How to Talk About Stress in English Easy English Conversation


stress and relaxation

stress is a feeling of emotional or

physical tension

it can affect your health a lot

let’s watch the video and see three

friends talk about their stress


hello guys how are you doing

oh good

what a dress i really like its color

hi emma

where did you buy it

js store in the east of the city

that is the new store in this city

it looks gorgeous

how much does it cost


it’s discounted 30

it has the colors red purple blue and


if you really like it you should go to

the new store to buy it as soon as


it will be sold out soon because they

just released 1 000 at all

should i buy it

does it fit me

you should go there to try

ah you can come to our home

then you can try mine we have the same

size don’t we

sure i will take you home

chris what’s wrong with you

why do you look so tired

nothing much i heard that you just broke

up didn’t you

yes one month ago chris but i’m okay

with it we broke up in peace

we are still friends

last week i still went to his birthday


i think it’s weird being friends with an


are you kidding me

hey come on it’s common we still support

each other in our business

ignore this one chris tell me what

happened with you

come on we’re best friends you should

tell us your problem

then you know emma and i can help you

handle it

money boyfriend or whatever

no not it’s because of my job


i think you like it so much

i remember that you leave the company

near your house to take that job

what happened

we have a problem with my colleague i

had to create five ideas for new


i prepared them on my planning note then

sent them to him my designer

and then

then he did it for me

but you know all the target files were

not accepted

because the size was not corrected

when i uploaded them on the system they

look so terrible


how did you fix them

i haven’t fixed them yet

because if i want to change files you

have to have access to admission from

the manager

i am stressed out because of it and now

he blamed it on me

but it’s not your fault bro

it’s mine because i take responsibility

for checking quality and uploading

next time you must be careful

don’t trust anyone totally

yes i got it

i will be minus commission this month

no worries it gives you some lessons and

you will have more experience everything

has its price

stress will affect your health actually

do you think which are the main reasons

for stress

for me it’s my job over time every day

making me stressed out i just come back

home at 9 30 pm

are you paid for the over hours

absolutely she will

it should be following labor law

no it’s my choice i cannot complete my

tasks in the working time so i should

try my best to achieve my kpi

chris you should take your time for


if you get stressed for a long time it

will be a big problem

stress causes mental health problems

such as depression anxiety and

personality disorders

even obesity and other eating disorders

really it’s so bad

yes it can affect your skin and hair as


like acne and permanent hair loss

my job makes me stressed as well you

know i’m a freelancer right

because of the covid situation i don’t

have many clients as i had

but i see you are always happy

it’s just the outside performance i

always want to inspire everyone

so if you are feeling stressed what do

you do

i go to bed

it is my best way to reduce stress

then when i wake up i will have some

healthy food for myself

something like fruits and vegetarian


i find out that it’s not helped me to

reduce it but also have smooth skin and

a fit body

cool lily what about you emma if you are

feeling stressed what do you do


i am not usually stressed out but when

my mood is going down i will take time

for myself

i will do everything i love such as

reading my favorite books watching a

movie or meditating

i think you should try to meditate it

makes you happy inside and beautiful


christ you often do exercise

not really

i super like walking

but you know i don’t have time

chris take time for yourself

go home early and do exercise it will

reduce stress and you can practice your

mental health as well

having a lucid brain makes you work more


yes i understand

thanks for your advice

and smile

don’t forget laughter is the best


yes yes that’s right

see you

show me your happy face

you should focus on your symptoms both

in emotion and physical

like do you feel bad about yourself

lonely worthless and depressed

do you see yourself having headaches

chest pain and cold or sweaty hands and

feet when you see yourself have these

symptoms your body and mind really need

to relax

don’t forget that you should think

positively always it is one of the best

ways to avoid stress

but you know it’s not easy i cannot

achieve the aims i cannot

hey chris listen

sometimes positive is not perfection


it must be that you can accept

everything you don’t expect

that’s right if you have any problems

don’t forget to share them with us

come on we are friends

if you don’t talk about anything

we will be upset a lot

alright i know thank you so so much for

helping me

come on you do that again i have to give

you a penalty note

remember we are friends friends always

help each other

do you want to order anything else i

just feel so hungry

they have red velvets a best seller

really i haven’t tried it here

it’s the new one absolutely

want to try

you know me absolutely

and you chris

i will have ginger cookies set

okay i will go order

show me your smile chris and it’s on me

look you are so pretty when smiling

thank you

wait for me


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