How to Sell a House Real Estate in English English Conversation Easily Quickly


selling a house

because selling a house is a complicated

and time-consuming process

many people decide to hire a real estate

broker let’s watch the following video

to learn about the house selling process

dialog 1

hiring the broker


hello this is one mount properties how

may i help you

hello i’m moving in a few months so i’m

looking to sell my current house

because this might take a lot of time

and i’m not very knowledgeable about

selling because this might take a lot of

time and i’m not very knowledgeable

about selling process

i would like to hire an agent to help me

sell my house

certainly that’s why we’re here first

could i have your name please

i’m jim chen

mr chen could you tell me more about

your current house

it’s a two beds two bath house in west

philly my wife and i have only stayed

there for two years we’re hoping we can

sell it for six hundred fifty thousand


that’s a bit higher than the market

price but we’ll need to view the house

before we can decide anything

of course can you come over this

saturday at 2 p.m

2 p.m is perfect

great i’ll email you the address and

directions to my house later

thank you we’ll send you information

about the contract let’s talk more when

we meet

alright thanks


dialogue 2 marketing the house


good afternoon mr chen i’m harris from

one mount properties

hello harris just call me jim please

thanks for coming

my pleasure your house looks splendid

seems like it’s in great shape

thanks shall we go inside

of course


this is our living room the kitchen and

dining room are over there the bathroom

is on the right and there’s another

bathroom on the second floor let’s go


okay everything looks great so far

this is our bedroom the bathroom is

right next to it and over there is the

bedroom for guests it’s a bit smaller

thanks for showing me the house it looks


thanks when can you start showing the

house what do i need to do

we just need some home upgrades and then

i can start showing the house next month

you don’t have to be here when

prospective buyers come over to view the


please leave everything to us we’ll take

care of every detail

i’m glad to hear that thanks


dialog 3 setting a price


what do you think of the condition of

the house

well let me see

the house is not too big but it looks

new and cozy the location is also great

the house is close to the city center

the neighborhood is safe and quiet and

there are supermarkets and schools



what price do you think is suitable

can we sell the house for 650 thousand


that’s still a pretty high price

compared to the prices of other houses

in the area

but since the house is in good condition

i think we can try selling it at five

hundred and eighty thousand dollars

i realize that six hundred fifty

thousand dollars is a bit high but

shouldn’t we set the price really high

at first because the buyers will

negotiate after that anyway

i think it’s best if we set a suitable

price if you set a high price potential

buyers may leave right away

okay i guess that makes sense


dialogue 4 signing the contract


as we discussed last time one mount

properties will take care of everything

from a to z

we will help you stage your house and

prepare it for sale as well as schedule

showings and manage all the needed


my wife and i both work full time so we

don’t have enough time we’re here to

help we can guarantee with you that we

will find at least seven potential

buyers for you within one month

sounds great

we’ll charge a two percent commission on

the final sales price of the house

there are more details about the payment

here please go through everything and

let me know if you have any questions


okay everything looks good let’s sign

the contract



dialog 5

fixing the house

is there anything in the house you think

i should prepare

the house looks good overall but there

are places you can certainly fix up if

you want the house to look even better

like what

the walls over here have some stains you

can try using warm water and soap to

clean and remove the stains

the carpet in the living room looks a

bit old so maybe you should have it

cleaned as well

my last recommendation is that you can

consider changing the light bulbs to

make the rooms look brighter and bigger

thanks for your suggestions i’ll fix

everything as soon as i can

dialog 6 before a house showing

hello jim this is harris from one mount

properties i have great news for you

hi harris what is it

i found two potential buyers i’ve

scheduled a house turf with them at 10

am and 12 pm this thursday

wow you’ve already found someone that’s


so what do i need to do

please clean up the whole place

beforehand don’t forget to put away all

of your jewelry and valued goods in a

safe place

okay got it anything else i need to take

note of

the last thing is please make sure that

you’re not at home when the buyers come

over to visit the house

yes okay you already have a copy of my

keys right

yes i have the keys with me okay cool

let me know how everything goes

i will bye


dialog 7


good morning jim

hey harris did you meet with that family

again last weekend how are things going

yes i just met with them yesterday great


they are in love with the house and want

to move in at the end of next month

wow really that’s great are they okay

with our price


they really like the house but our price

exceeds their budget

they also think the price is quite high

compared to the market price so they

want to negotiate the price down to 570

thousand dollars

i see but i don’t think i can accept

that price it’s too low

let’s try to work this out

they are our best potential buyers till

now because they are completely

satisfied with the house and want to

move in right away

we can close the deal quickly if we

reduce the price a bit

um you’re right i want to quickly sell

the house

i’m all right with that price



dialog 8 after the home sale


morning harris

morning jim

come in please have a seat

thanks i’ve prepared and brought all the

needed paperwork please read everything

carefully and sign where indicated let

me know if you have any questions


thanks harris thank you for preparing

all this paperwork everything is clear

i’ve signed my name on the documents


how would you like to be paid i don’t

have enough cash with me can i pay you

by check

certainly that’s good with me


here is your commission

thank you jim

no thank you harris you’ve made

everything so easy for me

you’re very welcome jim best of luck

with your move feel free to let me know

if there’s anything else i can help you


thanks i appreciate that


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