How to Make an English Study Environment Learning Strategy

hi everybody and welcome to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia

and in this week’s lesson we are going

to talk about how to create

an english study environment oh no i put

a typo in the lesson title

how to create an english study

environment so that means

how to make it so that you

have only english around you

how to make a space for yourself

so this week i’m going to share some


uh for you sorry for you and for your


uh and also some tips uh some things

that you can think about maybe you

already do this

so a few things that you can do uh to


improve your english study environment

so i hope that you find something new

and exciting in this week’s lesson

as always a couple of quick

announcements first thing first

a big big announcement is about this

banner at the bottom of the screen

we have a black friday sale for


watching our live streams this week uh

if you don’t know if you’re not

familiar on friday uh it’s called black


it’s a very big popular shopping day so

our team has a 51 off sale on premium

and premium plus

subscriptions so if you want to study

with us use our tools use our lessons

our resources please check out the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you are


on facebook to get this 51 off i think

this is the biggest one for the year i


so make sure you check it out if you are


that is announcement number one

announcement number two is as always

if you have questions for me you can

send them to me for this series the ask

alicia series our weekly

question and answer series where you can

send me

your questions and i will definitely i

will 100

for sure read your question and maybe

answer it for this series so you can

send them to me

uh at

ask hyphen alicia the link is in the

youtube description

also yes you can follow me on instagram

here if you would like the link is also

in the youtube description so follow

along there

okay that’s all for our announcements

this week

again this week’s lesson if you missed

it if you’re just joining

we are going to talk about how to create


english study environment how to

surround yourself with language

okay so i think that everything is

running i think our youtube

uh watchers are there hello youtube

hi everybody honey steven uh gene hi

marco farisa ashwani jonathan welcome

everybody thanks very much for joining

youtube i’m sorry facebook i’m coming

for you facebook

uh if you are just joining for the first

time or maybe uh

for the first time in a while i am

broadcasting from home

due to 2020. so facebook it looks like

facebook is okay too

great i see you facebook i’m checking

you here hi ernest abdi gustavo heinken

hello everybody good everyone’s here so

i’ll show you today’s lesson boards and

then we’ll get started

it’s very bright it’s hard for me to see

today okay so

today i have a few

uh well i’ll just show you this is what

we’re going to talk about today

we’re going to talk first about what

immersion is what is immersion

why is it important second we’re going

to talk about

media how you can make an english study

environment with media

and third we’re going to talk about uh

some other ideas

like your electronic devices online

groups and so on

to make an english study environment so

let’s get started everybody’s here

fantastic facebook are you okay is

facebook all right

okay facebook’s okay good all right

let’s get started

first what is immersion why should we


why is it important let’s take a look

let’s begin here for today so immersion

immersion i’ll put this here immersion

then what is immersion

so maybe this is a new vocabulary word

for some of you

immersion means surrounding yourself

with something so imagine uh like water

if you surround yourself if you are in a

swimming pool or in a lake

or the ocean that’s immersion that’s a

noun immersion

in this case we are going to talk about


in a language so that means being


by a language so immersion is a great


to work on your language skills so

this is a big question from many of you

i see it in the comments a lot

how do we surround ourselves with a


if we can’t go to the country where the

language is spoken

so i know a lot of you are studying at


and you can’t go to or you can’t study

abroad or work

or so on in the country where they speak

the language in this case english so how

do we

create an immersion environment in those


today i’m going to focus on these three

topics we’re going to talk about media

so that means books

tv youtube facebook uh

local and online groups and

electronic devices this means like your

phone your computer

and so on okay so

now someone says there’s something funny

about sound quality okay

well does does that improve it let me

know okay

so we’re going to talk about these three


but before we start talking about these


i want to talk about a couple points


so first create time in your study


for immersion so that means uh maybe

like you study from a textbook or from

uh flashcards or you attend like an

english lesson once a week

maybe in your language but make


part of your study session so that means

make time to use

only the language you’re studying make

time to use

only english that’s one point here

and also make sure you give yourself a


to do active and passive practice

this is another point i’m going to talk

about later

active and passive practice or active

and passive study means

actively listening for new words or for

grammar patterns

passive is when you turn on like a

youtube video in the background

and wash your dishes like wash your

clothes you’re not really listening it’s

just there

that’s the difference so remember to do


and passive practice so

lots of people say this in response to

that that when i

when when we talk about like watching a

movie or listening to music

they say this but i can’t understand


and the answer is that’s okay like it’s

okay if you don’t understand

everything in your immersion practice

that’s completely fine

immersion helps you to get familiar

helps you understand the rhythm

of a language grammar patterns key

vocabulary and so on etc

so you don’t need to be focused on


everything remember this is for your


right okay so this is what immersion is

and we’re going to talk

next uh about some ideas so you can

create a space

in your home or in your life to only

use english okay all right

good i see no questions if you have a


about this lesson today you can send it

in the chat and i will try to get to it

okay so quick break and then we’ll go to

some tips and some ideas

for immersion environments so first

well first the only thing for the break

this week is to make sure

uh you check the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook

for this 51 percent off sale for black


okay good so i’ll show you our lesson


one time and then we’ll go to part two

here we are

so now we’re going to talk about media

how do we use media to create an english

language study environment okay let’s go

also i forgot to tell you

please make sure to like this video and

share this video

so other people can find today’s lesson

that would be super super cool if you

like it

it will help other people find it okay


let’s go to media how do we use media

to create an immersion uh environment

how do we immerse ourselves in a

language with media

i have three main groups here

so first is music music

so music means you choose in this case

you choose a song in english or you make

a playlist of

english only songs so you listen to


again active and passive

listening that means sometimes you

listen really really closely

to the song for words and try maybe try

to sing along

sometimes you play it in the background

so actually

uh so well this is kind of a form of

active listening right i hope you know i

hope most of you are listening

actively to these weekly lessons okay

so let’s go to this next point this is a

tip that you can use

to use music specifically for your


you can search for song lyrics

lyrics this word means the words of the


song lyrics we don’t use this for movies

only music

song lyrics and read or

sing along so that means read the words

at the same time

so you listen to the music and you read

the words

you read along or you sing along

meaning you sing at the same time as the


so this is a way to use music and media

for immersive practice

then another tip you can look up

new words in the dictionary look up new

words in the dictionary means

you check the song lyrics and you

search your dictionary to find new words

so you can use this for vocabulary


yeah using music to do this so

this is a really a fun way i know for

many many people to practice

another tip something i did when i

started studying

another language i translated songs so

it wasn’t a perfect translation so i


i still study in japanese and i

found the lyrics i used google i did a

google search

for song lyrics and i wrote the song


by hand and i translated i used a


and my knowledge of grammar i translated

the songs

into english like one line at a time so

was it perfect no but i was studying and

practicing and that’s what was really


okay so these are some tips to

use music let’s talk now about tv

and movies and youtube and facebook and

this kind of media

again active and passive listening

is very important so i know from

i read the comments many people like to

turn on the video and play it in the


in their house or play it as they do

something else

that’s passive listening yeah

so we’re not focusing on the topics

we’re not focusing

on the lesson maybe active listening is

also very important active participation

so what does that mean for tv or for

movies or for youtube videos what does

that mean

so some ideas a lot of people

ask subtitles what should i do with


subtitles are the words that appear down

here yeah in your native language or

they can be in english

depending subtitles people say should i

use subtitles should i not use subtitles

take a step back imagine you’re not

going to watch

just one time so you can use

subtitles in your language to understand

the topics

maybe this is good if you are a beginner

if you don’t have a big vocabulary

you can also use subtitles in your

target language

so that means for example if you’re

watching this video

or a different video on our youtube


and you can you can read the things i


in english so this using

your target language english language

subtitles in this case

can help you to catch words that are

difficult for you to hear

so i speak slowly on this channel but

this can be really really helpful if you

have a favorite youtuber for example and

they speak really really fast

you can use the subtitles in english to

catch what they’re saying

so subtitles you can use again like i


for beginners maybe you can use them

to understand the story but it’s very


to listen also to how the person speaks

naturally so remember subtitles are a


right so make sure you pay attention to

the rest of the story the rest of the


too and again don’t watch just one time

that’s a key point here i’m going to

talk about later

maybe watch it one time with subtitles

and one time with no subtitles

and then again with subtitles so there

are opportunities to refresh

your mind okay another

idea this is for the tvs

or tv shows and movies that you watch

you can

search for the script and look up

new words so script means the words

in the tv show the words in the movie

the things the actors say

yeah search for the script again use

google google is your friend for your


seriously so you can search for the


and look up new words and then watch

again so you can use tv and

movies and sometimes youtube videos this


to actually build your vocabulary

but again you have to be active about it

you can’t learn these things just

like playing a movie in the background

you have to take some time and do a

little bit of research

to find those new words okay so

here are some ideas for tv movies

youtube videos

and if you have some different ideas of

course please send them

in the chat i don’t see any so um

oh good uh commodity says podcast is

active or passive

well but it can be either again active


passive study means

you it’s up to you you decide so music

is not active or passive so active means

i am paying attention i am focusing and

trying to learn

passive means i play it in another room

and i’m not focusing on it so it’s up to


podcasts you can use in the same way


a podcast if you don’t know a podcast is

an audio

file like an interview or a discussion

or someone talking

about a topic many people like to use

this okay uh jermaine says alicia what

should i what happens

if the song lyrics are too fast and i

don’t understand

every word let’s go back to part one for


this i don’t understand everything

that’s okay that’s okay if you don’t

understand everything that’s okay

so that means you have an opportunity

look up

the words research the new words in a


so you can understand them right so if

you don’t understand the words

check them out find new words that way


uh good yeah chokochoko says set your

phone to your target language that is in

part three i have done that that’s one

of my favorite

tips okay cerek says i’m reading books


english i don’t understand everything

but it’s a good exercise

definitely yes definitely oh

uh john carlo lanois says how about

streaming oh

interesting do you mean well i mean this

live stream is

actually a lesson so i think this is


a good study a good opportunity to


yourself you have 30 minutes with me

each week

so that’s a good chance to use only


i mean you could make a live stream

yourself that sounds tough

but you could totally try that’s great

okay last point here is about books and

magazines someone mentioned

books and magazines you can make flash

cards for each

new word you find when you are reading

so what does this mean this is actually

this is a tip i like to use

i choose a book so my guide for choosing

a book or a magazine

like i don’t like to study with

textbooks for me personally

at my level i like to find a topic

that’s interesting to me

like my hobby or something i want to

learn about

i choose a book in japanese that’s like

i can understand about 70 or 80 percent

then i read very slowly i read very


and i check the words i don’t know i use

a highlighter in my book

highlight the words i don’t know and


at the end of my study session i

look up the highlighted words and make a

vocabulary list

so that becomes my flashcards so i use

my books my reading like just enjoyable

reading books for my flash card study so

this is a

this is something that works really well

for me you can do this with

anything written with newspapers with


whatever so this is one of my favorite

tips blogs yeah rocio says the same


so blogs you can do this as well so you

can do the same thing

with that okay um raphael says improving

or getting better are the same thing

uh in this case they are they mean the

same thing they mean the same thing

depends on the situation okay

last point here very very important i

mentioned before

review review please please please

please please

review this is the big point in today’s


don’t watch a movie just one time for

language study

watch and listen to things many times

to refresh the information in your mind

so when you want to use a movie to study

or you want to listen to a song to study

listen to it many times over many days

just like you do when you listen to a

song in your native language yeah

you hear it on the radio like once a

week or once every day or something

and you learn the words right do the

same thing with your language studies

so make sure to review it’s very very


okay uh lauritza rodriguez on youtube

says i used to mark the words i didn’t

know the meaning of

i’ve learned a lot of vocabulary by

doing that yeah you pick up

you pick up like you learn a lot of

vocabulary words

naturally through reading and making a


of those new words great okay nice

um all right so that is all for part

two last we’re going to go to part

three so we’ll take one more short break

and then we’ll go to the last

portion uh if you missed it

there is a 51 off uh sale

our black our team’s black friday sale

is now happening you can check the

information from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching

on facebook check it out uh

i think that it’s i think it’s the

biggest sale of the year i’m pretty sure

maybe somebody can confirm but

it’s a very big one so if you want to

study with our materials

with our resources and our lesson check

it out i hope that it is helpful for you

okay let’s go to the last part for


lesson i’ll show you today’s lesson

boards again you can take a screenshot

if you want

ready go okay so we talked about part

one what is immersion

what is it why should we care why is it


then we talked about media some media

ideas thank you for your ideas too

lastly we’re going to talk about

electronic devices

and local and online groups

boom let’s go okay so

part three oh also if you have not

please make sure to like and share this


so other people can find today’s lesson

okay um let’s see

i’m looking for your questions all right

let’s go boom electronic devices how do

we use

electronic devices to create an

immersion environment

someone said earlier one of my tips here

this is a tip i use and

i love set your phone

or your computer’s language to the


you are studying so that means this like

set your phone

your mobile device or your laptop

computer desktop computer whatever

set the language to english if you’re


english this is a good tip i s this is

in japanese my phone is in japanese

my computer is in japanese i have to use


every day that way lots of people say

but it’s so

hard it’s so hard i know

for me too at the beginning like the


maybe weekend or the first week was so

difficult it took me such a long time

so a tip then you can

try this like if you need to use your

computer for work or you need to use

your phone really quickly a lot

and like your level is a little too low

so you don’t feel so comfortable right

away you can try

for like a weekend like on your day off

or something

or maybe an hour like while you’re

studying you can change your phone’s


to english so you you practice that way

for like two hours or something

so remember it’s okay if it’s difficult

at first it was difficult for me at

first too like oh

i don’t know these vocabulary words it’s

not in a textbook

but it’s a really good way to practice

and you you and you use them every day

like if you change

your computer’s language to english

you’ll learn so many words because

the review is natural by using your


you use the same vocabulary words all

the time right

so it’s perfect it’s perfect way to do


review okay um

all right let’s go to the next point

local and online groups local and online

groups you can use these

to create an immersion environment so of


maybe you have a conversation group

maybe you have a like a conversation


once a week or something or maybe you go

to a hobby group

that uses english in your case so of


maybe it’s a little difficult this year

to meet many people in person

you can look for these online too

so this is actually an example of that


we have every week in our live stream of

course a lesson but in the chat

this is an option to use only english

and everybody writes in english in the


on facebook and on youtube so this is an


of an online space where you can use


you can immerse yourself in english

every week

okay madrista says what does target

language mean

target language means the language you

are focused on the language you want to


so probably most people here study


but i know many people are studying

other languages too

so you can use these for any language

not just english

okay um i’m looking for your questions

okay let’s go to the next point social

media accounts

okay this is one that i use that i like

to use

that’s easy to do so social media

follow people that are interesting to


if you’re studying english i think

everybody’s studying english here

you can follow people that are

interesting to you your favorite

celebrity maybe or like your favorite

artist or a magazine or

something interesting for you in english

so follow on like instagram or twitter

facebook whatever

and then read their posts so

i think too it’s really important to

uh make time to check their posts

sometimes because i know

sometimes i follow an account like on


and i think oh i’m going to read this

account’s information

every day but sometimes i feel tired and

i don’t want to take the time

to try to understand a lot of new

vocabulary words

it’s okay but make sure if you follow

someone for study you try to

understand their posts too so look up

new words

in their posts like in their instagram

caption or on their

twitter feed or something so you can

follow people on social media

to do this so this one’s good

okay uh next one is online

discussion forums online discussion

forums so

online discussion forums means this

means like uh

like discord maybe some of you know

discord that’s an example

you can type and you can speak in

discord there are speaking

chat groups you can join there there are


just online like zoom i think groups

these days especially that you can check

out too

so there are places where you can

practice writing and

places to practice speaking yes you will

need to take some time to maybe make a


if you can’t find a group of people but

you can

create these opportunities okay

also youtube communities these can be

great places so i mentioned before

uh like our comment section here uh

people have the opportunity

to meet up together and i’ve seen a few

people like making

groups they make groups of friends to

practice together with so

you might find in youtube communities

some places where you can practice and

immerse yourself

too so i want to finish here with a tip

a quick tip about uh these groups i know

many people feel shy

uh especially beginners maybe you feel

like your confidence is low

you’re not ready but you want to

experience it

you can if you feel shy about speaking

or writing in an online group you can


join the group or follow like a social

media account

or so on and just read just read the


so for example lots of people write in

the chat every week

on facebook and on youtube here but you

don’t have to

you can just read the comments and see

what people say

and then when you feel comfortable then

you can write a comment

and see how you feel so

take it slow take it at your pace okay

so these are some tips for how to create


english language study environment or to

create an environment

anywhere uh with any language so i hope

that this helps you

all right that is it for this week wow


flies by it goes so quickly these days


i have to end there but i hope that you

found something

useful i hope you found some tips to


your own immersion environment i’ll show

you today’s lesson boards one more time

so you can take a screenshot in case you


it there okay so this

is what we talked about today immersion

of course

surrounding yourself with a language

some ideas

for media and some ideas for your

devices your electronics and online and


groups of course big point as always

please don’t forget to review review

review review it’s very very important

to review okay that’s all for this week

um i’ll be back next week what did i say

next week’s topic

next oh my gosh next week’s topic is

going to be

expressions for reflection sorry i made

a typo i have to fix uh

expressions for reflection so what does

that mean

december 2nd next week it’s very bright

in here it’s hard for me to see today

next week’s lesson december 2nd this

year is going

so fast oh my gosh i’m going to talk

about expressions for reflection

reflection this word this word means

looking back on something so i thought

for the end of the year

we could practice remembering this year

what happened this year

thinking about this year like our


at the end of the year so how do we do

that in english

that’s what we are going to practice in

next week’s lesson so please join me

next week

to practice reflecting in english

okay uh we’ll finish there for today

so i hope that you had a good time i had

a good time

also please don’t forget if you want to

get the 51

off sale check out the link below the

video on youtube

or above the video on facebook uh if you

want to oh if you want to follow

social media accounts you can follow us

of course uh on instagram or on twitter

uh that’s in the youtube description you

can follow me on instagram or twitter


also in the youtube description so if

you’re watching on facebook

please check the youtube video there uh

and i think that’s it so thanks very

much for liking and sharing the video

uh thanks very much for your great

questions and your comments that was

super fun so

enjoy the rest of your week enjoy the

rest of your day and i will see you


next time