How to Talk Naturally about your Schedule in English

weekly live stream my name is alicia and

in this week’s live lesson we are going

to talk about how to talk naturally

about your schedule this will be a great

lesson for beginners i think i’m going

to talk about how to use simple present

tense how to use have to and don’t have

to and how to use going to

uh and

the progressive forms of verbs to talk

about your upcoming plans so let’s

get into it in a minute as you joined

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the like button and of course share this

video so that other people can find

today’s lesson yeah that would be super

super cool uh while we wait as always we

do have a few announcements to share

with you first thing first is about this

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you take a look here it says get up to


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announcement number two is if you have

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for me about grammar vocabulary uh

whatever if you think of something or if

you find something in your studies or

in your i don’t know media watching

whatever you can send your question to

me for this uh ask alicia our q and a

question and answer series uh that we

post once a week uh on youtube so check

it out uh if you want to send me a

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something there that would be super

super cool

okay good i think everything is working

uh as expected fantastic i see youtube

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good good okay everybody’s here welcome



good all right everybody’s here so yes

again if yeah if you haven’t sent me a

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so send me send me something uh for this

uh for this series i’m always looking

for interesting questions oh and if you

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links uh in the youtube description or

just search for this username yeah okay

all right good youtube is here hello

rafael and karina and juan and

khanwajeet and ariane hello diraj wow

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hello everybody welcome please like and

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button okay good everyone is here let’s

get into today’s lesson so let’s look at

today’s lesson boards now today we’re

going to talk about

expressing your schedule naturally yeah


today’s lesson boards look like this

these are our topics so we’re going to

talk about simple present tense have to

and don’t have to for your

responsibilities and going to or the

progressive tense okay




all right our first topic is simple

present tense simple present tense so

what do we use simple present tense for

this is a very basic grammar point but a

very important grammar point

we use simple present tense

to express facts so true information

true information something that is

always true

is a fact like i speak english or she

speaks spanish

or i teach a live stream every week

something like that these are basic

facts right we use simple present tense

to express these facts it’s true

information okay

so that means we also use simple present

tense to express timetables and

schedules so for example what time does

the bus leave or what time does the

flight leave these kinds of questions

these timetable and schedule related

questions we use simple present tense to

express that

so you can also use simple present tense

to talk about your schedule naturally


so let’s refresh ourselves let’s refresh

our mind how do we make

simple present tense statements we’re

going to use we’re going to focus on

making positive statements this week

we’re going to talk about expressing

your schedule what you do

every week or every day so

this part here is your subject your

subject you begin your statement with i

you we they okay one of these subjects

one of these words

and then we use the infinitive form of

the verb what is the infinitive form of

the verb this is the basic form yeah the

fi the

the form you find in the dictionary the

dictionary form yeah so i go you stay

we listen they talk you know so the

infinitive form of the verb is the base


and then


today’s examples we have other

information here this is according to

the verb

if your subject is he she or it we use

the infinitive verb again plus s

s so he talks

she listens

it rains


we use the infinitive verb plus s when

our subject is he she or it and keep in

mind it can also be a noun yeah

so it broadly

okay so we refreshed our minds about

grammar now let’s use it in some example

sentences you can send some example

sentences about your schedule in the

comments section yeah i’ll try to check

if you send it live okay ooh some are

coming in uh andrea says i usually read

at seven am a morning person very good

i’m not a morning person

okay good

all right you can send your questions

and comments too

let’s look at some examples how do we

apply how do we use simple present tense

so first

i eat breakfast

at 9 00 a.m i eat breakfast at 9 a.m so

here’s my subject i

and my infinitive verb i eat

i eat


so i eat breakfast at 9am

second so we have a he sentence we

follow this pattern he she itch

infinitive verb




at the office at 10 a.m he arrives at

the office at 10 a.m

so he and my infinitive verb is arrive i

add s because my subject is he he

arrives at the office at 10 am not he

arrive don’t forget that s


all right wow lots of people get up

really early i get up at six o’clock

every day i wake up at 4 00 am woof you


are good good job

i’m very bad at waking up early

all right excellent uh

other ones she sleeps at 2 a.m every day

that sounds that sounds yeah i’m much

more of a night person that’s my example

sentence okay good everybody’s talking

about when they wake up nice good job


okay let’s look at another one

we take

our lunch break

at 1pm

we take our lunch break at 1pm so here

my subject is we

so we follow this pattern we plus the

base verb infinitive verb

we take

our lunch break okay


all right next one

she is my subject she

has a meeting

every week

on friday afternoon

she has so my subject is she

my infinitive my infinitive verb is have

but we use this s at the end so with


this changes to has


so not halves but has

she has a meeting every week on friday




some examples yay oh i can’t read your

name on facebook sorry but your sentence

is great i study english at 6 00 pm

every saturday and sunday so for days of

the week use on yeah not at i study

english at 6 00 p.m on

saturday and sunday or maybe just

no preposition there yeah okay uh

other ones

he has to take the train earlier on

sundays says jorge nice good okay good

good good

sanjarbeck says i watch your podcast

every single day

very cool thanks for watching and


all right let’s move on to our last

example i leave school at about 3 p.m

i leave school so again my subject is i

so infinitive verb no change

i leave school

at about 3 p.m

all right so again we use simple present

tense to express facts yeah so for

today’s lesson i’m focusing on this


this point here using simple present

tense for timetables and schedules yeah

but we also use it to express facts so

keep this in mind too

okay cool nice job with that one

everybody does a very good job of

expressing what time they wake up


to practice this a little bit more if

you want some homework for this week try

to think about expressing all the

activities in a day or in a week you can

practice writing your schedule for the

week with simple present tense yeah it’s

maybe a good way to use some different

verbs okay cool all right we’ll take a

super short break and then we’ll go to

have to and don’t have to yeah

okay uh

good i don’t see other questions all

right so if you missed it earlier this

banner at the bottom of the screen

mentions this 35

off sale if you want to practice with

our lessons our materials use our study

tools and resources click the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on


you will find

the information about premium and

premium plus plans

so if you’ve been thinking about

studying with us you can find all of the

information there

and you can try to choose something

which maybe will fit your needs uh

really well so check that out

if you would like to study with us if

you want to

have a quick peek

this is the page that you’ll find if you

scroll down on this page right here

scroll down here you’ll find this thing

right here this list of all these

different points so this is how you can

find the differences between plans

sometimes people ask about that so check

this out if you want to study with us or

if you are thinking about it and

hopefully you can find something that

works for you

let’s go to part two okay if you haven’t

please please please make sure to like

and share this video it helps other

people to find our lesson so

let’s go to part



part two

have to and don’t have to i want to talk

about this one

uh because i like to review this grammar

point every once in a while it’s

important to do


have to and don’t have to when do we use

this okay we use have to

to talk about the things you have a

responsibility to do


that means if you do not do this thing

something bad will happen or there will

be some negative effect so it’s

important you do this thing you have a

responsibility yeah you have to do this


oh of course you can use need to also if

you have that question i’m not going to

talk about need to today but you can use

need to as well

all right

so this is uh the first point here the

second point is about this negative form

don’t have to or doesn’t have to as well

we use the negative form for things you

might reasonably expect to do so

sometimes when learners

they first learn this grammar point

they use the negative form for some like

kind of crazy idea yeah like a good

example is someone said in my lesson

once like i don’t have to drink alcohol

at work it’s like

most people that’s not a that’s not a

rule at work right uh so it sounds kind

of strange to use like a crazy statement

with this grammar point so use this

grammar point the negative form with

something you can reasonably expect to

do okay

okay so how do we make a sentence how do

we make a statement

with have to again we need to think

about our subject the subject of our

sentence so i you we or they subjects

follow this pattern i have to

verb so again our base verb form here i

have to verb you have to verb we or they

have to go for example


if the subject is he

she or it we use has to he has to or she

has to or it has to plus our verb so we

do not need to change this verb here

sometimes i see learners do that don’t

need to do that we change this verb to

be verb plus s right with simple present

but we do not do this uh with have to

and has to grammar patterns

okay so let’s look at some examples okay

oh let’s look at some examples

first one i have to go to the bank today

i have to go to the bank today


i is my subject i use have to here i

have to and then my verb is go

yeah infinitive verb i have to go

my destination to the bank i have to go

to the bank and when

today i have to go to the bank today

okay i have some responsibility to go to

the bank today if i do not go

something bad

okay let’s go to the next one he has to

come to the meeting he has to come to

the meeting he is responsible

he has to come to the meeting so

subject is he

i use has to

because i follow this rule here he has

to and infinitive verb come

he has to come

to the meeting

all right some examples are coming in

from all of you thalia olivier i hope i

said your name right it says i have to

water my plants at least two times a

week yes take care of your plants i need

to water my plant for the second time

this week too


nice one oh there’s so many oh my gosh i

have to get a new phone says nohora good

uh oh my gosh i have to do my homework

hey that’s an example sentence later

very nice ones everybody oh my gosh chat

is exploding on facebook and youtube

well done everybody i have to go

to study english right now okay good

shang okay i have to take a shower

because it’s late okay enjoy your shower

good all right everybody has nice

sentences uh karina says she doesn’t

have to work next saturday good and

negative yeah let’s get to our negative

practice so

how do we make this grammar point

negative okay so i didn’t put it here

because i talked about it here so

to make your have to and has two

sentences negative we use


for this sentence pattern

and we use doesn’t

for this sentence pattern so we put

doesn’t or don’t before i have to and

key point please pay attention to this

point because many people make a mistake

when you use this pattern the he

she it pattern and you make it negative

we do not change have to has yeah

she doesn’t have sometimes i see

learners right she doesn’t has to

no i understand i i completely

understand why

because this pattern uses has to but

when you make the negative form do not

change this verb she doesn’t have to


so let’s practice some negative examples


i don’t have to work this weekend

i don’t have to work this weekend so i

have no responsibility to work this

weekend maybe i usually do or i

sometimes do i don’t have to work this



doesn’t have to cook dinner tonight

she doesn’t have to cook dinner tonight

so maybe sometimes she does

maybe she shares the responsibility with

someone else but tonight she doesn’t

have to



how do you know you’re pointing at the

right place without looking at the board

i’m looking at it here in the camera and

you have to finish your homework

you have to finish your homework so

here’s one with a you

subject you have to finish your home


all right

so many example sentences are coming in

uh yogesh says i don’t have to wash

clothes good

other ones uh raj zee nat says i do not

have to go there good yeah so the

unreduced the non-reduced form there

okay oscar says i have to watch the

class yeah nice oscar


uh rakan says i wanna i want to wake up

early so now i wanna to wanna is want in

together yeah i wanted to wake up early

but my sleep schedule

is a mess yeah i understand that


hiyarul says i don’t have to go to bali

okay so that as i mentioned before

grammatically the grammar is correct but

it’s a reasonable expectation is it

regular for you to go to bali like every

week or every month for work or


if it’s regular for you then okay but

for most people like going to bali

i don’t know i don’t know maybe you live

near there so it could be but make sure

that you use the negative form for

things you can reasonably expect to do

yeah okay cool everybody

very nice job with have to and don’t

have to okay time’s running out so let’s

stop there on that grammar point and

then we’ll go to our final grammar point

for today okie dokie quickly again if

you missed it

last time

if you missed it last time there is a

free i’m sorry

it’s not free it’s not free that was

that’s regularly the pdfs we share with

you there is a sale

35 off sale it is not free

there’s a 35 off sale on the website if

you would like to study with our lessons

and our materials so check this out if

you have been thinking about studying

with us if you click the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

facebook you will find this page here so

you can scroll down on this page to find

all of the details about our premium and

premium plus plans if you want to study

with us and get feedback get our tools

whatever so check this out and i hope

you find something that works for you

oh ki doki let’s go to our last point


let’s go



any questions coming in


he doesn’t have to worry about his

lifestyle okay cool what’s your

instagram it’s in the it’s in the

description on youtube uh how to use

could please i have videos about this if

you have questions about other topics uh

related to the live stream there are

many people watching i suggest try just


our youtube channel uh and if it’s not

there then send me a question on ask

alicia yeah


okay all right let’s go to the last

point then

going to so let’s talk about going to

and the progressive tense using the ing

form progressive tense or continuous we

use these to express an upcoming action

future action used to talk about a

planned future action so you are 100

sure about it something you know

is going to happen so we can use both of

these grammar points to express the same



all right

so how do we do this we use our subject

i you

he she whatever

we use our subject plus the be verb like

i am or you are or he is here so

depending on your subject

and then we use going to

and to the infinitive verb


so let’s look at an example of this one

first okay

i am going to

an english lesson

on saturday i am going to an english


on saturday so subject i

be verb am i am

going to


oh sorry

we can put going to and sometimes

without the infinitive verb i’m going to

go to an english lesson see i did it too

i put this uh not even thinking about it

i i used this pattern actually i am

going to an english lesson on saturday

so you can use i’ve used this pattern

here instead that’s how that’s how

typical this is

i’m going to go to an english lesson

it’s also correct that’s what i was

planning to explain here i’m going to go

to an english lesson on saturday or this

one that i’ve used here i’m going to

an english lesson on saturday so we use

both of them as i just did


let’s look at another one this one uses

the same

progressive form pattern so we use

subject plus


plus the progressive form of a verb okay

so he’s

here i’ve contracted this he is yeah so


is is reduced to he’s here yeah

he’s taking is my progressive verb

taking the day off tomorrow he’s taking

the day

off tomorrow okay

you could also say he’s going to take

the day off tomorrow both are fine you

can do both of those

so he’s taking the day off tomorrow or

he’s going to take the day off

cool okay

so let’s look at a going to another

going to one so

we’re going to go hiking in the

mountains this weekend we’re going to go

hiking in the mountains this weekend


so let’s break this one down as well

we’re so here’s my subject we are

right here subject in b

we are going to right here going to

go in this case i used going to go

hiking you could say we’re going to hike

as well so there are many well i guess i

could say three

three patterns you can use

to express this you could say we’re

going to go hiking in the mountains as

the sentence we’re going to hike in the

mountains or we’re hiking in the

mountains this weekend it’s up to you

you can choose which you prefer i think

me personally i tend to use the going to

pattern more we’re going to i would

probably say i’m going to go hiking this


so it’s up to you to find your personal

preference there’s not a difference

in meaning between them


what’s infinitive verb the infinitive

verb is the base form of the verb the

the form of the verb you find in the



can i say i am playing soccer tomorrow

says miguel yes yes yes yes absolutely

i’m playing soccer tomorrow okay

all right good let’s continue uh to the

last one oh my gosh oh my gosh time went

so fast this is the last one

she’s going to create a plan for our

next project

she’s going to create a plan for our

next project so again she is my subject

with b so she is

she is going to create so create is my

infinitive verb

she’s going to create a plan for our

next project so you can use this grammar

point to talk about your upcoming so

your future schedule items like your

weekend plans for example

some of your examples are coming in now

too okay juan carlos says i’m going to

watch a movie after alicia’s lesson

enjoy your movie okay


jermaine says i’m going to the football

game this sunday morning have fun that

sounds like fun uh karina says he’s

hosting the meeting tomorrow very nice

juan correa says i’m going to travel on

saturday good madan says i am going to

take a lesson with you really okay nice


prakash please explain going to when we

can use that was this section if you

want more about going to

again there are some videos on the

youtube channel many actually i made

many videos about this grammar point uh

facebook what’s up uh

kim says i’m going to work at thailand

i’m going to work in thailand in

thailand yeah



sorry i hope i said your name right said

the teacher is going to teach you a new


maybe tomorrow instead of the next day

so maybe use tomorrow instead of the

next day okay hari she is going back to

canada so we use two to mark the

destination of our movement yeah

uh other ones diana says i’m going to

have dinner after class enjoy your

dinner diana okay i think that’s enough

good job everybody nice nice so i think

you can all express your schedule pretty

well so you can put these things

together too our grammar points for

today i’m late so

let’s quickly review uh today’s lessons

with the lesson boards if you want to

take a screenshot now is your chance

all right today we talked about simple

present tense uh using this to express

facts and your timetable we talked about

have to and don’t have to for your

responsibilities and we talked about

going to and progressive tents to talk

about your planned future

activities hooray

everybody did a great job in the chat

that was super awesome uh i have to

finish because i’m very late so let’s go

to next week’s topic

i’ll be back again next week next week’s

lesson information is right here

next week august 25th wednesday 10 p.m

eastern standard time that is new york

city time if you do not know your local

time please google it use your google

skills or you can set a notification on

youtube you can set a notification on

facebook or if you follow me on

instagram i always post a link and a

topic reminder in my stories so please

check that out follow me on instagram if

you want to get that reminder every week

next week i’m going to talk about how to


non-textbook resources to study what

does that mean so

how do you use things like youtube

videos or podcasts or music or movies

how do you use things that are not

textbooks like apps as well how do you

use these things to study what are some

tips for using those things so if you

use things that are not textbooks or if

you want to find a new way to study

please join next week’s lesson we’ll

talk about some ideas for you okey dokey

cool all right i will say goodbye there

then uh so thank you for joining me that

was super awesome and if you want to

check out uh the lessons and courses and

tools we have make sure to click the

link below the video on youtube above

the video on facebook to check out this


off sale

so all the details are on that page have

a look i hope you enjoy i’ll say goodbye

there check the links check all the

links you can follow me on social media

from those links too

and that’s it for this week so thanks as

always for your great questions thank

you very much for joining and for liking

and sharing the video that is super

super cool so enjoy the rest of your day

have a nice week and a nice weekend and

i will see you again next time bye