Invite Someone to Something in English Learn English Speaking Practice


inviting others

let’s watch the video to learn how to

invite someone to a party in english

situation 1

invite someone to a party celebrating

hi peter how are you

hey dan i’m well thank you how about you

i heard that you won the first prize in

the chemistry contest congratulations

i couldn’t be better thanks peter

i’m having a party this weekend to

celebrate the prize i would love for you

to come if you can make it

of course i’d love to join

where and when will the party be held

we’re having a party at my house come

around 6 pm

that sounds great

do you want me to bring anything

i will prepare the food

but if you’d like to bring something

then perhaps you can bring something to

drink or to play with

is there any dress code

no not a big deal i just want to share

the moment with everyone

i can’t wait

how many people are you expecting

not many probably around 15.

by the way have you seen chris i want to

invite her but couldn’t find her


i saw her on

the third floor of building a

she was participating in the music

club’s meeting

okay great i will go and invite her see

you on saturday

see you there thanks dan


situation two invite someone to pair up

to prom


hey mia

are you interested in the school prom

this weekend

what’s up william who doesn’t like prom

of course i like it prom this year

sounds like lots of fun


i heard there will be special activities

that are totally different from prom

last year

yes so nice though


have you had a date

i would like to ask if you can go to the

prom with me mia

i would love to william

unfortunately i have a family reunion on


so i can’t join the prom my sister will

study abroad soon i’m very sorry

that’s totally fine mia

i will tell you what is special this

year it’s just

i may have to go to prom alone

amelia told me she still hesitated to go

to prom because she has no one to pair

up with

you may try to ask her

oh really

thanks a lot mia let me ask her

you’re welcome

please take lots of photos and tell me

what happens at the prom i’m extremely

sorry that i can’t go

don’t worry i will

at least you will have a wonderful time

with your sister before you are apart

thanks william

situation three invite a new neighbor to

a barbecue party


hi it’s me greg your neighbor

hi greg how are you i’m matthew

great and you

i’m good my family just moved in

yesterday so we are still a bit busy

i intended to go over and say hi to your

family this evening though

thanks for coming please come in

thanks matthew but you still seem busy

with the house

can i have only a few minutes of your

time we can have a longer chat next time

okay what happened greg

i just want to say hello and would like

to invite you and your family to my

place for a barbecue party this saturday

oh sure when is it

around 5 p.m

is there anyone else coming

there will be another five neighbors


sounds like a nice event

is there a special occasion

i got a new outdoor grill and we would

like to meet you and your family too

it is so nice of you all what can i

bring to the party

would you like to bring some beverages

sure let me take care of the drinks then

great we usually share foods as well our

neighbor amber has excellent apple pies

that sounds so delicious

this is going to be a great party

i hope so hope my grill works well too

i hope so too

a long time no backyard barbecue party

okay see you on saturday then matthew

thanks for inviting me and my family

greg see you

and you’re welcome bye



situation four invite someone to a

birthday party

hey james

hi amy what’s up

james this friday is ben’s birthday our

class is planning to hold a surprise

birthday party for him

you know he is very sorrowful after his

parents divorce

so i want to ask if you can join ben’s

birthday party this friday and give us a


sure he’s my best friend

even when i’m in different classes i

know all guys in your class though

what can i help

everything was planned we only need

someone to take him back to class 30

minutes after school break time

we will be ready at the time


a bit difficult but i will find a way i

may need your help on this

if you have any plans or need my help

just tell me before friday


is there anything else i can help with


do you have any photos of him when he

was young we may need those for the

birthday cake decoration

i think i have let me find them tonight

and send to you thanks a lot james

not at all but i want to confirm again

about where and when

the party will be at your class 30

minutes after school break in the


won’t it

right that’s all you have to remember

we’ve got the rest

okay amy i will tell you my plan soon

okay james see ya bye

see you bye

situation five invite someone to come

over for dinner with the family


hi laurel christmas holiday is coming

will you go back to germany this year

hi beth i won’t i just came back home

during the summer holiday so i decided

to stay in new york

my parents just mentioned this last

night they said if this year you stay in

new york come and enjoy the holiday with


please send my special thanks to your

parents so nice of them for inviting me

but another roommate will stay here also

i can’t let her stay alone during the


it’s okay laurel how about christmas


we have a small party every year on

christmas night

would you like to come over and have

dinner with us ask your roommate to come

with you also

sure i will beth i’m glad that i can

enjoy the family atmosphere on christmas


i will ask my roommate too

what should i bring to your house

come on laurel you don’t need to bring


or if it makes you more comfortable

just bring a small gift for my little


good idea i will what time can i come


you can come in the early afternoon we

can prepare dinner together

there are always lots of fun preparing

christmas dinner

okay beth thanks again for inviting me

i will call you during the holiday


tell me if there is any change


bye laurel

bye beth


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