How To Finally Understand And Use English Grammar

hey today’s lesson is broken down into

five different

sections the first section is where i

will teach you how to

select specific grammar rules

in section two i will teach you how to


various explanations of grammar rules

in section 3 i’ll teach you how to write

example sentences

based on the grammar rules in section 4

i’ll go over a real life

situation and then i’ll show you how to

organize your

thoughts related to the grammar rules

and finally in section five i’ll give

you a five day action plan

that will help you apply what you learn

in this lesson

and also improve your english grammar

now today’s lesson is going to change

your life but before i start

i need you to do something very special

for me you see i want to help students

just like you around the world i want to

help 1 billion students

and in order to do that i need you to do

three things i need you to

like share and subscribe come on here we


like share subscribe come on i said like

share subscribe last time like

share subscribe i’m teacher tiffany


jump right in


all right so here we go section number


step one select a specific grammar

rule to study alright so here we go

the thing is you need to focus on one

grammar rule

at a time it is important to focus on

one at a time

you need to challenge your brain to

figure out the rule

you are studying at the moment you know

sometimes when you’re studying

you have too many things on your plate

and you need to focus on one thing

so focusing on one at a time now

doing this will help you concentrate on

one thing

it will help you remember the rule

you’re studying

faster and it will also help you use

the new rule properly so again we’re

looking at

selecting a specific grammar rule now

another important thing is

you need to pick one that matches your


so it is important to find one that


your level pick something that you can

grasp or understand but that also may

challenge you

a little sometimes students pick grammar

rules that are

way above their level and they get

confused and frustrated

i don’t want that to happen to you so

for step one

you do want to pick a specific grammar

rule but you want to make sure it

matches your

level now this is important why because

it helps you to feel

more confident it also helps you to


on improving step by step

and it also helps you to learn grammar


you can apply immediately all right

now another thing is you need to

remember to keep track

of what you learn you see by

focusing on one specific grammar rule

you’re able to

keep track of what you learn it is

important to keep track of what you


in other words it is important to know


progress this will help you stay

encouraged it will help you to set and

reach new goals and it will also

help you to see how much you have truly

improved so again step one is

select a specific grammar

rule now let’s move on to section number

two which is actually

also step number two find five

different explanations of the

rule now this is important this will

help you see the grammar rule

from different perspectives basically

you will explore

and understand every aspect of the

grammar rule

you see what happens sometimes you’ll

find a grammar rule right

maybe you’ll find it in a book but you

don’t understand

what the grammar rule is actually saying

you need to find the same grammar rule

with a different explanation somewhere

else you see

the more you understand the better you

will use it another thing to remember is

right here

this will help you remember the grammar


faster in the future

basically you will be able to recall

or remember various ways of using

the grammar rule edgar allan poe said


to observe attentively is to remember

distinctly now for pronunciation i want

you to watch my mouth

to observe attentively

is to remember distinctly

so basically what he was saying was hey

when you take time to

truly dissect something and understand

it from many different angles

you’ll be able to apply it better

later alright now another reason why

it’s so important for you to find five

different explanations is because

this will help you explain the grammar


to other people better remember in a

previous lesson i told you all the

importance of

sharing what you learn all right so


you will be able to teach someone else

comprehension leads to application

if you don’t understand something how

can you apply it so it’s very important

to apply step two

find five different explanations of the

grammar rule

now moving on to section three which is

actually step three

write 25 example sentences based on the


25 yep i said 25 and let me tell you why

it’s so

important to select 25

so you want to have example sentences

that will help you see how the grammar

rule is applied

you want to have five beginner sentences

this will help you understand the rule


simple sentences that use the rule then

you want to find

five intermediate sentences this will

help you

expand simple sentences

you want to find five advanced sentences

this will help you combine complex ideas

and maybe you’re asking yourself

how do i know if a sentence is advanced

intermediate or

a beginner’s sentence so think about it

like this for a beginner sentence

think about maybe three to five or six


for the intermediate about seven to ten


and for an advanced sentence any

sentence that is

uh ten or eleven words or more you can

think about it like that okay

now the next five need to be in the past

tense about a past situation this will

show you how to apply it to

past experiences and finally future

this will show you how to apply it


it’s so important for you to write 25


sentences all right now section

number four we’re going to look at a

real life situation

and see how you can organize your

thoughts now

for those of you who have followed me

for a long time you know how much i love

the five w’s who what when where and why

so let’s see how we can organize our

thoughts and speak about this situation

but first let’s see a real life

situation here we go

all right so we see some individuals

sitting down we see two guys and a girl

and it looks like the guy on the

computer is very focused

well this is actually an exchange


he selected a grammar rule that he

didn’t understand

now remember creative thinking i saw

this picture and said

hey it’s an exchange student doing

creative thinking practice right

now number two ah there are two

tutors there’s a book and the internet


the exchange student found five

different explanations

or sources for the grammar rule he got

an explanation from each tutor he got an

explanation from the book that’s on the


and maybe two different explanations

from the internet all right

now number three here we go using the

computer he starts

typing out a ton of example sentences

the 25 example sentences we talked about

in step three

so now how can we turn this into a

really good answer or description of the


so for who i’d say the exchange student

for what

studying english grammar with his two

american tutors

when one afternoon where at an

outdoor cafe why he learned how to


understand and use english grammar using

the three

steps all right let’s pause really


so we see that we have organized our

thoughts who what when where

and why we’ve spoken about this

situation this exchange student is

studying english grammar

and he’s applying the three steps that i

just taught you

so let’s see how we would actually

explain this or say this here we go

one afternoon oh that answers when

an exchange student and his two american

tutors were studying english grammar

together they were sitting at an outdoor

cafe and the weather was great

the exchange student was actually an

intermediate english

learner so he could speak english with


but he decided to study more because he

had learned how to finally

understand english grammar using the


process from teacher tiffany


so you see how we combined everything we

learned right

and we actually were able to organize

our thoughts to speak about the


now again you’ll notice that i have some

of the words bolded

and put into this light brown color so

you can see

where i answered the who what when where

and why all right so now let’s move on


section number five because i want to

give you the five

day action plan that will show you how

to apply

what you learned all right so again your

frustration is

english grammar is difficult here’s what

i want you to do on day one

you can watch a youtube video or read an

interesting english blog remember

it needs to be about something you are


in now while you’re watching the video


reading the blog you need to select one


structure that is difficult to


on day two you’re going to find the

grammar rule

that sentence is based on find

five different explanations so you see


this is spread out over a five day

period the first day you’re just

enjoying yourself watching the movie or

the video

and reading the blog and just selecting

one sentence

then on day two is when you’re gonna

search and find the grammar rule

that sentence is based on and five

different explanations

now on day three what you’re gonna do is

you’re gonna find

and write down 25 example sentences

that use the grammar rule so you see

that on day three you’re going to be

doing a little bit of searching

don’t forget you want five beginner

sentences five intermediate

five advanced five about the past and

five about the future

all right now on day four what you’re

going to do is

memorize 10 of the example sentences

you can choose you can choose whatever

you want whichever sentences you want

you can choose but on day 4 you need to


10 of the sentences giving your brain an

opportunity to get used to the patterns

all right

now on day 5 this is where it gets fun

change the sentences you memorized

you’re gonna change one or two details

and make your own

sentence so let’s say for example the

basic sentence

i found was molly and jack decided to go

home after the movie right well i can

change it and i can say

my brother and i decided to go home

after the soccer game i changed little

details but the sentence structure is

the same

and that’s what you need to do so again

five-day action plan i know english

grammar can be difficult but if you

follow this five-day action plan i

guarantee your english grammar

will improve now i always like to add a

part two to my lessons to help you

improve even more

and i also have a part two for today’s

lesson but it’s only available for my

academy students

for part two i have the pdf file that

goes over everything

we went over today i have a five day

action plan

worksheet that you can print off and

actually practice

what i taught you today and i also have

a video explanation explaining how to

use the worksheet

i love helping students just like you so

if you want to take your english to the

next level

and you enjoyed this lesson you need to


part two get the action plan worksheet

get the pdf file and watch my

explanation video click the link that

you see right here on your screen

join us i know that you’re gonna learn a

lot i really hope you enjoyed today’s


i love teaching students just like you

remember i need you to like share and


so other students just like you can

learn a lot

thank you so much for joining me today i

truly enjoyed this lesson and i was so

happy to teach you

i’ll see you next week but as always


to speak english


you still there oh yeah it’s

story time ay i said his story

time all right guys so for today’s story


i’m gonna tell you a story about my


when i lived in south korea now many of

you know that i studied in korea

i went to grad school and i studied

oriental painting i love to paint and i

love to draw

i am a vegetarian but i’m actually a


so my diet is very very

i have a very specific diet right things

i can eat and things i cannot eat

now living in korea let me say this one


for those that are korean watching this

video koreans have

amazing food it’s really

delicious their dishes are so good but

there are so many dishes that i

can’t eat because i don’t eat meat so i

have many friends you know friends that

were missionaries with me

when i went to korea and they’ll tell me

even now


korean um like the chicken dishes they

say tiff they’re

so delicious so i missed out on a lot of

dishes because i am vegetarian i’m vegan

but i want to tell you about the

situation with my professors so

koreans love meat right they can cook

really well

and they like to eat meat they really

enjoy food which is why i liked korea a

lot too

i enjoy eating so my professor

you know in korea sometimes the bosses

or the professors or

whoever is your superior he or she will

take those who are

under him or her out to eat right and

they’ll pay for their food so

the professor used to take the students

out and he always had a hard time

because i was vegan so they’d go to a

restaurant and he said tiff well we know

you can’t eat anything i said it’s okay

i’m okay

so one day he said tiff you know what i

don’t know how you

only eat vegetarian food or vegan food

how can food be good without

meat i said oh professor listen i’m

telling you

if somebody cooks it right if somebody

cooks it right the food is good

so he said i can’t believe i can’t

believe you now all of this is happening

in korean i’m just translating for you

in english

so one day said you know what tiff okay

i’ll try it

there was a vegan buffet on campus and i

would go there almost every day because

i could eat everything on the menu

i said okay yeah come so it was my

professor me and some other students and


they were very apprehensive they

couldn’t believe that

any vegan food could be delicious i said


all right now let me tell you this as

well i love korean food

yes because the flavors are good but

also because they have a lot of fresh

vegetables depending on where you go

a lot of their traditional dishes have

fresh vegetables now they also have meat

in them so it’s a little bit hard to

pick the meat out

but they do use a lot of fresh

vegetables so my professor arrived at

the vegan buffet and i’m excited because

i’m about to eat

he said i don’t know about this so

everybody filled their plates up

we sat down so i’m thinking in my head

huh i wonder if they’re going to enjoy

the food

so we start eating and i’m watching him

and i see his face

huh wait a minute this is kind of this

is kind of good so i said oh

do you do you like it professor we’re

trying to say oh it’s okay it’s good

he said tiff this is this is delicious i

said oh ho ho

i know so we laughed and i said

professor you know even if it’s vegan it

can still

be delicious if someone flavors the food

right or you know puts the right

ingredients in the right seasonings

so we had a good laugh he said i’m not

going to become vegan tiff but this food

was good so

for those of you out there who have

never tried vegan food or food that has

no meat eggs

cheese or milk in it trust me if someone

cooks the food right

oh baby you gonna like it too so

i have that memory and i always remember

my professor enjoying the food

all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed

this story time remember if you want to

watch part two

click the link you see it right here on

the screen and also click the link in

the description and you can watch part

two of my lesson

i will see you next week