How to Pronounce R and H Brazilian English Learner Tips

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you brazilian are you

learning english great you’re in the

right place today we’re going to talk

about two letters that my brazilian

students often mix up and even though

pronunciation is not the end of the

world it’s great for other people to be

able to understand you and i also want

to make sure that you can understand TVs

and movie shows if you mix up these

words it’s gonna be really difficult to

completely understand what people are

saying and express yourself first i want

to tell you two words and i want to see

if you can tell the difference between

these two words are you ready the first

one is really and the second one is

hilly hmm are these words the same are

they different well they are definitely

different the first one has an R really

and the second one has an H hilly so at

the end of this lesson I’m gonna give

you a little quiz to see if you can tell

which word it is I hope after this

lesson you’ll be able to start to hear

the difference and then you’ll be able

to start to pronounce it differently

yourself I know that Brazilian

Portuguese ours are different than

English ours especially American English

ours but in this lesson I want to help

you pronounce our R and not H oftentimes

Brazilians mix up these two sounds

because in Portuguese they could be

quite similar so let’s practice a sample

sentence together and I want you to

listen to my pronunciation and repeat

after me

are you ready really Robert runs happily

up hills I set this slowly and I

emphasize the R’s in the ages but that’s

okay because we’re prac

see now so I want to say it one more

time with emphasis and then we’re gonna

say it quickly are you ready

really Robert runs happily up hills

really Robert runs happily up hills did

you see when I was speaking slowly the

shape of my mouth was different for the

R in the H really Robert runs happily

happily my mouth is much more open

happily up hills let’s practice this

mouth shape with two more words that

sound similar except for R and H they

are red head red head do you see how my

mouth is more open for the H and it’s

more closed for the are red you can kind

of feel some vibration here too red head

if we use a piece of paper you can see a

little bit of air coming out head head

head this is with the H sound happy

Hills head red there’s no movement red

it’s just still because the our sound is

here not with air coming out alright are

you ready for your quiz I have two words

put together to challenge you they’re

kind of two crazy words put together

that don’t make much sense but we’re

gonna practice this just for

pronunciation the first one is really

red and the second one is hilly head so

one of them uses only the R sound and

the other one uses only the H sound I

want you to guess is number one R or H

and is number two R or H while you’re

listening I want you to write a comment

below this video before you hear the

answer are you ready for number one it’s

the same as I just said before really

read Hille head really read haley head

red chilly head number one really red

number two hilly head what do you think

is our which one do you think is H right

a quick comment below and then I’ll tell

you the answer in just a moment

I hope that you enjoyed this video about

R and H let me know any other sounds

that are challenging for you so that you

can improve your pronunciation and be

understood more are you ready to know

the answer number one really red are

number two hilly head H I hope that you

could start to hear the difference in

this pronunciation maybe you were only

looking at my mouth healy head really

red and that could help you I hope that

this will help you also to use it

yourself because that’s the goal I want

you to be able to use it thanks so much

for learning English with me and I hope

to see you back here to learn more in

the future

bye see you later if you enjoyed this

video be sure to download my free ebook

where you can learn 5 steps to becoming

a confident English speaker you can

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is the free e-book you can download

yours today just click on the link and

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seconds thanks so much for learning with

me bye