Making Appointment Learn English Conversation Topics


900 basic english conversational


lesson 32

making appointments

dialogue one


hi i’d like to see the doctor please

do you have an appointment


when would you like an appointment

is today possible

yes today is fine what time would you


as soon as possible my stomach really


please wait a moment i’ll see if the

doctor is available now

okay thanks


too when could we meet to discuss the


i will be available on monday or tuesday

choose which day is best for you

i prefer monday


can you come in the morning or would

afternoon be best

either one is okay

great when i check with the others i

will send you an exact time

okay see you later

lesson 33

talking about daily activities

dialogue one

jack do you have a hobby

sure i read books

oh i like books as well do you watch tv

yes i watch tv every day i like drama

and comedy programs

i like the news and i go to the gym as


me too let’s go together

that sounds great

dialogue too


hello what are you doing

i always go running in the mornings

do you go running every day of the week

i usually run from monday to friday

i wish i could go running but i have to


are you going to my birthday party next


of course i will

okay see you soon

see ya have a good day

lesson 34 talking about past activities

dialogue one

james tell me about your last vacation

where did you go

i went to clearwater it’s a lovely

coastal city located in florida

what did you do

we got around the islands by cruz which

was an amazing experience for us because

we all like sightseeing

that’s great

dialogue too

i telephoned you yesterday afternoon but

you didn’t answer

where were you

i was in another room when you called i

didn’t hear the phone ringing until it

was too late

what were you working on

i was photocopying a report that i

needed to send to a client

why did you phone me

i was looking for tom and couldn’t find

him do you know where he was

tom was driving to a meeting

oh i see

what did you do yesterday

i had a meeting last morning in the

afternoon i worked on the report and was

just finishing when you telephoned

what did you do

well at nine i had a meeting with the


sounds like a boring day

yeah right

lesson 35 talking about future


dialogue one

hello susie how are you

i’m fine what about you

i am fine too i am very glad about your

brilliant result in the final


would you please tell me about your

future plan for life

yes i’ve already made up my mind to

study law

i see but why do you want to study law

is there any specific reason

yes of course

i would like to join politics after

completing my studies i want to be a

famous lawyer

i believe you will

succeed thank you very much

you are most welcome see you again

dialogue too

what are you going to do next semester

i’m going to study in london

for how long

well i was thinking two years at least

great i thought about something like

that too but i’m going to new zealand

nice lesson 36

talking about studies

dialogue one

how was your last examination

the english paper was fairly easy

have you done it well

i think i have

how was your mathematic paper

it was rather tough but i knew some of

the answers fairly well

you look rather tired

yes i’ve had a rather bad cold

i think you should take a rest

i will thanks

dialogue too

you look worried is there any problem

you can share it with me

actually i am worried about my exams

there’s only one week left for it

and i think i have not studied anything

i’m feeling nervous

oh just focus on your studies and you

won’t face any problems

that’s the problem i can’t concentrate

these all happened to me too

and hence i started meditating

it had a radical effect on my

concentration power

thank you so much for your advice i will

surely follow it

okay then bye i’ll meet you soon

bye bye

lesson 37 talking about families and


how many people are there in your family

there are four people in my family my

father my mother my brother and me

what does your father do

my father is a doctor

how old is your mother

she is 43 years old 2 years younger than

my father

what’s your brother’s name

his name is jordan he is still single

does your family usually have dinner


yes we do my mother always prepares

delicious meals for us

so you were gone visiting your grandpa

last weekend

yep my grandfather must be in his late

80s and he’s very active

wow that’s great what about your grandma

she’s a very sprightly old woman too

in fact my grandparents from my mother’s

side are pretty healthy and active


that’s really good to hear

so happy for you

oh thanks

lesson 38 identifying people and objects

dialog one

have you met the new girl

no have you

she’s one of the prettiest girls at the


what does she look like

well she’s quite tall

what about her facial features

the first thing i noticed were her

beautiful brown eyes

i think i might have bumped into her


are you telling me that you’ve seen her


i believe so

dialogue too

can you identify the car

it was a big car i think it was a tata


are you sure

what was its color

yes it was a sumo and it was olive green

can you remember the number of the car

no i am sorry

it happened so quickly

i wasn’t looking at the number

lesson 39 describing people and objects

who is your best friend

alice is my best friend

what does she look like

she has black round eyes and

shoulder-length black hair she has a

cute smile

how did you meet her

she is next to my house

you know we’ve been close since


i see her every day we study in the same


what is her personality like

she is very simple and sociable so she

is loved by many friends she often helps

and encourages me when i’m sad

do you and her have anything in common

yes a lot we both enjoy going to the

coffee shop and reading books

does she know how to cook


she is a very good cook i usually eat

what she cooks when my mother is not at


why is a friend important in life

having a friend helps you to

avoid loneliness

share with you the little things in life

lesson 40

asking somebody to do something

dialogue one

help me i need a doctor

what is the problem sir

my wife is on the floor

sir please calm down take a deep breath

i need some help right now

sir i’m going to put you through to


hurry please

stay calm sir and talk clearly

dialogue 2

i need your help

what do you need

you do know i’m getting ready to move


i remember you telling me

do you mind helping me move in

sure that shouldn’t be a problem


are you busy this saturday

i don’t think i have any plans

how does 10 am sound to you

saturday at 10

i can do that

lesson 41

on the campus



oh laura linda good morning

whoa you look stunning today


what do you think does it look good

perfect it fits you and you look very

pretty in it

i agree it really suits you

why do you want to buy a dress anyway

i’m going to my brother’s 27th birthday

party and i want to look my best


would you like to have lunch with us

well what shall we eat

how about eating pizza there’s a new

store near the school that just opened

and is having a sale

sounds great

let’s go together

lesson 42 in the library

i want to borrow some books

you cannot borrow some books you can

borrow only one book at a time

i want the book to kill a mockingbird

let me check

is it available ma’am

yes it’s available

where is it

it’s on the third shelf in the extreme


shall i take the book

where is your old book

here it is

what is the name of the book

shakespeare’s hamlet

what’s the due date

i think it’s 25th april

what’s the date today

today is the 27th of april

you must pay the fine then

sorry ma’am


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