How to Improve Your English Resume English Business Tips

yes we are streaming I didn’t see you

push the button hi Internet welcome back

to this week’s live stream welcome to

this week’s live stream welcome back to

our weekly broadcast thanks very much

for joining us today

today’s topic is improving your English

resume so today I have a lot of points I

want to talk about we’re going to talk

about three categories as usual in this

lesson we’re going to talk about resume

format so how to organize all of your

content that’s one second of course

we’ll talk about grammar and vocabulary

and then third we’re going to talk a bit

about some kind of general tips - so

there’s actually a lot I want to discuss

so we’re going to begin in about three

minutes three minutes or so as we wait

for everyone to join live so if you’re

not watching life will begin in a couple

of a couple minutes after this all right

for now for people watching live hi

thanks I see you YouTube welcome Allison

Moines Marcin Rosario new Ian Alberto

digi micro technologies MOOCs

sun-hi from Philippines and Brazil and

Algeria Wow

so many people it seems like there are a

lot of people in the chat right now

great welcome and facebook chat is up he

day and now Saad and luan hello

everybody on Facebook good so please

remember to we have of course Facebook

and YouTube streams and you can also

watch us on Twitter now very exciting so

I’m going to share that tweet and then I

will be ready to go um so if you are

just joining of course please make sure

to hit the like button as you join as it

will help other people find the live

stream so if you are just joining today

we’re talking about how to improve your

English resume so we’re going to begin

in about two minutes then two minutes


but for now I have a couple points I

want to review with you excuse me

first if you joined us in last week’s


you remember maybe that we talked about

making breaking and changing your plans

so I want to share just a quick example

like I of course did something over the

weekend and so here’s my example this is

something I did I went and saw a play I

went and saw a play however I invited my

friends to attend with me and I used the

expression we talked about last week I

said are you free on Sunday are you free

on Sunday I’m going to see a play do you

want to come so this is the play I

thought I saw a Shakespeare play a

friend of mine was assistant director

for the show it was awesome this was

really really cool so I shared a post on

Instagram so if you missed it last

week’s show was about making and

changing your plans so check that out if

you missed it it’s on the YouTube

channel and the Facebook page

alright Twitter is also up fantastic so

let’s get into it

oh I have one more point last week we

had a really good question Dolce asked

about the expression can’t make it I

explained the expression I can’t make it

to something I can’t make it means I

can’t come I can’t come to the thing but

Dolce asked is the expression can’t make

it always followed by on like I can’t

make it on Sunday or I can’t make it on

Saturday no we can use on for days I

can’t make it on a specific day of the

week is ok but you can use two before an

activity I can’t make it to your party I

can’t make it to the seminar so thanks

for your question Dolce all right let’s

go though to this week’s topic as I said

this week we’re talking about ways to

improve your English resume so as I said

we’re talking about formatting hey there

we go

this week we’re talking about resume

format and we’ll talk about grammar and

vocabulary and also we’ll talk about

some general tips you okay we’re

four minutes in so welcome I see lots of

you in the chat hi so let’s get started

let’s get started so I want to begin

today with the formatting category so I

have a couple of points I want to

mention about resume formats English

resume formats also I want to mention

too that I’m going to talk about this

topic from the point of view of a of an

American so meaning this is the way that

resumes in the USA are commonly created

and commonly formatted so that’s my

perspective it could be different in

your country but this is kind of my my

approach and maybe the typical approach

to resume preparation in the USA so if

you don’t know if you don’t know someone

asked Husain asked in YouTube what is a

resume a resume is your work and

education history so you submit a resume

when you apply for a job so I know a lot

of you are job searching and a lot of

you are things like studying right now

and thinking about how to apply for jobs

so you need to submit a resume when you

do this so that’s what we’re going to

talk about today okay so let’s begin

with a few formatting points a few

formatting points for today we’re going

to start with ya three points I want to


okay first one first one here is on your

resume Farrukh can why not with

subtitles because this is a live

broadcast like we can’t we can’t add

subtitles to a live broadcast at this

point in time so okay so formatting we

use bullet points so bullet points means

this for example so a small like mark on

your on your paper so in this case I’m

using this this little - as a bullet

point but you might also see like this

is this is the most basic

form of bullet points like this

you’ve also maybe seen something like

this like a diamond shape so generally a

simple a simple one is best like this

like this this is probably best so use

bullet points to introduce each item on

your resume so please use bullet points

that’s one two is use numbers where

possible so I have where possible you

could say when possible use numbers so

this point by this I mean if you are

talking about your work achievements and

you want to explain like an improvement

you made at your job don’t only say

don’t say I improved like sales or like

I improved number of page views or

whatever so give like a specific number

like for example 15% increase or 50%

increase in something or like give a

specific number where possible so don’t

only say I improved something or like I

decrease like this bad thing this

negative thing try to use an actual

number where you can so please consider

this use actual numbers to talk about

your achievements

third then is to include a career

summary statement so I got this actually

I know many people include a career

objective statement and in doing some

research for this for this lesson

actually I found that English speaking

resume advisors recommend not using a

career objective statement but instead

using now a career summary statement so

what’s a summary statement so career it

means your education or your work

history until now which is one but

summary means like a short kind of a

short general overview so what did you

do how

can you explain quickly in like maybe

two to three sentences yourself how can

you explain your career like an

introduction to your career at the

beginning of your resume so if I’m a

person and I get your resume how can I

quickly understand who you are so that’s

the purpose of a career summary

statement so this is one that now resume

writers recommend okay so this I want to

I want to ask you then to practice this

and we can so please think of how you

would summarize how would you make a

career summary statement for yourself so

I know many of you are still students

which is fine but imagine you are

applying to a job so how would you how

can you summarize your work history or

and/or your education history so let’s

try please send it into the chat and

then we can take a look at it and maybe

fix a few things if we see it so let’s

begin today with this question so what

is your career or your education if your

student summary statement so this should

be meant like let’s try for two

sentences two sentences alright so for

example mine my career summary statement

would be like editor and translator with

extensive experience in presenting for

mass audiences secondary focuses in

video production and online marketing so

those are my interests and those are the

things I have experience with so those

are the things I would include in my

education or my career summary statement

okay so please send along I know this is

a long question but please try to send

how would you summarize your career how

would you summarize your education so

give an introduction to yourself on a

resume to begin so who are you in

their words quickly how can you explain

I think everyone is typing it’s going

very everyone is thinking the chat has

slowed down it’s tough it’s tough so so

good things to do are to include some

job titles and like the focuses of your

work yeah so I think everyone is

thinking chat has slowed down okay

uh yeah okay great Gabby your first on

Facebook says I studied international


I’m currently osya currently working as

an auditor on ISO 9001 Oh what is that

iso 9001 mmm good so great so Gabby

included her studies international

relations and her current job currently

working as an auditor nice nice okay

Cheung nian what does summary mean

summary means overview so an

introduction how can you explain your

career in a short phrase in a short

expression a very brief introduction

thanks sighs okay nice okay the answers

are coming in um Hamed on YouTube says

detail-oriented careful oriented is Ori

EMT oriented certified management

accountant with five plus years of on

hand experienced on does on hand mean

like on the job I would say five plus

years of maybe on-the-job experience is

that perhaps it nice though thank you

that was great leo says I have a degree

in software development I’m a soft I’ve

been a software developer for six years

nice I’ve been I’ve been oh okay it’s

going fast now okay

Giulio says I am an electronic engineer

I have been working for a big company as

a maintenance engineer perfect Israel

says I’ve been a Salesman in a company I

sell material for construction and

decoration etc so I’m going to talk

about grammar points in part two today

but please be careful just to give an

introduction if you’re explaining your

job now your responsibilities now use

the present tense if you’re talking

about your previous positions use past

tense or

perhaps present perfect or maybe past

perfect tense I’ll talk about that

Philip says I completed my I I have

completed nah time I have completed my

graduation or sorry I graduated in

mechanical engineering with aggregate

percent 75 so maybe I completed a degree

in mechanical engineering with what is

aggregate percent I’m not familiar with

the expression aggregate percent is that

something you know us mm-hmm

not sure yeah that’s aggregate percent

is not something we measure in US

universities so I’m not sure aggregate

percent Messiah on Facebook my final act

my academic background is a professional

school for dental technician let’s see

so my okay so maybe final academic

background would be my highest level of

education is professional school for

dental technician so if you’re talking

about like a semi uncle that would be

like a vocational school so if you’re

talking about a specific school to learn

a specific skill we have an expression

for that which is vocational school Dada

nice keywords so if you want to mention

you went to a specific school like to

learn one specific type of skill it’s

vocational school you can say I went to

a vocational school I don’t know if

that’s your case Messiah but I went to a

vocational school to become a dental

technician I’m not sure nice okay so

these are a few examples of how to give

an overview of your career or your

education so please if you are preparing

an English resume please start thinking

about your career summary statement how

can you give an introduction to your

career alright good so let’s take a

short break

um we if you missed it last week we

introduced the team the awesome awesome

team thanks so much to the great team

put together seven brand-new PDF sheets

check them out there they are whoo so

there are some that we have had for a

long time but if you check the link

below the video on YouTube

and above the video on Facebook you will

find that there are seven new PDF sheets

at the bottom of this page so of course

today we’re talking about resumes and

work and business and so on however if

you want to check the PDF cheat sheets

for some other information like daily

life information we have a lot of new

stuff for you to check out so it’s all

free please take a look at this if you

know that there’s like a gap in your

vocabulary or if you know that there’s

something you need to study for like

upcoming travel or maybe an upcoming

event check these out or any even if you

don’t have something coming up you can

go you can go to this webpage and just

download all of them free now and check

them later

so um do that yeah check it out so the

link is below the video on youtube and

above the video on Facebook yeah alright

if you’re just joining don’t forget to

like the video share the video all that

good stuff today we are talking about

how to improve your resume so if you

don’t know some keywords resume means

your work and education history

paperwork so you use a resume when you

search for or when you apply for a job

so this is a very important piece of

paper a very important document for many

of you okay so yes thanks for joining us

we’re going to go to the second topic

for today so topic one was are yeah

point one I guess was about formatting

really so second I want to talk I

started to talk a little bit about this

vocabulary and grammar word choice and

vocabulary oh did I really write that

word choice in vocabulary oh that was

mistake sorry I should have written I

should have written sorry that’s my bad

word choice vocabulary and

grammar I want to talk about here sorry

guys that’s my fault that’s my phone

anyway this is our second point all

right uh oh yeah someone on facebook

says resume is called curricula CV

curriculum vitae yeah CV and resume are

very similar for today we’ll consider

them the same we don’t have time to

explain the difference oh thanks

okay so yeah word choice vocabulary and

grammar points let’s go now to these so

I mentioned in response some of you sent

your career summary statements on

YouTube I mentioned these two points

quickly already so first one using

present tense for current position so

current your current position means your

job now or your studies now what do you

do now current means now so use present

tense to explain your current positions

so someone says someone said like I sell

machinery or like I do

I don’t know dental work for example or

I teach English on the internet so use

present tense present tense so I teach

also please remember the difference

between present like simple present

tense and the present progressive tense

we use present progressive tense for

temporary actions so don’t say I am

selling machinery for example if you’re

talking about a regular action say I

sell machinery you don’t need to use the

progressive tense to talk about your

regular responsibilities use the simple

present tense there then as I mentioned

if you are explaining your previous job

so I have X job here this is kind of a

casual way so if you want to talk about

your previous positions please use past

tense or perhaps past perfect it depends

please use past tense

to talk about your previous jobs so to

give similar examples

I sold machinery or I taught a language

or I worked on houses I built houses

whatever so use past tense for your ex

jobs or past perfect so please consider

current position and previous positions

we’ll use different grammar when you

explain things so these are a couple of

grammar points also this common it’s

common on resumes to drop articles

so remember articles are like a and and

the uh an enough so when you prepare

your resume and if you check resumes if

you google just do a google search for a

sample English resume you will find that

oftentimes these articles are removed in

the resume so you don’t need to say like

I work at a blah blah blah or I I I am a

member of a bah-bah-bah we commonly drop

articles in resumes so this is another

point y1 it saves space and - I think it

just helps us kind of focus a little

more on the keywords as well this you

see this in headlines newspapers as well

dropping articles - so there are a

couple reasons there but yeah it just it

saves space as well it sounds it just

sounds more professional it sounds

cleaner it sounds more formal so that’s

one tip if I can’t I can’t talk a lot

about this today because we don’t have

much time

but um if you want to take a look at

this a quick Google search will help you

so check out like English resumes just

google that okay then the last two

points are about vocabulary choice

actually so one is use formal language

use formal language so a problem that

has appeared among some young people

I’ve learned is they use a very casual

or even like internet or texting


in formal documents so please don’t do

that please don’t do that use formal

language when you’re preparing your

resume use formal language be polite

second choose strong verbs so a verb

like I do sales is using the verb do is

not a very strong verb instead think

about ways to show how like maybe you’re

a really good salesperson so did you

improve sales like you could say

improved sales by 50% for example or

like increased revenue by 3,000 percent

I don’t know so choose strong verbs so

I’m going to talk more about it later

but think about how to highlight what

you’re good at doing don’t just describe

the stuff that you do so your vocabulary

choice matters here so choose strong

verbs this you can really you can think

about this not just for a resume but

also just when you prepare like any kind

of like profile or like a bio or

whatever think about how to use strong

verbs to really showcase what you’re

good at doing okay so with this then

with this second group of points please

our second question for you today I I

asked you first to just to do like a

career summary statement now we’re going

to focus on this grammar point the first

one here present tense for current

positions so please describe your

current job or current studies think

sighs your current job or current

studies tell us what do you do now but

try to use formal language try to think

of a strong verb to explain your work

and try to use formal language for an

extra challenge try to drop the articles

  • this is tough I know I have lots of

tough tough things for you guys to do

today lay says how do you write your

first resume if you don’t have job


yeah a good question if you don’t have

job experience you can include your

education experience what did you study

also include your extracurricular

activities extracurricular I’ll write it


extracurricular means the things you did

outside of school that are like sports

or club activities or maybe like events

you organize extra curricular activities

so if you are a student and you don’t

have job experience you can talk about

your extra curricular activities

extracurricular activities so this word

extra means outside and curricular the

rec the base there someone mentioned

curriculum relates to like school and

learning and study so outside your study

activities essentially so if you don’t

have job experience you can do that so

please describe oh great

alright as I was explaining

extracurricular activities we have some

excellent examples Wendy says I’m

studying project management and actually

I’m working in sponsorship area what

does that mean a sponsorship area so I

would say getting sponsorships for

events kind of maybe yeah okay so I

would use again I study so like studies

in maybe project management working in

sponsorship I’m not quite sure what

specifically that one is but nice rindra

says hi Ranger I teach lower elementary

classes in a Montessori School nice okay

good I’m studying computer science and

I’m looking for a job but I’m out of my

maker marker I’m not quite sure about

that one gear me I’m a technician

reproduction management on cows I breed

cows okay so good so describing your

current job I’m before your job title

you in running text in regular text you

should use an article I

Oh Baba that’s fine and then in your

description you can remove articles and

stuff leo says I’ve been working with

software development currently I’m

studying a new language of programming

to improve my skills in web development

that was nice really good nice one

Jim face says I’m examining the role of

genes and specific cells that control

bone formation whoa interesting so not

examining about I’m examining the role

of genes in specific cells that control

bone formation hmm that’s the that’ll

make it perfect nice one Tarek on

Facebook I’m an architect I’m an

architect I have 12 years of experience

okay nice start so then one day what is

your specialty like are you specialized

in renovations are you specialized and I

don’t know the specific material what

kind of buildings do you make so try to

give lots of details what is it that’s

like a highlight for you what is it

that’s special about you that nobody

else can do why should I hire you

convinced me

so think about them um I study software

engineering and I have worked fixing

computers Andre yeah mmm

I’m working in the Department of

Computer Science in the University of


Zhang Lin sorry if I pronounced that

wrong so I work I work in I work in

remember present tense simple present

tense for your regular actions I’m work

it’s sorry I work in the department of

computer science is correct Jeremy how

can I say that I don’t have experience I

would not say no experience I would not

say that again I would focus on your

studies what have you studied

and so what maybe you’re working towards

a certification for example if you don’t

have any experience think about ways to

get like related experience or to talk

about other things you know how to do so

that you can gain some experience

yeah all right uh I’ll sad dig sorry if

I said that wrong I’m I graduated in

electrical power engineering and I

worked for three years in the same major

in my country but currently I’m working

in a glass company in the US okay nice

so I graduated ah thank you for your


I graduated from maybe like the school

of Electrical Engineering I don’t know

or I studied Electrical Engineering and

power so when you want to talk about the

university where you studied and you

finished your studies say I graduated

from blah-blah-blah University I

graduated from ba ba ba with a degree in

your major that’s a good one so I don’t

have time to write that out okay yeah

there are a lot of there are a lot of

things to read that it looks really nice

um Lai yes you can um I have to go on

though to the last point ooh actually

I’m like totally out of time aren’t I

can I finish a couple points and then

we’ll do the break or do I just need to

finish third points and then finish it

okay all right we’ll go to the last

group which is just general tips so I’m

out of time so we’re going to just talk

about some general tips to finish

today’s lie um so let’s continue on do

that doo doo will be up in a second so

the last thing for today and by the way

if you’re just joining today we’re

talking about how to improve your

English resume if you haven’t make sure

to LIKE the video - we’re almost done

alright so the last category for today

is just some general tips first one is -

when you share what you did on your

resume explain your role in your

projects some problems I have seen in

the past nah not me but I have just seen

this people will sometimes claimed

responsibility for a project but they

don’t say specifically what did you do

so for example I can’t say like I am in

charge of English class

no like there’s a big team of people

that makes the lessons possible that

makes the videos possible that makes the

livestream possible so I if I want to

explain it I have to explain my role so

you should do the same thing in your

projects in your work what did you

specifically do don’t just say this

project I did this project or I made

this building or something explain

specifically what did you do so what are

you good at in other words next is share

your specific achievements so I

mentioned it at the beginning of class

this part be specific so if you can

share numbers you know what specifically

did you do don’t just explain like your

job description we don’t need a job

description but specifically what did

you do what did you achieve at your job

okay third right with your future in

mind so think what do you want to do in

the future so don’t focus yourself like

on the past what did you what have you

done what have you done but like what

are you aiming to do in the future so

the things you have done in the past

think about how to use those for the

future oh this one is very important we

have it twice customize your resume for

each job that’s my fault

it’s my fault I just I have it in two

spaces on my notes I’m sorry ice sorry

sorry sorry I must have been excited

about this point anyway customize your

resume thank you guys sorry okay

customize your resume for each job that

means don’t when you are applying for

jobs it’s my fault when you’re applying

for jobs don’t send company a and

Company B and Company C exactly the same

resume like

look at company a and Company B and

Company C like what are the vocabulary

words they’re using in their job posting

like what specifically are they looking

for so customize your resume use the

same vocabulary words that the job ads

are using so make sure your resume

nicely matches the company you’re

applying to so customize your resume

don’t just send the same one to a

million companies all right so that’s it

those are my general tips there’s a lot

more to do but unfortunately I talked

too much as usual but thank you guys so

much for joining in and thank you for

your awesome example sentences

unfortunately we have to finish for

today so if you missed it today’s live

was about improving your resume you can

of course watch this again on the

YouTube channel Facebook page or on

Twitter that’s great and please feel

free to send some questions of course if

you have big questions as well like I

try to answer a really small question at

the beginning of each live stream if you

have a big question you can send those

to the ask Alisha page if you like

that’s that’s might be a good idea maybe

I could do a resume episode that could

be good a business episode a business

Q&A episode ooh yeah that’s a nice idea

so if you have resume and job

application questions you can send them

to me on the website and I can make a

Q&A video about them so we’ll finish

there for today next week will be the

next live stream as always the same time

same channel so that will be Wednesday

March 14 Wednesday March 14th at 9 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time that’s New York

City time so if you don’t know your

local time just do quick google for 9

p.m. Eastern Standard Time and you can

find your local time next week’s topic

will be how to talk about music movies

and TV woo how to talk about music

movies and TV so I want to give you some

kind of nice

sheral ways to explain what you like

what you don’t like things you have seen

things you have heard we’ll talk about

movies and music and media mm-hmm so

please join us again next week for that

then of course thank you very much as

always for liking and sharing the video

and thank you so much for participating

in the chat too I know there were some

tough questions today

but I hope that it it helps like to sort

of think about these things so we’ll

finish for today but please make sure if

you haven’t already there a bunch there

are a lot of new PDFs in the link for

free below the video on YouTube and

above the video on Facebook so when this

video finishes go download those they’re

totally free just grab them and you can

study them any time so yes please join

us next week March 14th and we’ll talk

about media so enjoy the rest of your

day enjoy the rest of your night enjoy

the rest of your week and I will see you

again next time bye bye
