Learn Vocabulary Through Conversation SEE Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm and i’m dan and we’re gonna

talk about how to use the word c deeply

are you ready ready let’s get started

today we’re gonna talk about three deep

ways to use the word c and if you

enjoyed today’s video lesson every month

we have a one hour video vocabulary

lesson with dan and i in the fearless

fluency club you can click on the link

in the description below this fearless

fluency club.com to check out more

information about it are you ready to

talk about the first way yes alright i

want to know what do you see you right


what do i see right now so what do you

see right now right now i can see a

camera and all my friends out there oh

we can see you actually I don’t

oh I see you I see some nice curtains

that I chose about two years ago okay I

see a cat you see a cat okay great what

are some things that you see in the

morning what’s the first thing you see

when you wake up the first thing I see

is probably the curtains really marker

yeah I don’t know I just look I look at

the curtains wake up so yeah obviously

we’re talking about the most basic way

to use see literally looking at

something seeing something yes you see

something with your eyes and here we’re

talking about I see something yesterday

I saw my friend you can use this in

different ways different verb tenses I

see something

I saw something this is the most basic

way but let’s take it up to the next

level with the second meaning the second

way to use see is often used in a full

expression but it can be cut short as

well so you could say oh I see what you

mean or you could simply say I see yeah

I see and what does this mean yeah in

this sense it means to understand right

so somebody might be saying a

complicated story

and telling you how they feel such as

yeah I went I went to

school yesterday and I got an F on the

test and I felt really terrible oh I see

what you mean

yeah so it’s understanding it’s kind of

a filler expression so instead of saying

oh yeah oh that must have been hard

oh yeah oh I’m sorry oh I see what you

mean you can say I see what you mean I

see what you mean or I see so you’re

telling the other person I see the same

way that you see so my mind is thinking

about the same thing that your mind is

thinking about and another time you

might say this is if somebody is telling

you instructions so they might be I’m

talking about you know maybe they’re

telling you how to do a math problem

they’re saying yeah first you take the

square root of x and then W Y Z W X Y Z

W yes and then say I see it just means I

understand so this is maybe a little

more advanced way to use filler

expressions because a lot of people just

say uh-huh yeah okay oh yeah all right

but you can say I see I see

oh you mean and it means you’re agreeing

you understand and it’s kind of a

beautiful fluency expression say oh I

see what you mean I see what you mean

yeah yeah let’s talk about a third way

the third way to use SI is often used in

a business situation so I want to know

Dan do you oversee anyone right now

I do not oversee anyone but when I used

to be a manager at the coffee shop I

oversaw my employees so it basically

just means that you’re watching over

them you’re making sure they’re doing

the right thing yeah it’s kind of you

know and you might do this with a child

too you have to oversee your your kids

sure I think it’s most likely used in a

business situation so if you’re a

manager if you’re a boss if you’re the

head of a department you could say I

oversee fifteen people in my division

yeah I oversee this many people so we

would only use this in a work place for

the maximization yeah usually in casual

conversation you don’t use it in other

situation I mean you could use it in a

general way too and in that in that way

you say oversight oh and how would you

use that so you could say I think we

need some oversight in this area of the

business and that means it means that

you need somebody there to watch what’s

going on and making sure that everything

is being done correctly so we need some

oversight we need someone to oversee

this area of our business so you can use

it as a noun we need some oversight or

we need to oversee so we have the verb

and the noun some oversight and oversee

the manager needs to oversee the area

because we need some oversight there’s

your complete sentence for this deep

word oversee and as you saw dan used the

past tense over saw when he was talking

about it so feel free to conjugate this

verb for the present and for the past in

any way just like a regular verb and now

it’s your turn to use see yes let us

know in the comments what are three

things you saw yesterday Oh

so you get a chance to use the word see

but in the past tense s.a.w I saw these

three things let us know in the comments

feel free to use this word as much as

possible and if you enjoyed today’s

vocabulary lesson you can join dan and I

every month in the fearless fluency club

we have a 1-hour vocabulary lesson just

like this talking about important words

that I think you need to know as a

confident fluent speaker so feel free to

join us in the comments below in the

description there’s a link fearless

fluency club comm you can join the

program and learn as much as possible

thanks so much for learning with us and

we’ll see you the next time bye hey

would you like to expand your vocabulary

with Dan and I and express yourself more

fully the next step is to join the


fluency Club and become my student today

click the picture to download a free

sample lesson set thanks so much

and keep up the good work with English