How to make an English study plan for 2022

back to our weekly live stream my name

is alicia and in this week’s live lesson

we are going to talk about how to make a

study plan for 2022. i always like to

start the year with a lesson like this

to help people as they decide their

goals for the year and to give you some

tips about some steps you can take to

hopefully help you achieve your goals as

well so as you joined today’s lesson

please please please please please make

sure to hit the like button and of

course share this video so that other

people can find today’s lesson that

would be super super cool while we wait

for people to join us live please make

sure of course to send a message in the

chat if you’re watching live and a

couple of super quick announcements

announcement number one is about this

banner at the bottom of the screen that

says test your level now this is a great

time of the year to test your level you

can find from the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video if you’re watching on facebook

this page right here

you will find on this page if you scroll

down uh some more information about the

level check that our team has put

together so you can log in first with

your name and email address if you don’t

have an account you can get one for free

and this will tell you uh the four steps

to get this test started and then some

information about the

results of the test so if you want to

check your level

check it out take a look at the link

below the video or above the video

if you’re watching on facebook that is

announcement number one announcement

number two as always if you have

questions for me please send them to me

please send them to the official

question submission page for our weekly

q and a series ask alicia question and

answer series called ask alicia you can

send me your questions about grammar

vocabulary culture prepositions

something weird that you heard in a

movie whatever you can send them all to



ask hyphen alicia i will definitely

definitely read your question i will

definitely read your question please

don’t send me your questions on youtube

or facebook comments there are way too

many i cannot i cannot check them all so

please send them to me on the official

question submission page okay cool so do

that also if you want to find me on

social media on instagram or twitter you

can find those links from the youtube

description too okay cool that’s our

announcements quick super quick

announcements for this week because i

have a lot to talk about today today’s

lesson as i said is about making a study

plan for

  1. so today’s lesson

i have six steps so i’ve made a six-step

process i hope you can follow for any

language actually this is not just for

the english language

but this will be six steps to hopefully

help you to

choose your goals and understand your

level and what to work on next okay so i

think everything is rolling yeah i see

everybody on youtube hi everybody on

youtube alexandra khanwajit odom cindy

hi mauricio hi

pabis hello hi everybody and facebook is

also here fantastic okay hi uh jim paul

and lang hello lopez hello

hello from laos hi welcome okay i am

going to like and share the video now

and then we’ll get started okay cool so

let’s get started uh today’s lesson

boards are the next thing i’m going to

show you here are today’s lesson boards

your first chance to take a screenshot

is now all right so today we’re going to

talk about a six step process to make a

2022 study plan assessing yourself and

choosing your goals checking your skills

and looking at your resources and your

schedule okay so let’s go through these

one by one uh there’s a lot of

information so let’s get going so

everybody is different right everybody’s

different so these steps are i

wrote these steps to hopefully help you

each person understand for themselves

the next step

okay so let’s begin step one step one is

to assess yourself assess yourself so

assess means to check yourself right so

that means these two questions asking

yourself for your language skills what

am i good at and

what do i need to improve what am i good

at and what do i need to improve so this

one don’t say what am i bad at like try

not to be so negative a key here for

today’s for today’s lesson it’s very

important this little heart be nice to

yourself okay so you don’t have to say

i’m bad at or

i can’t do this or i can’t do that you

can improve those bad spots right like

we all have weak points so think about

those things as like things to improve

about yourself okay that’s the purpose

of studying something right the purpose

of working on something is to improve

right so

be honest with yourself be honest with

yourself so what am i good at doing i’m

good at x y and z

and what do i need to improve so like i

said be kind to yourself because

everybody has weak points right so it’s

totally natural

to not be perfect right so here’s one

very basic example

i’m good at talking about my hobbies and

my life


i need to improve

my ability to talk about the news

okay i’m good at talking about my

hobbies and my life but i need to

improve my ability to talk about the


so this is a very general one so all of

you everybody’s a little different i’m

good at this and i need to improve that

right so

think about generally your general kind

of status right now so it doesn’t have

to be super specific but generally for

yourself okay

then after you think about this what am

i good at what am i not so good at okay


step two choose your goal choose your

goal okay maybe i should put like think

of this as choose your next goal right

so choosing your goal if you have

followed this channel or this video

series for a while you’ve probably seen

me talk about smart goals before yeah

but this is a very important concept so

choose your goal

this is important because i see a lot of

comments in the chat in uh ask alicia

submissions in other comments and

messages whatever so many people write

to me and say my goal is to be fluent in

english yes we all want to be fluent in

the language we’re studying but that’s

not a very good goal to set for yourself

of course of course it’s we we know we

want that thing but we need to give

ourselves targets right we need to have

something to aim for yeah


that’s the reason

smart goals are a good idea

so what is a smart goal smart stands for

these words here so a smart goal

has these qualities these

characteristics okay so a smart goal is


it’s a very specific goal so not i want

to be fluent in english it’s not very

specific okay

we choose something specific i want to

learn this vocabulary word i want to

learn these 10 vocabulary words very

specific right

a smart goal is measurable this means we

know when we achieve the goal so for

example when you study 10 vocabulary

words if your goal is to study 10

vocabulary words you achieved it we can

measure did i do it or not if your goal

is i want to be fluent it’s really hard

to measure fluency you can take a test

but it’s not a perfect measurement right

so measurable is a smart goal

achievable achievable so that means it’s

possible to do it so if you if you are a

super beginner and you say i want to be

fluent in english next month

it’s probably a little too difficult

like it’s probably not going to happen

so your goal should be achievable

realistic realistic so this means that

something is yes it’s possible to do but

also it’s good for your schedule and

your lifestyle right now so maybe you

think okay i want to learn


2000 vocabulary words


three months it’s like oh but

do i have time to study

so much every day maybe i don’t know but

is it realistic for you for your life

for your schedule okay

so think about this point too for your

your own schedule


time bound time bound in the past i’ve

called this timely i think but no today

i’m going to use time bound time bound

means there’s a deadline for it so for

example by next month or by the end of

the year and so on so your goal has a

deadline to it so for example i want to

be fluent

is it specific no is it measurable no is

it achievable

maybe but we don’t know when we achieve

it right is it realistic maybe perhaps

yeah is it time bound no so this is not

a very good goal

what’s an example of a smart goal

i want to learn 300 new vocabulary words

by the end of february


is it specific yes 300 vocabulary words

is it measurable yes we know when we

achieved it

is it achievable yeah 100 or sorry 300

words in one month and a few days okay

that’s possible to do is it realistic i

have time in my schedule to do this

is it time bound yes i have a deadline

the end of february so set your goals

in smart ways okay don’t choose big

vague goals right you need to have a

target if you just sit down to look at

textbooks every day with no goal

how do you know where you’re going so

make sure you set goals okay

all right i’m looking for your questions

and comments hello everybody saying



flying spaghetti i missed your

explanation of time bound what’s that

time bound means you have a deadline so

there is a time limit essentially a time

limit for your goal you have a deadline

okay so make your goals smart make a

smart goal for yourself

okay so let’s go to quick break and then

we’ll go to part two but this is step

one assess yourself so check yourself

and be nice and step two choose your

goal so this is your bigger goal yeah

your general goal okay in part two we’re

going to look at uh checking your skill

level dude okay

let’s do a break let’s have a quick

break and then we’ll go to part two so

if you missed it earlier uh the team has

created a level check that’s this banner

at the bottom of the screen that says

test your level now so if you want to do

a level check a free level check on you can find this

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube and above the video

if you’re watching on facebook this is a

sample of the results of the test but if

you go to this page and scroll down

you will find this one two three four

step process so you can take a look

at the recommended results and if you

want you can study with us with our

videos and our lessons and of course all

of our different study tools okay all

right let’s go to part two so check that

out if you’re just joining please don’t

forget to hit the like button and share

this video so that other people can find

today’s lesson okay

let’s go to part two now so part two

is about uh

what’s called can do questions so

i’ve talked about this on the channel

many times before but it’s important to

review this

so let’s take a look all right i’m

looking for your questions on facebook

uh i don’t see them so let’s continue

okay so

this part part three is about checking

your skills checking your skills your

specific skills so reading writing

speaking listening vocabulary how do you

check your skills okay so i’ve talked

about this before but

you can make or google search google

make or google a list of can i

style questions so this is something

that’s called a can


list if you do a google search you will

find them you’ll find a bunch many many

many many examples so check this out for


they are questions like can i introduce

myself can i introduce myself or can i

order food on the phone can i order food

on the phone or can i give a


so we answer these kinds of questions so

a list of these has a lot of different

questions with a lot of different levels

so we have usually three answers

we can use for these questions we can

say yes i can introduce myself for

example yes i can introduce myself

myself or

um a little but it’s hard a little but

it’s hard or no i cannot do that thing

so these answers are important because

they show us kind of the next place to

focus our time and energy



for example can i introduce myself if

the answer is yes you can think to

yourself okay great that’s great i’m

going to move on so great move on to the

next thing you don’t need to study how

to introduce yourself hello my name is

okay great i got it next go to the next

thing okay


if your answer though is no that’s also

okay can i give a presentation no okay

that’s fine

later so focus on that later that’s not

the focus for now

what you want to look at is these

answers so can i order food on the phone

maybe a little i can do it a little bit

it’s hard or it’s difficult so

this one this is your focus answer so to

these questions that you say it’s a

little bit difficult

why that’s your next question why is

that difficult for you why is it a

little challenging for example

i don’t know the grammar i don’t know

the grammar i need or

not enough vocabulary so i don’t know

enough vocabulary words


speaking is really difficult for me or

my listening skills need improvement

or a very common one low confidence

right okay


break this down


look at the list of questions

find the ones you can do a little bit

and focus on those so ask yourself why

is this difficult for me

and then

solve the problem so

solving this problem so finding the

answer or working on

this issue is your mini goal right so

you have small goals

inside your big goal so for example can

i give a presentation

a little bit it’s kind of hard for me



professionally is really difficult okay

so that’s my mini goal solving this


is my mini goal so i need to work on

that thing that is my new focus okay so

for this one low confidence though uh

this one this is of course slightly

different from building language skills

to work on confidence definitely do

things that you enjoy do things that

help you to understand yourself better

you have to practice you have to get out

there and do things and try things to

build your confidence yeah build your


it’s important it’s absolutely important


all right so

let’s uh go to uh one more quick break

and then we’ll go to the last part i’m

looking for your questions i don’t see

any questions right now is this all okay

uh what is mini goal your mini goal so i

said earlier in part one

i said here step two choose your goal

right choose your goal so that’s your

big goal like i want to learn uh

how to

i don’t know order a pizza on the phone

maybe that’s my goal for the month or

that’s my goal maybe maybe a bigger goal

is better but if you want to learn like

i don’t know 3 000 vocabulary words in

the next year big goal you have mini so

mini means small very very small so you

have a small goal inside your big goal

whatever your big goal is you need small

goals inside that so this process helps

you to understand the next to work on

and the next little goal

for you to work on to work on to put

your energy towards okay

all right uh good good good good

uh all right i’m looking for other

questions about the lesson

so let’s go to a quick break and then

we’ll go to the last part okay all right

let’s take a quick break if you missed

it there is a free level check this

banner at the bottom of the screen says

test your level now so if you want to do

a level check uh the level check our

team has created you can find it from

the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube below the video or

above the video if you’re watching on

facebook you can find this uh you just

need your name and an email address to

make a free account right here and then

you can follow this one two three four

step process

and you will get your results so take a

look uh i’ll talk about um resources

study resources in the last part of

today’s lesson but if you are looking


some lessons and some tools you can use

to study

check it out we have a lot of different

features at english class 101.


let’s go to the last part let’s go to

the last part

uh step four step five and step six if

you’re just joining please make sure to

hit the like button and share this video

so other people can find today’s lesson


um all right i am gonna continue on

uh let’s go


okay let’s continue on with today’s

topic if you have questions about

something totally different from today’s

topic please send it to the weekly q and

d series question and answer series

there’s a link in the youtube

description send it to ask alicia that’s

what it’s there for let’s continue with

today’s lesson today’s lesson topic so

step four for for making your study plan

step four check your resources check

your resources what did this mean

what does this mean sorry it means

look at

the things you can use to study what can

you use

to help yourself so what can i use to

help me solve the problem or problems

from step three

okay so you have your little goal

you need to work on what are you going

to use to work towards your little goal

okay so

you can use textbooks very popular of

course you can use textbooks maybe an

app a language learning app or a

vocabulary study app

youtube videos maybe youtube videos

flash cards podcasts maybe you decide to

go to a language school

you have a private teacher you get a

language exchange partner you use social

media or movies tv music there are so

many different resources maybe you have

one that’s different from this list

so why is this important because


for example people get to the goal part

they say okay my goal is to learn how to

give a presentation but they don’t know

what resources they’re going to use so

when you decide to start your study

session and you don’t know what you’re

going to use to study that’s a problem

because you need to have something in

front of you right you need to know

today’s lesson like topic or today’s

focus information right so it’s

important to have something ready to go

every time you sit down to study so you

have a target for that day right so a

big theme is always having a target

always having some kind of goal to work

towards so if you don’t have a goal you

just get kind of scattered

so focusing is very important putting

your energy in one direction

okay so think about this what can i use

to help me solve this problem i have



step five set

your schedule set your schedule this is

your study schedule so key question for

this step


or and or how often am i going to use

the resources to study

when and or how often am i going to use

the resources to study

okay for example

i’m going to go to language class once a

week i’m going to go to language class

once a week okay there’s my schedule or


vocabulary study okay my vocabulary

study is 15 minutes am and pm that means

morning and night 15 minutes in the

morning 15 minutes at night this is my

vocabulary study schedule

or maybe one youtube lesson a day one

youtube lesson a day

okay so

make sure you choose a study schedule

you can keep right so for example

sometimes people start and they say i’m

gonna study like two hours every day or

something and maybe if you sign up for

like an intensive language class with

the school you can do that but if you

try to do too much sometimes people feel

overwhelmed they feel it’s too much and

then they quit right so if you’re

worried start small at first for example

vocabulary study like 15 minutes if you

can find 15 minutes in your day to study

vocabulary or 10 15 minutes to watch a

youtube video that’s a really good place

to start one of my tricks uh my favorite

tricks is i set a timer like when i feel

like low like my motivation is low i use

my phone i set a timer i say okay i’m

going to do this thing for 10 minutes or

i’m going to do this thing for 30

minutes or whatever just starting

sometimes is the hardest part yeah so

that’s a trick that i sometimes use

okay so just if it’s difficult for you

it’s sometimes really difficult for me

to like keep a schedule when there are

many interesting things happening so

start small if it’s hard for you 10

minutes or 15 minutes and then you can

get bigger and bigger okay so this is

step five set your schedule okay so you

have your resources you have your goal

then schedule

and of course

reward yourself this is the last step so

obviously you have to after you set your

schedule you do

you do the studies you have to do the

thing take action okay

but the last step after you do your

study session right is to reward

yourself reward yourself so that means

give yourself a present or do something

nice for yourself or make a nice comment

to yourself like good job

whatever it is for you

do something nice for yourself after

every study session and goal so after

you finish your study session you can do

something really small for yourself like

maybe you just say good job or maybe you

enjoy your favorite snack or you do

something that makes you feel good

same thing after you achieve a goal so

you do something to celebrate the thing

maybe you achieve your big goal for the

year you go out for dinner or you decide

to spend some money on something big

whatever make sure

there’s also this rewarding feeling of

studying like we don’t want it to feel


ugh like it’s so it’s so horrible right

it’s hard for sure it’s okay

for this thing to be hard it’s normal

for this thing to be hard so we can also

find ways to help ourselves appreciate

the process a little bit more

okay yeah so this is the six step

process plus of course taking make sure

to take action to set your schedule and

do your studies right okay so these are

the six steps i’ve prepared for today to

help you hopefully make a study plan for

the year okay achilles says eat pizza as

a reward there you go there’s a great

one that sounds good to me that’s a good

reward i think okay so these are six

steps that you can use i hope to create

your own study plan for 2022. i hope

this is helpful for you

uh oh wow that was about perfect timing

so i’ll show today’s lesson boards again

so you can take a screenshot if you want

to use this to create your own study

plan so again first make sure to assess

yourself check yourself what am i good

at what am i needing to improve right

now step two is to choose your big goal

what is your goal for the year make it

smart step 3 check your skills you can

google for a list of can do questions to

help yourself here and then look at

what’s difficult and break down why to

set your little goals step four check

your resources so what am i going to use

to study

step five set your schedule and of

course do

the studies and of course step six

reward yourself yeah so i hope that

doing this process will help you um

to understand yourself of course and

also help you to be more efficient in

your learning yeah and of course when

you finish a goal just repeat this

process again so go to the next thing so

you assess yourself go to the next goal

go to the next list

uh if you have been watching for

many years maybe maybe you already have

a can do list so a really interesting

thing to do is review your old can do

lists you’ll probably find some things

you said i can’t do now you can do them

it’s actually really really cool to

review your old can-do list so if you’ve

been watching

these these videos for a while and you

have a can do list go check the old one

and see if your answers have changed

that’s a really good way to track your

progress okay all right i have to finish

there for today that was super fun i

liked this lesson very very interesting

okay i have to finish up for today but

uh i’m gonna be back next week of course

next week’s lesson information is right

here next week

the next lesson will be on february 2nd

at 10 pm eastern standard time that is

new york city time if you don’t know

your local time please google it or you

can set a notification on facebook or on

youtube or if you follow me on instagram

i always post a topic reminder and a

link in my stories okay so

next week i’m going to talk about how to

make basic adjective comparisons this

will be a basic grammar lesson next week

so this will be a great one for beginner

level beginner level learners beginner

level or if you want to refresh your


feel free to join so check it out we’ll

talk about

comparisons next week it’ll be a good

time okay so i will say goodbye for this

week thank you as always for joining me

live thank you for sending lots of

messages in the chat and good luck

creating your study plan for the year i

hope this was helpful for you okay

thanks very much for liking and sharing

the video don’t forget to check your

level if you would like to at

and you can also find my social media

links for instagram and twitter

in the youtube description so i’ll say

goodbye for now enjoy your day enjoy

your week and your weekend and i will

see you again