How to Use Have to to Express Responsibilities in English

hi everybody and welcome back to our

weekly live stream my name is alicia and

in this week’s lesson

we are going to talk about how to use

have to

to express responsibilities in this


i’m going to talk about making positive

statements with have to

negative statements with don’t have to

and finally we’re going to talk about

making questions to ask about and


responsibilities so i hope today’s

lesson is a super good one

for maybe upper beginner and

intermediate level students

of course if you’re not one of those

levels i hope you find something

useful and interesting today too so as

you join

please make sure to hit the like button

and share this video so that other

people can find

today’s lesson that would be super super

great uh and

then yeah we’ll have a good time so

let’s take a look at a couple

of quick announcements as always uh

first announcement

is about the bottom of the screen this

banner at the bottom of the screen this


off banner right here if you missed it

last week the team extended this

31 off chance uh for

our english lessons english class so i’ll show you

what you will find if you click that

link if you click this link you will go

to this page

right here and you’ll see uh in green

and in orange the premium and the

premium plus

plans on our team’s website so if you

would like to study with us

many of you send me messages uh on

social media

asking about courses and so on so if you

are interested

in finding uh courses to study english

along with our video lessons

please make sure to check this out so if

you scroll you’ll find all the


between these two premium and premium

plus plan

and you can choose the one that’s best

for you so check that out if you are


in learning with us so that is 31

off this week okay that’s announcement


announcement two is as always

if you have questions for me you can

send them to me for this

series the ask alicia series a question

and answer series where you

ask me questions and i answer them maybe

so maybe i’ll answer your question

i will read your question i can promise

that uh but i choose some interesting


and we talk about them for this series

so you can send them to me at

ask hyphen alicia the link is in the

youtube description

and if you want to follow me on social

media on instagram

or twitter you can also find the link in

the description

there all right so that’s all for

announcements it looks like everything

is good yeah i see youtube is up hello


hello everyone on youtube welcome

welcome youtube viewers

i see our many regular members are in


uh khanwajit hello i see lots of those

hello eduardo from panama welcome that’s


uh miguel hello says hola and babna


everybody welcome facebook are you here

i hope facebook is joining us as well

i’m coming to check you

facebook where are you facebook facebook

okay great facebook is here as well hi

facebook hi everybody on facebook

oh i can’t open the video for some

reason that’s very interesting but i see

it’s on there so

okay let me take a look facebook i want

to say hello to you

okay it’s all rolling so i’ll show you

today’s lesson

boards uh real quick this is the lesson

flow for today’s topics we are going to

look at

uh positive statements first uh how to


have to for a positive statement then we

are going to look

at negative statements and then finally

we are going to talk about

questions too so uh please if you are

joining live

or even if you’re not live you can send

me a message in the chat

i will try to check live uh and we’ll

practice together

franklin one of our members on youtube

hola hello

facebook now i have you hi facebook

welcome everyone david hello

kumato from new york we’re cool nichio

cirillo from indianapolis cool and


welcome okay good everyone is here i’m

going to share the video

but um okay it is done i have shared it

now let’s start so let’s begin today

with positive statements positive


also i’m going to start now so the

lesson now so if you haven’t please make

sure to like

and or share the video it helps other

people uh

see it okay positive statements let’s

talk about

positive statements with have to

and today’s lesson is about have to i’m

focusing on have to

uh but you can use need to

need to in the same way okay i’m not

going to focus on that point

but you can do that so let’s begin

positive statements when do we use

have to we use have to to express

a responsibility something you must

do we don’t use must and have to

interchangeably must in everyday speech

sounds a little too polite or a little

too formal

so usually in everyday conversation

we use have to to talk about our

everyday activities

our everyday responsibilities okay

then if you do not do the action

there will be a problem this is the

feeling with have to

so if you say i have to do something

it sounds like if you do not do that


there will be some problem in the future

okay so here’s our basic pattern

for today’s lesson we have our subject

i you we he she they and so on it

plus have to and then the base

form of our verb or the infinitive form

the basic form there

okay this is the basic form oh menelik

uh camel on youtube thanks very much for

supporting our channel that’s awesome

okay so depending on your subject if

your subject is i

you we they we follow this pattern i

have to

you have to we have to and so on if your


is he or she or it you use has to he has

to or she has to

and so on all right so let’s look at


example sentences that use this grammar

you those of you watching out there you

can comment

and use this basic pattern

to express one of your responsibilities

this week express a responsibility this


okay so let’s look at some examples now

for example

i have to go to work i have to

go to work we tend to reduce

these sounds in speech so a

pronunciation point

when i’m speaking just like everyday


i don’t say i have to go to work

it comes out as i have to go to work i

have to go to work

so this and these become

very soft i have to i have to i have to

go to work

okay so i have to go to work or i have

to go to school very common


yeah okay another one

he has to come to

the meeting he has to come to the


so again this part becomes a little


in speech not he has to come but he has

to come

he has to come so these two sounds

kind of come together they reduce

together he has to come

to the meeting okay all right

uh dmvo on facebook says i have to learn

this lesson

or i have to learn this grammar yeah


okay next one is we have to

organize a party we have to organize a


great so in this case uh we have the


have to here but our subject is we we

have to organize a party and finally

down here

you have to see that movie you have to

see that movie i included this one this

example sentence here you have to see

that movie

because this uh yes it uses

the have to grammar point but we use


with this you subject like you have to

blah blah do some

activity in this case see a movie this


friendly but strong advice we use have


in this way to express advice like

strong recommendations

we can use hot do to do that okay

cesar reyes albuquerque says i have to

eat fried potatoes really

it’s your responsibility that’s your


so a good point is generally we

use this to talk about our


so like uh to like to take care of

ourselves or to take care of

work or our studies and so on if you

want to be a little bit

funny you can use have to like in your

example like i have to eat like french

fries and

you can use it to make kind of uh jokey

sentences great lots of examples are

coming in esther

destiny hi on facebook says i have to go

to the gym

great great very nice one um

rodrigo says yeah we have to stay at

home yeah

many countries right now have to stay at

home great example sentence

okay uh roton roy says i have to play


very nice very nice okay on youtube uh

victor vidal says we have to practice

conversation a lot

great yes i hope so um michelle says i

have to watch the live streaming class


of english with alicia nice yeah so i

have more maybe more naturally i have to

watch alicia’s

live streamed class i would say that


okay um oh byron wrote uh you gotta

visit nicaragua

yeah so you can use you’ve you’ve got to

or you gotta yeah in a similar way to


strong advice great tons of great

examples that this is

many people are writing i have to study

for my english exam tomorrow like

jermaine on youtube

very nice very nice i have to start

eating every day okay

well sushi says i have to drink hot

chocolate every hour

it’s a very interesting responsibility


all right i think everybody is doing a

great job with this grammar point very

very nice

very nice okay so positive statements

sounds great everyone

you’re doing a great job with the

scammer point okay let’s take one short


and then we’ll go to part two part two

is about

negative uh statements and that’s the

part that i

often see mistakes in so let’s go to

that next

very quickly if you missed it before i

saw a couple questions in the chat just

now about how to get

uh lessons how to take a course with our


this banner at the bottom of the screen

this get 31 percent off banner

is about this page on our website at

that you can see oh sorry i’ll get it in

a second

that you can see if you click on this

link so if you click on this link you’ll

go to the page that has the different

plans for our courses so you can check

which plan is the best for you

if you want to study with our lesson so

there’s details here

about the differences between them so if


have that question please check the link

below the video

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video if you’re watching on facebook

so you can take a look there

okeydokey let’s continue let’s go to

negative statements also if you haven’t

please please please make sure to hit

the like button

and share the video it helps the


find this video let’s go to part two

i’ll show you today’s lesson board so

you can take a picture again if you want

we talked about positive statements at

the beginning

now we are going to talk about negative


as i said this is the point i see lots

of learners make mistakes with with this

grammar point so

let’s go let’s take a look okay

negative statements negative statements

what is the deal

negative statements okay so negative

statements with

have to we use don’t have to

or doesn’t have to to create the


form of this grammar i don’t have to do


he doesn’t have to do something so we

use don’t have to

to express something you do not

have a responsibility to do so no


okay but right here this key point

this is the part that i see learners

make mistakes with

we use don’t have to to

uh express an action that is a


expectation a reasonable expectation

so that means something we can expect

you are responsible for so here’s a

here’s a good example

this sentence is grammatically correct

but it doesn’t make much sense

with this grammar point this is i don’t

have to drink alcohol at work i don’t

have to drink alcohol at work

okay but the reason this sentence sounds

really strange

is because for most people we don’t

drink alcohol at work it’s not a


expectation it’s not a reasonable


right so this sentence sounds a little


we use this grammar point to talk about

things that are

reasonable in our everyday lives or in

our everyday situation

okay so please try to remember this


when you make your example sentences


okay so uh you can

okay i talked about this then last point

here you can use this to describe an

action you can do

later so this means i don’t have to do

something now

i’m going to do it later i’ll show you

another example sentence

in a minute okay so here is the basic


for the negative statement we have again

our subject

and then don’t or doesn’t

plus have to and our base verb our

infinitive verb here

okay so subject meaning i don’t or you

don’t we don’t and so on and with


he doesn’t she doesn’t it doesn’t

these are the reduced forms do not and

does not

we use don’t and doesn’t typically in

everyday speech

okay oh no horror wrote you don’t have

to apologize

very nice example okay all right

uh cesaro said we don’t have to go to

work on sundays

very nice very nice okay so some of you

are already doing

making this error so a reasonable

expectation when you make a sentence

with this

make a sentence about something we can


expect so do we expect that you have to

eat cookies

every sunday most people probably know

i think so try to think about an


typical expectation okay so

if you are watching live or you want to

practice later here is your comment

your chat comment homework express

something you do not

have a responsibility to do this week

or you do not have a responsibility to


okay uh leo hernandez on facebook wrote

i don’t have to arrive

late to work okay your sentence is

grammatically correct

but because you use this grammar point

it sounds like

they expect you to arrive late at work

which is not true

right so that sentence i would write

i shouldn’t arrive late to work remember

expectation and responsibility is the

key here

let’s look at some examples i don’t have

to go to work

or i don’t have to go to work today this

sentence sounds natural

because it’s a weekday there’s an

expectation we we expect i have a


to go to work right or school okay

i don’t have to go to work so i have no


to go to work okay another one

we don’t have to organize a party we

don’t have to organize a party

so maybe we could use this sentence

in a situation where there’s an office


maybe and someone says we don’t have to

organize a party

that person is taking a holiday we don’t

have to

organize a party so we don’t have any

responsibility here

okay then i don’t have to go to the bank


i can go tomorrow i don’t have to go to

the bank today

i can go tomorrow so this is

an example of this kind of sentence to

describe an action you can do

later okay so remember the key is

to express a reasonable expectation

oh february kmt on facebook said we

don’t have to attend the meeting this


perfect very nice example very nice

example oh niche

also on facebook says i don’t have to go

to work for

a long time great very nice example

uh anger juma khan malala on facebook

says i

i don’t have to play football today okay

david wyland wrote i don’t have to drink

alcohol okay

again grammatically correct but is it


if it’s maybe reasonable in your life to

drink alcohol maybe you’re a bartender

or something if it’s reasonable for your

everyday life

it’s okay to use okay

uh other examples let’s see youtube how

is it going over here on youtube

um oh sushi has a nice example we don’t

have to worry about making any mistakes

when we speak english ooh nice one very

nice one

victor says we don’t have to travel to

the moon

i guess that’s true that’s true we don’t

have to

travel to the moon but it seems exciting

good example

okay uh de gea that says i don’t have to

go to work this week very nice

tavares i hope says you don’t have to

take a day off good

good example good example daniela


hi says i do not have to go to the

office i can work at home

very nice okay great so many good

examples deacra says you don’t have to


uh the specialist this afternoon natalia

says i don’t have to wake up early


nice so many good ones hey that looks

great that looks great everybody’s got


you fixed this issue that sounds awesome


okay phew that was great awesome job


okay i think it looks good so let’s go

to the last part let’s focus on using

this grammar

to create questions now okay nice work

everybody that was awesome

sorry i didn’t read all your examples

there are so many

on facebook and on youtube great work


let’s go to the last part let’s go to

talking about

questions how do we make questions this

is really important

especially at work and at school knowing

how to make questions

with this uh this grammar let’s

go so questions how do we use

have to to make questions you can make

some questions

uh and maybe you can check the chat to

check the chat or the comments for some


ideas as well okay

let’s go to making questions then so

why do we need to make questions with

have to

we use have to or need to questions

to ask for information about our

responsibilities yeah we need some

details about the responsibility

or we need to ask for a reason

for responsibility like why questions

and we use yes or no have to

questions to confirm a responsibility so


means uh like to get a yes or no answer

something i have to do or don’t have to


so questions are very very important

with this grammar point so let’s look at

the basic pattern here

there are actually two first when you

want to use a wh

question who what where when why how


those questions put it at the beginning

and then do or does this depends on your


here then end with have to

and your base verb okay

so for example here

what do we have to do today

what do we have to do today this is a


you can use with your co-workers in the


so to check your to-do list for the day

what do we have to do today

what are our responsibilities for the

day what do we

have to do today right here so this

follows this

wh question what followed by do

here we use do because the subject is

we yeah what do we have to

do have to do is the base form of the


and today tells us the time

period the time information okay

good let’s go to the next one next one

is where does he have to buy

tickets where does he have to buy


so in this sentence my wh question is

where where then i use does

because my subject is he so remember if

your subject is he

she or it you need to use does you have

to use

this okay all right

where does he have to buy tickets okay

finally this is another really good


for parties for meetings at work at


when you’re visiting someone else when

do you have to leave

when do you have to leave so this is

asking about someone’s schedule

when are they going to leave or when do

they have to leave

uh the current location kim’s round

hi on facebook says where do we

have to go today perfect

okay cesar says what do i have to study

tonight very nice

okay masood says why do we have to wear

a mask very good nice example sentence

free youtuber says when does she have to

go very nice

okay um no hora says what do you have to

do next week very nice

belgian says how long do i have to do

the things i don’t want

oh maybe forever all of us a few things

we don’t want to do

right uh good job what do i have to do


a few people are writing that fantastic

okay very very nice so this is

the wh question pattern style question

we want to get some information also

i didn’t include it here but we often


this uh to ask for a reason

why like why do i have to do something

why do i have to come to the office or

why do i have to

like learn this so you can use why

questions as well okay

let’s go to the final point yes or no


yes or no questions are used for


like i said confirmation means we check


we get a yes or no answer to confirm

something for example does he

have to leave early today does he have

to leave early today

yes he does or no he doesn’t

so to make these questions we can use

the same

pattern i talked about here this pattern

is the same

just remove the wh question yeah

so the question begins with do or

does yeah so this part of the pattern

does he have to leave early today yes or

no simple yes or no response is

perfectly fine

okay another one do you have to go

to a meeting later do you have to go to

a meeting later

so you’re asking about someone’s

schedule for later

in the day do you have to go to a

meeting later no

okay let’s let’s get lunch that kind of


finally i wanted to include this one

right here it has this sad face

yeah this beautiful sad face this

question is

do we have to do we have to

this is such a common question and it

might not seem so

clear like there’s no verb here right do

we have to

what there’s no verb this is used often

to complain

about something you don’t want to do you

can change this

of course do we have to or do i have to

so if you receive a request like for


you like working from home but you have

to go to your office

or you have to go somewhere you don’t

want to go

you can say do i have to in that case

no verb is necessary like when the


is clear you can drop the verb in this


so this is a way to complain you’re


really i have to i have this

responsibility to do this

and we usually use that sound with our

voice that tone of voice it communicates

we’re unhappy we’re complaining

do i have to do we have to

so you can use this to make a very

informal complaint i don’t recommend

using this with your boss

don’t use this in a polite situation but

you can use this

usually with family or friends uh to


in a way it’s a good one very very

common so that’s why there’s no

verb at the end there do we have to

because we

understand from the conversation uh

jilingjin on youtube says do i have to

finish my homework

good example very good example do i have


okay very good uh other ones uh

oh uh john jean carlos ah on youtube i

saw your question let me find it again

jean carlos aurela says don’t you have

to work today

yeah great one you can use the negative

form here as well

to make a a confirmation question

like you think the other person has to


and you want to confirm that you can use

the negative

yeah don’t you have to work today that


i think you have to work today but

you’re not working

so i want to check i’ll use the negative


here instead don’t you have to work

today great one

great one i didn’t cover that grammar in

today’s lesson nice sentence

okie dokie other ones many people are

writing about homework do we have to do

the homework today

probably probably okay others uh do we

have to memorize this lesson no

you don’t have to memorize this whole

lesson but

i think if you want to make sure you can

speak and write well

you should remember this grammar point

you should remember the screen or you

have to remember

this grammar point okay very nice

examples everybody

fantastic job with this grammar point

was this easy for you

you have lots of very exciting and

interesting example sentences today

it’s great very nice okay i have to


so i’ll show you today’s lesson boards

one more time very quickly so you can


a picture and then i’ll share the

information about next week’s lesson


so here is today’s information

we talked about positive statements

negative statements

and question remember big point with

negative statements

don’t have to remember to use it with


that we do not expect to be responsible


okay then next week’s lesson i’ll be

back next week as always next week

oh my gosh april 7th april 7th oh my

gosh or april 8th depending on your time


we will be back 10 p.m eastern standard

time that’s new york city time so you

can set a notification

on youtube or on facebook to make sure

you find out when the lesson starts or

if you follow me on instagram i always


a link and a topic reminder in my story

so you can check there if you follow me


next week i’m going to talk about how to

use active

and passive voice to talk about


actions completed actions so

we’re i’m going to actually connect next

week’s lesson

with this week’s lesson so we’ll cover

uh how to

explain your responsibilities like after

they’re finished something you had to do

so we’re going to use

active and passive voice to do that so

please join me again

next week uh yeah and to get those

reminders yeah follow us on youtube or

facebook or you can follow me

on instagram to do that the link is in

the youtube description so please

check that out there all right i will

say goodbye for this week uh

and also don’t forget if you want to

study uh

with our video lesson there were quite a

few questions about that today

don’t forget to check the link below the

video on youtube or above the video

on facebook to take a look at the plans

we have

uh there okay i will say goodbye for

this week so thank you very very much

for your awesome

example sentences and your great

questions that was a super super fun


and i’ll say goodbye so enjoy the rest
