I Messed Up Use this phrasal verb

hi I’m Vanessa from the website speak

English with Vanessa comm did you mess

it up

let’s talk about it in today’s video I

want to teach you a natural phrasal verb

that we use when there’s a problem so

you’re not perfect I’m not perfect we

all have problems in our lives and

sometimes it’s our fault

so this phrasal verb you can use in the

situation’s what’s the phrasal verb its

mess up mess up did you mess up this

means did you do something wrong today I

want to show you two things so that you

can more easily understand how to use

this phrasal verb the first thing is a

short clip from a video that I took of

my husband Dan playing pool with his

sister the second thing is a short story

from my childhood where I messed up

let’s take a look at the first thing in

this video you’ll see Dan playing pool

with his sister he has the final shot

and if he makes this shot he wins the

game so he’s going to use this

expression in a negative way he says

don’t mess it up let’s listen

yeah as you can see Dan’s pretty excited

that he won the game and at the end of

this video I want to show you his

victory dance but first let me show you

the second story so that you can see how

to use the word mess-up when my sister

and I were in elementary school we

wanted to bake cookies by ourselves for

the first time we’d always done it with

our parents but we wanted to do it alone

we were ready to do it by ourselves so

we mixed all the ingredients and the

final ingredient was baking soda baking

soda is a powder that you add to help

the cookies or bread or some other kind

of thing that you’re making rise up a

little bit so you only need a little bit

of it in fact you only need this much

this is 1/2 of a teaspoon this is an

American measurement that we were

supposed to use for the baking soda but

we probably me I didn’t read the

instructions carefully enough and we

added instead of 1/2 teaspoon we added

one half of a cup this is one cup we

added one half cup of baking soda now

what would happen if we added that much

well we were a little bit worried

because there wasn’t one half cup of

baking soda left in the container so we

asked my dad is there more baking soda

we finished it is there some more we can

use and when he saw how much we used he

said oh no I think you messed up the

cookies there’s no way to get it out of

the mixture now you’re just gonna have

to bake it and see what happened

and you know we messed it up we messed

up our cookie dough but we wanted to see

what was going to happen so we put it in

the oven and when we took it out it was

huge it was one giant cookie and my dad

he was the one who took it out of the


he accidentally touched it on the

counter a little bit and it exploded I’m

not kidding these cookies were full of

air they exploded and it became one thin

huge cookie and of course they tasted

terrible so my sister decided to bring

them to school and let her friend try

them and her friend tried it and said

these are great she had no idea that we

messed them up so I hope this funny

little story about my first baking

experience will help you to learn how to

use the word mess-up I hope you don’t

mess it up now it’s your turn I want you

to be able to use this expression

naturally so in the comments below this

video I want you to answer this question

when was a time that you messed up

something when did you mess up something

small or something big let us know in

the comments below so that you can use

this phrasal verb I’ll see you again the

next time goodbye

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much for learning with me bye