How to Learn MORE English Words Fast

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want to learn new words and phrases fast

so you can speak and understand more of

your target language

in this video you’ll learn all about

space repetition flash cards

you’ll learn about why this particular

study tool is so useful

and how using it can help keep

vocabulary words fresh in your mind

first here’s what’s new with our


you can now access your flashcards on

any mobile device they’re mobile


so visit the site on any device iphone


android or any tablet access the

flashcards and learn anywhere

anytime but what if you’re a new

language learner and have never seen

this tool before

second what are spaced repetition flash


what are they and how do space

repetition flash cards teach you words

and phrases better than

regular flashcards first imagine a

regular flashcard

imagine a teacher is quizzing you with

paper flashcards

on the front you see the word in the

target language

the meaning of the word is on the other

side your teacher shows you the target

language word and asks you what the word


if you get the answer right your teacher

puts the card in a pile of correct

answer cards

if you get the answer wrong your teacher

puts the card in a pile of wrong answer


spaced repetition flashcards are like a

digital version of this

but a computer sorts your answers into

correct answers and wrong answers

and then chooses which cards to quiz you

on accordingly

with a spaced repetition flashcard you

see a word you mark whether you know it

or not

you learn whether you are right or wrong

then you get the next word

but what exactly is spaced repetition

third how spaced repetition works

this is the part of the tool that makes

the flash card so powerful

if you get a word wrong you’ll see that

card more often until you get it right

the card will keep popping up until you

remember the answer

spaced repetition flash cards help you

focus on the words you don’t know yet or

the words you’re weak with

instead of asking you to review words

you already know well

if you get a word right you’ll see that

word again in perhaps two days

if you get the word right again after

waiting two days you might see the word

four days later then 16 days later and

so on

as you study and remember words the

flash cards will appear less frequently

this is because you’re remembering the

vocabulary and don’t need to spend time

studying the words you already know

spaced repetition flashcards help you

study words at the right time

the flashcards will track your progress

this means you don’t have to remember

which words you got right or wrong

the flash parts you were twist on will

be customized to your knowledge level

every time you study and the quizzes

will also help you keep your memory


remember we don’t learn things simply by

seeing them once

by repeating our studies over a period

of time we remember things

better and the best part is that you can

study vocabulary and phrases in just a

few minutes a day

so if you’re on the train or bus going

to work you can put that time to use

take out your phone and learn new words

just a couple minutes every day will

help you learn new words fast

if you want to check out our space

repetition flashcards or any of our

other language learning tools

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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