How to improve your English Speaking Skills

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you improve your

english speaking skills let’s talk about

it i probably get at least two emails

every day that ask me the same question

students ask me

vanessa how can i improve my english

speaking skills that’s a great question

because speaking is so important for

communication if you need to communicate

only by email only by writing maybe you

don’t care about speaking but if you

need to communicate and talk with other

people your speaking skills need to be

understandable and as natural as

possible so how can you improve your

speaking skills there’s actually one

answer this answer is pretty simple but

sometimes you need a good reminder do

you want to know what it is you have to

do it just speak you have to speak this

is the only way that you’re really gonna

improve your speaking skills is by

speaking actually doing it there are a

lot of ways that you can speak you can

speak with yourself you can answer a

conversation question every day at home

you can make a video and share it with

other people in my facebook group there

are a lot of English learners who are

making their own videos speaking and

using English you can meet up with a

local meetup group who meets at a cafe

and they speak English together maybe

everyone are English learners it’s okay

no problem this is the goal speaking as

much as possible speaking with yourself

speaking with a group speaking with a

teacher speaking with someone in your


speaking online finding another partner

someone else who wants to connect and

speak English this is the best way to

improve your speaking just do it

just speak

last week one of my English students

told me that she found an

english-speaking partner online from

Spain and they just met on the internet

and they talked on skype for three hours

that’s amazing they just asked each

other questions and they helped each

other to exercise their speaking muscles

did they speak perfectly probably not

did they make mistakes yeah probably but

it didn’t matter because they were

exercising and they were speaking one of

my other students connected with another

person that he found on my website and

they talked together on skype for 30 or

40 minutes and they had a great time

expressing themselves and trying to say

as much as possible so my encouragement

for you today is you have the Internet

you have no excuses speak English today

out loud and as much as possible and now

I have a question for you that I would

like you to answer out loud and to also

share with us in the comments so if

you’re not on my website now click the

link below this video so that you can

write your answer and also speak it out

loud my question is when was the last

time that you spoke English maybe it was

right now you’re speaking out loud

you’re trying to answer this question

out loud maybe you talked with a client

maybe you talked with a tourist who

asked you some directions let me know

when was the last time that you spoke

English and I’ll see you the next time

goodbye if you enjoyed this video be

sure to download my free ebook where you

can learn five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker you can share

it on Facebook upgrade the listening

audio version and don’t forget to check

your email to get the free ebook let’s

see what it is

all right here is the free ebook you can

download yours today just click on the

link and it will be in your email within

a few seconds thanks so much for

learning with me bye