How to use used to English Grammar Lesson


i used to

dot and finn are college students

they are working on a group essay and

now being at the university amphitheater

hey finn

next friday is a deadline for our group


where have you up to

i have completed my part

what about you

the same

what about meeting tomorrow and complete

this essay

yes sure

i need a high grade in a class of

professor levine for my scholarship

where should we meet library coffeehouse

the library is too quiet and the coffee


kind of noisy to me

what about my apartment

your apartment oh please it’s a mess

it used to be but not anymore

come over and you will see

alright meet you at 2pm




hey finn

hey welcome


have your apartment been stolen


silly i’ve just rearranged a little

i had been stressed for a while my life

was a mess at that time

then i read a book on minimalism

recently and was inspired by it

does this tenant also include throw out

all of your equipment even television

and sofa

not really minimalism is intentionally

living with only the things you really


those items that support your purpose

removing the distraction of excess

possessions so you can focus more on

those things that matter most

have to say i am feeling much better now

after removing all those unnecessary

things out of my life

and i have worked more efficiently now

but don’t you think it’s so inconvenient

it was at the first time but now i am

used to it

it gives me more space for working and


the housework is quicker to finish

and i can also start to save money not

waste money on things anymore

if you are happy with it i’m glad to

hear well at least your place looks

really neat now i’m comfortable with it

now let’s get to work




nas and sandy are college students and

have worked at a coffee store together

for two months

while naz is a hot and sexy girl

sandy is a bookworm chubby and

unattractive girl

this is 2pm at their workplace the

coffee shop


what happened

i’ve seen you sighing all day

no it’s

that’s okay you won’t get it anyway

don’t you think you need to tell me at

first to know that

all right

i have a crush on this man and


he rejected me


another one

i’m so sorry to hear that

that’s all right i am used to it

men don’t have interest in me not like


i don’t want to be rude but why do you

think that way

oh look at you

you are totally hot

the guy who just paid was trying to

flirt with you the whole lunch but you

just ignored him

it is not the first time happened

we have worked together for two months

and i have seen it a lot


just because my outlook makes you think

that i haven’t had a feeling like you

right now

oh please of course it is

i bet guys go after you for a thousand


oh my silly you overestimate me so much

of course i know for your feeling

i used to be like you before

you were

yeah here

that is you

can’t be recognized right


because of exceeding i used to be a fat

girl like that

and people kept making fun of me and got

away from me because of my outlook

until 18 i hadn’t had a boyfriend yet

what changed you

well of course

i aware of my body at that time but i

just couldn’t have enough determination

to lose weight

then once when i and my friend were

walking on the street in the late night

we smelled some dangerous things and got


my friend was luckily escaped but not me

because of my overweight body i got

caught and was robbed of all my money

were you okay

yes i was alright luckily

so from that day i decided to lose

weight and become stronger

that way i could protect myself and


kickboxing miyatai taekwondo i have

learned all of it

and still keeping until

now that’s why i have this body

i was not born to be beautiful i worked

hard to get it

do you get what i mean

stop complaining and start working

in fact

i mean am just a normal girl like you

but well

get that way is better

anyway sandy

you’re not ugly or too fatty you are

chubby and your face is good looking

i think all you need to do is be more

confident change in style a little bit


i mean it could be younger and sexier i

don’t know

depends on you

and well maybe you can start to work out

or learn a sport also

it’s good for your health

maybe you can be hard at the beginning

but by the time you will love it and be

used to it like me

you’re right i should start changing

about myself instead of a passive life

like this

thanks for your advice nas


jamie and rose are friends

and jamie is a shopaholic

jamie is walking to his home carrying

packages of clothes and suddenly sees

rose is sitting in front of his house

hey jamie

hey rose what are you doing here

nothing my roommate invited her

boyfriend over for dinner and watching a


and she asked me to help them have their


so i came over to your house and

couldn’t call you

where was your phone

it was out of battery

but wait did you get out of your room

just because of it


that’s right she will do the housework

for two weeks and well

i don’t want to see them cuddle anymore

it’s too much i can’t be used to it

can i stay over

sure come on in

it must be freaking cold out here


i’ve waited for it

i’m sorry

what are you carrying jamie

uh it’s nothing

let me see have you bought clothes again

what are you talking about it’s it’s


give me


what is this jamie

two coats and shoes

how many times have i told you that you

have to stop buying things

i am sorry

i was walking on the streets and

suddenly bumped into it and i’m looking

good in those things

besides the coats got discounted

i couldn’t hold back in a minute

are you aware that you are in a debt now

just because of your shopping habit


yes yes i am aware

it will be the last time i promise

starting from tomorrow i will not be a

shopaholic anymore

oh my dear of course you will and i will

help you get it

give me your wallet

for what

i will take all of your cards include

the id card to make sure you can’t open

any more accounts

what you’re crazy

i can care about myself

no you can’t

you’ve told me you will not shop anymore

for half a year but you still can’t do


now i will help you but if you have all

of my cards how can i pay for my daily


i will transfer you the daily spending

money by internet banking

it’s ridiculous you are not my mom

do you have any idea of paying all of

your debts

especially when you are still addicted

to shopping like this

but it is too inconvenient

well maybe but you have to get used to


you don’t have any choice

we will try it for a month and see the

results okay

let’s see

can you be used to it or not

and can you give up this habit or not

all right here is my wallet

take it


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