How to Pronounce AA Lesson Excerpt American English Pronunciation

this video contains excerpts from a

pronunciation lesson I had with my

friend from Turkey in this particular

video we are working on the sound ah as

in bat when he was first learning the

sound ah it felt very awkward and

overdone for him to drop his jaw so much

he was much more comfortable keeping it

about here much more neutral ah but this

sound has a really large opening here in

the jaw after he got more comfortable

opening his mouth he was also spreading

his mouth ah ah and making it this big

wide rectangle which is also not correct

it’s not so much stretched this way as

dropped here with the tongue going up

and then down

ah ah in this section we’re talking of

the pronunciation of the word capped

capped in this context meaning the apex

of something for example I capped my

career with a concert in Carnegie Hall

capped when he was not dropping his jaw

ah and was keeping it kept it sounded

like kept which is past tense keep as in

I kept my cell phone in my purse capped

kept ah ah capped kept kept alive ah

cab yep it’s ad do you see my jaw drops

and my tongue ah yeah cab so your mouth

minced open more cat feeling yeah but

when you open it don’t spread your mouth

sideways ah okay

I want you to just say ah ah ah

that was better do it again ah that was

good now that feels kind of stupid right

but that’s the sound in English captain

cat kept at okay capped kept

was good here we are talking about the

word elaborate ah and elaborate Allah

elaborate ah love great yeah do just ah

ah that is very good and I hotel that

your tongue is doing your I learn good

you know ending here when he first says

the word spectacular watch how little

movement there is in the mouth it is

very much like this and on the second

one see how much he drops his jaw and

that is correct if not spectacular

spectacular spectacular