Making suggestions is easy Learn English Conversation





hi sharon have a seat

thanks ann it’s almost ready

what’s for brunch oh no

pasta you can’t cook pasta

i’m trying to lose weight relax

dear it’s sunday

here try some

what about salt good

i guess i can eat it this time

the salt is okay do you like cooking

why don’t you cook lunch for us sometime

oh i love cooking but it takes time

and i can’t cook every day

well cooking is not my favorite hobby

but i’m the only one who knows how to


in this flat i can imagine

i really love baking cakes

um oh that’s true

i remember now and i love your cakes

thanks ann but cooking isn’t my only


i love going to the cinema and reading

as well i love being busy

so i don’t have time to think too much

think about what about what’s missing in

my life

but let’s talk about something else

so if you like movies

there’s a good film at the cinema


how about going together it’s a good


let’s ask jack too


hey jack good morning

look at this picture of beck nicholson


i know him can you win surf

yeah i’m not great but i can

win surf a little i like windsurfing in

the summer holidays

and what about you

no i’m afraid i can’t

but i can swim pretty well it’s a great


what sports do you like doing well

i can play tennis but i’m not very good

at it

oh i can play chess very well

chess that’s not a sport

that’s a hobby

no it’s a sport

can you play chess no

i don’t like playing cards chess or

other table games

so what do you do during the winter

oh i go to the gym i can play basketball

pretty well


i can also do a little karate

that’s interesting i can do a little

karate as well

where do you go i like going to the

karate gym on

4th street

oh interesting i’m looking for a gym

why don’t we go there together i’m

usually free on saturdays

sure but i never go on saturday

it’s the only day i have time to spend

with sharon

i usually go on friday afternoons

but now i’m so nervous about my audition

that i don’t have time for the gym and

for sharon

too she’s getting pretty angry

well if you want i can take her out


oh jack you’re such a good friend

maybe you can help me with my audition


all right


hi sharon how are you hi jack

i’m fine thanks and you i’m fine too

why are you calling me well

i’m alone ann is out for a business


yeah me too peter is not at home

oh peter is two yes

he’s at an audition he is at an

audition today

yes well why don’t we have lunch


when at home no

yeah don’t be doing anything

too fussy jack

something simple yes

so i’m going to your house right now

okay great

hi jack what’s up oh you’re here

um i’m preparing for lunch

ann is out and sharon is coming

great i’m hungry

hi jack hi

alice is here yeah she’s in her room

sorry about that i would like to be

alone with you

but you know yeah

i know okay

sharon i’m a cook

what would you like why don’t you cook

some pasta

sounds good what kind of pasta do you


well we have macaroni

spaghetti let’s have lasagna

um that’s too much work

shall we have spaghetti great

excellent spaghetti with meat sauce

great and how about having some wine

with lunch it’s the middle of the day

i have to work later let’s just

have some mineral water

fine mineral water is good

and what about a salad too

a nice green salad with tomatoes and


your wish is my command

and about my wish i want wine

well here’s some red wine for you

thanks and do we have any rolls

no but there’s a loaf of bread

great we’re set

what’s on tonight um just a moment

can you hand me the tv guide oh here you

are what would you like to watch

let’s watch a documentary oh

documentaries are so

boring why don’t we watch la kids

please more soap operas

i can’t stand soap operas

how about watching the news

fine let’s watch the news and then maybe

a film

right that’s a good compromise

shall we make something to eat what

would you like

how about some sandwiches tuna fish

sandwiches okay

tuna fish sandwiches why don’t you go

and prepare them all for us

alright it’s my turn now

why what do you mean we had lunch with

sharon today and jack was the cook

oh what a piece of news

what would you like to drink let’s have

a beer

great we’ve got some good lagar in the


tv sandwiches and a beer


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