How to Talk about Vacation in English Basic English Phrases

rolling hi everybody welcome back to our

weekly live stream my name is Alisha and

today we’re going to talk about how to

talk about your vacation plans so in

this lesson I’m going to review how to

use will and going to some future tense

expressions I’m also going to talk about

a useful pattern that you can use to

quickly and efficiently explain your

plans to someone else at the end of

today’s lesson I’m going to talk about a

couple questions like follow-up

questions and answers that you can use

in your conversations about vacations so

as you join please send a message in the

chat as always if you have questions

during today’s lesson or after today’s

lesson please send those in the chat as

well so I can find them as always we

have free stuff available so this this

month actually this week rather instead

of our regular PDF we have a spring sale

where you can get 20% off our basic

premium and premium plus membership so

please check that out if you are

interested okay I see lots of people in

the chat welcome everyone I see on

YouTube Rodrigo Maria

let’s see Joseph Nestor one labrum

Blanca Spencer jr. hi so many people and

on Facebook I see Facebook - hi

everybody Joe ROMs ina Ramiro Moy Y

sorry if I said your name okay we’re

going to wait just a couple of minutes

for others to join us while we wait I

want to share something I shared I

actually we’ve shared on the channel and

I’ve shared an Instagram a couple days

ago if you have not seen this video this

video is called

ten ways to stop translating in your

head this is a very common question that

we get on the channel so I made this

video I designed this video so that it

could be helpful for people learning any

language but I think I had it with

English in mind first and foremost so if

you have this question if you’re looking

for some tips this video has been pretty

popular lately so please check this out

on the

class 101 YouTube channel check that out

for some ideas for how to stop

translating in your head a common

complaint okay good um if you’re just

joining yet please make sure to like and

share the video as well we always really

appreciate that so other learners can

find the lesson I’m going to share the

video and then I’m going to begin as I

said today we’re gonna cover how to use

will and going to and I’m also gonna

cover a pattern you can use to quickly

describe your plans so actually in this

first part of today’s lesson I hope I

have this chat question down here

something for you to send in the chat so

as I’m explaining this in this first

part of the lesson please think about

your own answers to this question so the

questions are where are you going where

are you going for your next vacation for

how long and with whom hmm so please

answer this try to answer this in the

chat I’ll try to check it and we’re

going to cover these points here so

let’s begin I want to introduce this

pattern first of all today this pattern

is something I think will help you to be

a bit more efficient efficient means

like you can explain the information

more quickly so you don’t have to give

three sentences to share this

information you just say it all in one

sentence so where are you gonna go how

long are you gonna go and who are you

going to go with we can answer these

three questions in one short sentence

and I want to cover the prepositions

prepositions are those small words like

add on in those words so I want to cover

that here so we can answer this question

that I just introduced to you in this

sentence the sentence is I’m going to

place for time period with person so

here you can replace you can use your

place the place of your making

the time period so three days a week a

month a year and person or people so

your family member your friend your

boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife

whatever you can use one sentence to

give all this information so an issue I

hear sometimes with students is I’ll ask

like where are you going for a vacation

I say Hawaii and then I have to ask how

long two weeks who are you going with so

there’s not really a reason to ask all

those questions just give the

information in one sentence here for

example I’m going to Europe for two

weeks with my family I’m going to Europe

for two weeks with my family here’s my

place in this case I’m talking about

Europe so many different places probably

for two weeks with my family so in this

case a group of people a group of people

so some points to keep in mind some

points to be careful of are your

prepositions first I’m going to I’m

going to place I’m going to a place so

don’t forget to before your place name

second for for this comes before your

time period I’m going for two weeks

finally with with so this shows us the

person or people you are traveling

together with so please try to send your

vacation plans in the chat there are

many coming great Gabriel says I’m going

to the USA for one week with my brother

perfect nice I’m going to Cancun Mexico

for one week with my family nice on

hello hey um others I’m going to London

for 20 days with my friends cool that

sounds fun 20 days in London Wow

Nabby says I’m going to Syria for one

month with my family perfect

Shakeel says I’m going to New York for

ten days with my mother great samah says

I’m going upstate maybe I’m going

upstate for three days with my family

nice someone oh great I’m going

to stay home for the whole vacation

great if you have no vacation plans how

do you explain that thank you who has

that is Milan great point if you have no

plans for your vacation no plans at all

I’m going to stay home I’m going to stay

home or you can say I’m going to stay

here like stay in my city I’m going to

stay home it’s okay

or I’m going to stay home for the whole

vacation for the whole vacation so this

word whole this is wh o le for the whole

vacation that means entire or complete a

complete is not quite so natural whole

is a great way to say it nice one thank

you for that other examples on Facebook

I’m going to Azerbaijan for one week

with my friends cool that sounds fun I

want to visit Azerbaijan someday I’m

going to Paris for ten days with my

husband cool I’m going to Laos for three

weeks with my family

good one point from a couple people it’s

going quickly your time period right

here this part your time period if it’s

plural like two weeks or two months

don’t forget that s at the end so make

sure if you’re if you’re using a plural

form don’t forget to your S at the end

there others on Facebook I’m going to

Afghanistan for two weeks great I’m

going to Melbourne for holiday good I’m

going to stay home so someone okay I’m

going to Miami for one week with my

friends great I’m going to Cambodia for

three weeks with my family I’m going to

California for three weeks with my

family Wow nice job lots of cool

vacation plans I have no vacations

coming up I’m kind of I’m kind of

getting wunderlist nice nice examples

I’m going to Italy for a year with my

wife whoa is that a vacation or is that

like are you moving that’s interesting

I’m going to New Zealand for three days

with my chums my son show me

tom is kind of a British English word

that means a friend great okay lots of

nice example sentences okay fantastic

fantastic job everybody so please keep

this vacation

plan in mind because the next part of

the lesson is about your activities

there so let’s finish part 1 let’s

finish part 1 so for some of you I saw

some of you said you’re going to the USA

or like maybe to Europe for example if

you want to talk about small places

inside the big place this is how you

could do it in this case this example is

like for Europe so we’re going to Italy

and Spain and Croatia for example we’re

going to country a B and C and if you

want to use this pattern you can talk

about how many days or how much time

you’re going to spend in each place for

example we’re going to a country a for

four days B for three days and C for two

days so again to my preposition comes

before this first country you don’t need

to include two to two because each place

this is a country in each place a

location so just use two before that

first one however you need to include

four in front of each time period so you

can quickly give a lot of information in

just two sentences really so this is a

more efficient way to talk about your

vacation great all right nice work

everybody thank you for your awesome

example sentences that was super cool so

I hope you send more in part two of

today’s lesson we’re gonna take a quick

break and then go to part two so if you

missed it before today today’s this

week’s live stream our special for this

week is this 28 percent off deal so the

28 percent off is on our subscription

plans on English class

so for those of you who would like to

get extra English study resources there

are different levels of planets there’s

a basic plan there’s a premium plan and

a premium membership plan you can see

all the details from the

below the video on YouTube or above the

video on Facebook so the the discount

here is for like the whole the whole

time period that you purchase so if you

purchase like three months three month

membership you get 28 percent off the

three month membership or the six month

membership or the one-year membership

whatever you choose so you can find all

the details and all of the different

resource information from the link below

the video on youtube or above the video

on Facebook that’s where you can find

those details okay great so let’s get to

part two of today’s lesson if you’re

just joining today we’re talking about

how to talk about your vacation plans

let’s continue and please continue

sending your examples let’s continue to

part two here part two is about your

activities your activities in this part

I want to focus on using will and going

to and like might to talk about your

activity so we talked about where you’re

going how long what are you going to do

there what are you going to do there so

let’s review first this one I’m or we’re

going to so here I’ve used the reduced

form I’m is the reduced form of I am

we’re is the reduced form of we are so

it sounds more natural to so I’m going

to we’re going to to make it even more

natural reduce going to to gonna in

speech we don’t really use it excuse me

so much in writing but in speech I’m

gonna we’re gonna that sounds great

so we use going to for plans we’ve

decided before the conversation so for

example when I woke up today I thought

I’m going to teach a live stream later

or I’m going to make a cup of coffee

things I’ve decided before the

conversation I know what I’m going to do

these are my plans so I’m going to or

we’re going to for your activities

during your vacation might be we’re

going to spin

a night in Rome or we’re going to spend

a night in paris or we’re going to check

out this museum we’re going to check out

some sightseeing spots we’re going to

visit the Louvre or we’re going to have

some meetings maybe if you’re going on a

business trip so the thing to notice

about each of these patterns all of

these use a simple present tense verb

we’re using going to here yes this verb

that comes after going to does not

change so sometimes I see learners go

like we’re going to spending a night or

we’re going to checking out don’t do

that don’t do that so IMG is here going

to and then regular present tense form

comes next check out by the way check

out means look at look at something you

can also use check out at a hotel yeah

but check out is like a casual way to

say look at something like oh I want to

check out that museum or I want to check

out that exhibit or I want to check out

that store so check out means like

quickly go like casually look at

something or visit something to check

something out so think about this for

your activities too let’s compare this

then to these two here the next to

follow the same verb pattern so after

after this word we’ll use a simple

present tense verb but the keys here are

these words actually right here first

let’s look at this I and we might I

might or we might I might or we might so

might shows a flam that we’re not sure

about like mm I might visit this museum


we might go to this restaurant if we can

get a reservation so we’re not so sure

about this plan another one that you can

use to talk about your plans with less

certainty is this one will so i’ll and

these are the reduced forms of I will

and we will so this is used with the

word probably probably

so probably shows a pretty good chance

of something to show the difference

between all these going to is a 100%

sure plan we know we’re going to do that

thing I have a plan 100% sure might is

maybe like 50% to 60% sure something

like that we don’t really know probably

is maybe like 75% to 90% there’s a

pretty good chance of that plan so not I

probably I hear that a lot actually from

lots of people learning English I

probably not correct use aisle probably

I’ll probably wheel probably so don’t

forget that will there I’ll probably so

we use this to talk about the things

that have a pretty good chance of

happening or we’re interested in but

we’re not quite sure at so please send

your examples I’m starting to see some

in the chat someone says I might check

out the casinos in Las Vegas perfect

nice one who now has a long example I’m

gonna I’m gonna spend spend so here no -

there’s no - before the verb I’m gonna

spend a night in New York check out a

park visit the city at night and have

something nice to eat cool great great

uh that’s all I see for right no okay Oh

someone said I’m going to spend a night

studying English a whole night Wow

someone says I might take a tour bus

nice we might go to colca canyon in

arequipa cool okay I don’t know where

that is nice ones all right so these

different patterns show us different

ways of expressing possibility for our

plans so again going to I’m going to I

might I’ll probably I’ll probably all

right finally then let’s go

the last points down here to express

something you’re just interested in you

can use this I or we wanna I or we wanna

wanna is the casual reduced form of want

to I wanna

so I wanna or we wanna we want to go to

this famous restaurant or I want to take

a day off during this work trip so

please use this to talk about things you

just have an interest in doing maybe you

don’t have a plan yet

sandy Paulo there a member in the chat I

will probably go to the Taj Mahal I will

probably go to the Taj Mahal

so when you use this pattern I’ll

probably go so this verb that follows

and probably should be simple present

tense know ing for here okay on Facebook

I’m going to a farm with my family for

two weeks okay someone says I will

probably taste national meals there what

are the national meals in your country

someone says I’m going to spend the

night with some friends great okay mmm

others others others oh there are lots

of things coming in I might let’s see I

can’t see all of the examples they’re

going quickly I’ll probably go to sleep

later on okay I want to go I want to go

and surf waves on California beaches

nice yeah me too actually that sounds

fun okay I’ll probably meet Alicia we’re

interesting where are you going okay I

will probably go to church on Sundays as

James great others say I’m going to

Malaysia Frick’s to exchange language

and culture and nice very nice um I want

to visit your live stream you are in the

live stream congratulations

person great someone says I want to go

to Mazatlan Mexico fantastic okay I want

to see a football match okay lots of

good ones lots of good ones great

example is everybody okay so please yeah

please keep sending those there are lots

of good examples on the facebook chat

and the YouTube chat I might go to the


tomorrow I might go to the beach

tomorrow great examples everybody ok

fantastic let’s continue then good we

have about ten minutes left that’s good

we have about ten minutes so I’m gonna

take one more break and then we’ll

finish with questions so questions

follow-up questions that you can use and

answers that you can practice too so if

you missed it earlier this week’s a

special deal for everybody watching is

the ten ten twenty eight percent of our

basic premium and Premium Plus plans in

English class you can find this

information from this banner in the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook so if you want to

get some more study resources to study

with our videos and with audio lessons

transcripts teachers and so on you can

check out all of the details from the

links below the video or above the video

so please check that out if you’d like

to get some more study resources okay

with that we’ll go to the last part of

today’s lesson if you’re just joining

yes this is being recorded you can check

the live video after it has been


today’s topic is vacation plans talking

about your vacation plans and if you

have not already please make sure to

like and share the video so other

learners can find the lesson okay let’s

move on then to the last part for today

the last part for today is asking

questions so let’s imagine you’ve like

if I’m listening to your plan you’ve

told me where you’re going how long

you’re going to be there your you told

me who you’re going with you told me

some some of your activities then in a

conversation you know ask the other

person a question right so it’s two

people talking not just one person all

the time so a good one you can use is

this very common present perfect

question have you been there before have

you been there before so there you can


there with your place like have you been

to Europe before or have you been to

Afghanistan before if you want to use

the specific place name in this pattern

you need to use two plus the place so

have you been to Europe before have you

been to the United States before have

you been to Thailand before those are

perfect if however you do not want to

use the place name do not use to have

you been there before have you been

there before not have you been to there

before not correct not correct so we use

two before the specific place don’t use

two if you are not using the specific

place okay other ones so let’s imagine

um we have this other person in the

conversation to respond to this question

if someone asks you this question yeah I

have yeah I have I have been there

before or no I haven’t no I haven’t so

for this lesson let’s imagine the answer

is yeah I have so have you been to

Europe before yeah I have so here are

some follow-up questions that you can

use in conversation to get

recommendations to get details and so on

for example do you have any

recommendations do you have any

recommendations a couple points here do

you have any recommendations some things

that I hear some mistakes with this do

you have any recommend so that’s not

correct recommend is the verb form

recommendation is the noun form and

you’re using the plural here do you have

any recommendations so don’t forget that

s sound so do you have any

recommendations or alternatively what do

you recommend

I do what do you recommend I do so this

is using recommend as a verb what do you


and I do what do you recommend I do so

recommend here is a verb recommendation

is a noun so please be careful these

have different grammatical functions do

you have any recommendations so to

respond to this yeah you should visit

this museum oh yeah you should visit

this restaurant or don’t go to that

sightseeing spot there are way too many

people so give your recommendations

which you should or you have to and so

on all right

another good follow-up question is about

a specific place so it’s did you visit

place and place here is like a

sightseeing place so we’re not going to

use to in this one so for example did

you visit the Louvre Museum did you

visit the Statue of Liberty so you’re

using a sightseeing place here did you

visit this museum did you visit this

city and what did you think what did you

think so here you might notice we’re

using this past tense what did you think

not what do you think but what did you

think so why are we using what did you

think this is because you want to ask

about your listeners past experience in

this place so for example did you visit

the Louvre yeah I visited the Louvre

what did you think so at that time when

you visited the Louvre what was your

opinion so what were your thoughts about

the Louvre at that time so what did you

think about that experience in the past

so if you want to be specific about

someone’s past travel experiences use

this what did you think what did you

think at native speed said did you visit

the Louvre

what did you think was a good bag should

I visit that’s the kind of like pace we

would use ok finally finally this one I

know many people travel with children

and it’s kind of important to consider

this when you travel

if you want to ask for details about

that use this yes or no question is

place easy to go with kids for example

it’s the Statue of Liberty easy to go to

with kids or is Paris easy to go to with

kids or is Tokyo easy to go to with kids

so please use something like this to ask

about if it’s easy to visit that

location with children okay so I will

check the chat for a few examples ah I

someone um NAAFI a rope did you visit

Cox’s Bazar what did you think about it

nice one

okay other points some people are asking

follow-up questions have you been to

Kyoto great yes I have it was very nice

many tourists though lately I saw in the

news have you been oh someone responded

to you my SIA in the chat that’s cool

Mugur says no I have not been to Kyoto

that was cool that’s nice what do you

guys chat together is it correct to say

what was your opinion about it what was

your opinion about it yeah I guess it’s

it’s correct it’s correct but we

wouldn’t really say it it sounds quite

formal when we ask a question like what

is your opinion or what was your opinion

it’s probably in a more formal situation

so what did you think about it sounds

way more friendly what was your opinion

about it is gonna sound a little too

stiff I feel like so I would not

recommend that one

could you show when I should use the

preposition to or for before my plans

sure so this is a question from Dima on

YouTube to return this is from the first

part of today’s lesson just to review we

are using too before a place like we’re

showing we’re showing movement with 2 so

2 is used before a place for is used

before a time period a time period ok

Sandeep says is safari easy to go with

kids or maybe is it easy to go on safari

Safari is a little special we use it in

the Express

to go on safari to go on safari as like

an activity kind of safaris a little bit

special okay some people are saying ah

have you been

Mongolia before make sure have you been

to place before if you’re using the

specific place name don’t forget your

preposition to place to place okay other

questions um have you been to Mongolia

again so some people are using some

different prepositions have you ever

been to Mongolia have you ever been to

Cambodia so please don’t use in please

use to there okay I’m gonna stop with

that point and wrap up for today’s

lesson I think that was fantastic thank

you for your questions and thank you for

for all of the example sentences that

was awesome that was really cool

actually um so I have to finish up

today’s lesson but we’re going to be

back next week so next week we are going

to talk about how to talk about your job

this is another request from Instagram I

think this came from a viewer request

how to talk about your job so for next

week’s lesson I’m gonna talk about how

to like I’m gonna share some patterns

for explaining your responsibilities so

I can’t cover all jobs in the world but

I want to share some patterns you can

use to talk about your responsibilities

your everyday responsibilities at work

and for students in your studies as well

too okay so if you want to join us next

week next week that will be what’s the

date May 1st I think Wednesday May 1st

yeah Wednesday May 1st 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that is New York City time

we’re going to talk about how to talk

about your job so please join us next

week Wednesday for that good stuff and

as always play thank you very much for

liking and sharing the video and don’t

if you are interested in finding us some

more resources to help you with your

English Studies - check out the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on Facebook for the 28 percent off

sale this week so please join us next

week for stuff about your job or for

your studies for students and enjoy your

week if you are taking a vacation enjoy

your vacation your spring vacation to

enjoy the weather enjoy your time have a

great week and I will see you again next

time thanks very much for watching my

