general



will there be any after effects

except for weakness and a little nausea

you’ll be fine

will it be painful afterward

yes but don’t worry you’ll be given


lesson 46 at the post office

dialogue one


good morning what can i do for you today

good morning i have to send this parcel

to london please

okay pass me the parcel through the

opened window and let’s see how much it


500 grams do you want to ship by air or

by c

how different are the rates

well your parcel is 500 grams so by air

it will be fifteen dollars or by c seven


it’s okay but airmail is fine

okay do you need anything else

oh i nearly forgot i need to buy two

books of stamps one first class and the

other second class

okay that will be three dollars

dialogue two

yes young man how can i help you

i want to send a letter by speed post

okay at first you have to fill up this


how much will it cost

since you are sending only a letter it

will be less than 50 grams the cost will

be five dollars for local delivery and

fifteen dollars for international


where do you want to send your letter to

i want to send the letter to italia

well as it is out of the country it will

cost you 15

okay i see

just fill in your name address and the

name and address of the receiver in this


okay here is the money

here is the change young man

lesson 47 at the bank

good morning welcome to the national

bank how can i help you

good morning i would like to open a bank


sure thing what kind of account would

you like to open a savings account or a

checking account

what’s the difference

a checking account is designed to use

for everyday transactions

money in a savings account is meant to

stay in the account and earn interest

over time

i see

i just need a checking account

you can open a savings account too

all right open both

you need to deposit at least fifty

dollars into both accounts

i will be depositing three hundred

dollars today

i will set your accounts up right now

would you please put a hundred and fifty

dollars in both accounts

yes your account is set up now and your

credit card will be mailed to your

address within five to ten business days

thank you for your help have a good day

thank you you too

lesson 48 at the restaurant

good evening how can i help you

i would like a table for two please

this way

excuse me can we sit by the window

oh i’m so sorry but the window tables

are all reserved would you like to sit


you can enjoy some fresh air and the

lighting is beautiful

that sounds great

before your main course would you like

to order an appetizer

sure that sounds great

where are your appetizers listed

they are listed on the first page of the


the chicken and cheese quesadilla looks

good good i’ll take that then

how about the main course

i’ll take the spaghetti and grilled tuna

what would you like to drink

just water please

would you like something for dessert

yes i’ll have the cake please

lesson 49 in the barbers and


dialogue one

hi max just the usual today

actually i’d like it a bit shorter than



how short are we talking do you want a

buzz cut

well i don’t want you to shave it all

off but i’d like it as short as possible

okay hang tight while i grab my clippers

dialog 2

what do you want to do

i want to have my hair dyed the roots

are already showing how much will it


the dye will be ours or do you have your



what color would you like

i want to dye brown yellow it looks good

on me

okay we have it would you like me to

wash it before cutting

okay wash it

how much do i pay you


all together will be 50 dollars

lesson 50

at the party

dialogue one

do you plan on attending the party on


i haven’t decided yet are you going to


yes i’m going because it’s going to be

so much fun

is it really

when does it start

it starts at 8pm and i really think you

should go

well who else is going to be there

the whole school is going to be there

what makes you think it’s going to be so

much fun

there’s going to be a live dj

food and drinks at the party and a

special guest

that sounds appealing

so am i going to see you at the party

certainly i am definitely going to go

dialogue too

happy birthday my sweet honey

thank you very much dad here is my gift

what a lovely present

okay honey cut the cake

lesson 51

at the hotel

dialogue one

good morning welcome to the ballegio


oh good morning i’d like to make a

reservation for the third weekend in


do you have any vacancies

yes sir we have several rooms available

for that particular weekend

and what is the exact date of your


the 24th

how long will you be staying

i’ll be staying for two nights

how many people is the reservation for

there will be two of us

and would you like a room with twin beds

or a double bed

a double bed please

great and would you prefer to have a

room with a view of the ocean

yes i would love to have an ocean view

what’s the rate for the room

your room is three hundred dollars per


dialogue two

i have a reservation under the name of


could i see your id please sir

certainly here it is

thank you sir

now do you have a credit card sir

yes of course is visa okay

yes your room number is 507 queen bed

non-smoking is that agreeable to you sir

yes that’s just fine

i’m happy to hear that here is your key

just dial zero if you need anything

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