In the beauty salon Learn English Conversation Practice


in the beauty salon

a beauty salon is a familiar place for

everyone especially women

we can find a lot of beauty treatment

services there

let’s watch the following video to see

what the characters come to the beauty

salon to do

situation one advice for acne treatment


evening how can i help you

hi i have some problems with my skin you


i’m freaking out now i tried to pop them

but it is getting worse and worse

could i have a look at it


oh you have whiteheads blackheads and

several postules

which kind of your skin

i am not sure

sometimes i think it’s dry skin but the

nose area is oily

i see the area with more oil is usually

the t-zone but the skin on the cheeks is

dry is that right

yeah that’s right

so your skin is combination skin

okay i will advise you some products for

your issues

what is your skin care routine at home

i just use a cleanser twice a day i also

use makeup remover and toner

a simple routine

but you know the more simple the more


i have this one for you

to treat your acne you should use it

once a day

just spot your pimples

okay when will it have an effect

it takes around seven days but it


you should change your living habits as


do you have any advice

you should go to sleep before 12.

staying up late is the reason for

whiteheads and red spots on your skin

noted thanks

most important

don’t pop the pimples just don’t

why not

i think it helps my skin cleaner

you can spread bacteria and have scars

popping them just makes your skin

problem worse day by day

if you want to remove them you should

come here then our experts will help you

remember never attempt to pop your

pimples yourself

got it anything else that i should note

there are some i will give you a

skincare booklet so that you can have a

deep look

that’s great i cannot remember all the

things you said though

yes here you are

if you need any help you can contact our

fan page or the hotline

i see thank you so much could i pay it

in cash

yes please


situation 2 cosmetic surgery


hey look this girl is so pretty

let me see

wow how beautiful she is

but i think her nose is fake

come on linda you have to approve that

it’s gorgeous though isn’t it

what do you think about cosmetic surgery

it’s great i forgot to tell you that i

am going to have breast augmentation

surgery next month

you’re crazy

did you think about complications

yes i did of course

i had an appointment with the doctor

did he tell you like you can be left

with some scars or something

he did but you see it’s the fastest way

i’m always shy with my breasts that is

the reason i decided to do it

come on

small breasts are so fabulous

look all the models just have normal

size even small

no linda their body is fit they are nice

so it’s not the matter

but i want to change myself i just want

to be more beautiful

even the silicone breast prophecies can

be ruptured

sweetie it barely happens maybe three or

five percent

let’s look at the pros not only the cons

though i really like natural beauty you

at the moment are still beautiful in my


how much is it

around fifteen hundred dollars

jesus it’s expensive

i have an appointment to recheck on

sunday do you want to come with me

absolutely yes

i will meet him and then make you change

your mind

no way linda i have my own decisions

maybe he will give you some advice and

you can do rhinoplasty or something

no way i won’t

look this lipstick is new


situation 3 body massage


hello i have an appointment today

hi can i see your name please

my name is anna anna turner

anna turner you book a body massage at 3

p.m right


please have a seat

i will go to prepare a room for you now


what kind of services do you offer here

body massage i really want something

relaxing can you advise me some for

muscle relaxation


would you like swedish massage or thai

massage i think these are suited for you


i will have a thai massage please

it takes 45 minutes as usual right

yes but if you want to get a mud body

wrap it will take an extra 15 minutes

so it’s one hour okay that’s fine

i will leave the room for 10 minutes so

you can undress and put this one on


where should i focus on

my shoulders please

they are frozen because of sitting on

the computer all day

your skin is dry

do you want to use a little oil

which oil do you have almond and olive

as usual

yes and we just have a new one rose

nah i will use almonds

okay relax


are you comfortable

yes please focus more on the shoulders


we are going to finish in 15 minutes

after that you can have a shower in the

room in the right hand

okay i see i feel so good thanks so much

my pleasure


dialogue 4 nail salon


hi may i help you

hi uh

i didn’t book an appointment but i would

like to get my nails done fingernails

toenails or both please

just fingernails

okay take a seat and wait for me a few


is it going to take a long time i have

to be back to work at 11am

no worries at all just five or ten

minutes then it’s your turn we have an

available nail technician now



my dear have you waited for a long time

no i just came here

um let’s see which nail shape do you


i think a square or squared oval is

matched with your fingernails

i still like my former shape squared



first i will soak your fingernails and

remove old polishes

then clip

file buff

and push back the cuticles

do you have your own nail clipper or

cuticle remover

oh my i have my own but i forgot them at

home so you can use yours


okay have you had any pattern nails

not yet can you show me some patterns of

your salon please

let me get the catalog for you you can

take a look while i clear and shape your

nails then let me know which one you



which one did you choose

i think the bluish gray and the gold

rose are so nice

this one but i want to change this red

color i don’t like red

i want it bluish gray

i see

let me apply a base coat first

okay ah i forgot i wanna have matte



you are so trendy


thank you

it looks good doesn’t it

yes so nice thanks

my pleasure i’m glad that you love it


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