Learn the Top 10 Phrases Your Parents Always Say in English

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Hi, everybody!

Welcome back to Top Words!

My name is Alisha, and today we’re going to
be talking about the top 10 things that your

parents always say.

Uh-oh! let’s go.

Oh no, let’s go!

Be careful
The first phrase is “be careful.”

Anytime your parent sees you doing something
slightly dangerous, they will say be careful.

My dad still tells me when he sees me using
a kitchen knife.

Be careful, don’t cut yourself.

Be quiet
The next phrase is “be quiet.”

So kids are notoriously noisy; notorious means
are known for, kids are very noisy, so parents

often tell children to be quiet.

My mother would often tell my brother and
I to be quiet when we were playing.

The next expression is “behave.”

So to behave means to be good, to be correct,
to be proper, so, but behave this is the command

form of the verb, so this means that you or
whoever is on the receiving end of this expression

is not behaving properly, so parents will
say “behave” if you’re being too noisy

at a dinner party.

My mother told me to behave because I was
running around at the formal dinner.

Do your homework
The next expression is “do your homework.”

I still need someone to say this to me periodically.

please, mom!

Do your homework, again, the command form
of something.

Your child, the child in question is not doing
his or her homework, so mother or father will

say, do your homework, it’s time you need
to, it’s your responsibility.

So let’s see, when I had been playing video
games for too long in my childhood, my grandmother

would come in the door, would open the door
and say to me, Alisha, do your homework!

That is true!

Go to bed
The next expression is “go to bed.”

Go to bed
Your, the kid is up too late there in my case,

I would always up late reading books, I would
be, like, under the covers reading book, my

parents would find me, go to bed!

And my defense is always, I’m in bed!

I’m in there, I’m reading!

The child is supposed to be sleeping, he or
she is not sleeping, the parent says, go to bed.

I’m going to count to three.

This is a classic!

The expression “I’m going to count to
three,” this is like, this is a terror inducing

mechanism, this is a way to make kids feel
afraid of something that’s going to happen

but rarely does, I feel.

When a child is doing something bad the parent
will say I’m going to count to three, and I’ll

just slowly say one, two, and usually they
don’t get to three, because they tell the

child like they have three seconds to stop
whatever bad behavior he or she is doing,

so usually the parent only has to say one
in that tone of voice, and maybe two, and

then the child will stop, what happened that
three is up to the parent really, I think

in most cases the parent just like takes the
toy or the parent will stop the car do something

to like strikes fear into the the misbehaving child.

I was being too noisy at home and my mother
told me she was going to count to three.

The next word is “stop.”

You can use this anytime someone is doing
a thing that you do not want them to do.


So children being noisy, misbehaving, being
kids, then you can just say stop, and depending

on your tone of voice this can be a strong
word, or not so strong word.

So experiment, you can say “stop” or “stop

It sounds kind of soft but if you just say
like “STOP!!” and get really angry, like,

you might make a child cry.

So be careful, you can make this word very

In a sentence, I told my brother to stop poking
me in the car in the back seat.

What’s up, James?

What did you say?

What did you say, oh, this is a good one!

So when the child has said something bad to
the parent, the parent can go “what did

you say?“

Like, it’s like a dare, like, say it again,
I dare you to say it again.

It’s a challenge from the parent and the kid
knows he or she is in trouble.

It’s a good one, so if you say, like, dad
says your new haircut is stupid!

Sorry, dad!

I know you wouldn’t…

Now I’m speaking to my dad.

Hi, dad!

Hi, mom!

I’ve said hi to everybody in my family today.

I hate you mom, that’s a probably a more common
one, I hate you mom, or I hate you dad, and

then the parent says, what did you say?

What did I just say?

So the parent gives a command, the parent
says do something, do your homework, clean

your room, something like that; the child
doesn’t do it, the parent, with the stronger

voice this time, will say, what did I just

So that’s an expression that means were you
listening to me?

And if you were listening to me, why aren’t
you doing the thing that I told you to do?

So, bit of a scary one.

Did you brush your teeth?

Did you brush your teeth, a check-in phrase
from the parents, maybe in the morning, maybe

at night, to ask their child, did you brush
your teeth?

Just an important part of your hygiene for
the day.

Did you brush your teeth?

I did, I brushed my teeth today.

I’m a functioning adult.

All right!

That’s the end!

So those are 10 phrases that your parents
always say, maybe if you have kids you can

try them out on your kids now and then.

If there’s something that your parent always
said to you that was very effective maybe

you can share it with us!

Thanks very much for watching, please be sure
to LIKE and subscribe if you haven’t already,

and we will see you again soon.


What’s my name?


What’s my name?

What’s my name?

Someone tell me my name, I forgot it right

What is my name?
