Most Common English Proverbs Basic English Phrases

okay we are rolling hi everybody welcome

back to our weekly live stream my name

is Alisha and today we’re going to talk

about some common English

proverbs if you’re not familiar a

proverb is kind of like a traditional

advice a piece of advice or kind of a

traditional like historical idea about

how to live life in a specific language

or a specific culture so you might find

in today’s lesson that there are some

things that are similar or the same with

your language and the advice in your

city or in your country but there might

be some unique things that you can find

in English proverb so today we’re going

to focus on this topic so as you join

please don’t forget to hit the like

button and of course share the video as

well we always appreciate it

I see YouTube is already up hi everybody

on YouTube great thanks very much for

coming and I think Facebook is up -

fantastic - ah yeah hi YouTube Arial hi

Nimmo and Mustafa on Facebook hi guys

great everybody’s there I think you can

maybe you also watch it on Twitter as

well I’m not sure but anyway we’re

rolling fantastic we’re quick this week


so if you’re just joining again today or

this week rather our topic will be

common English proverbs common English

proverbs so let’s get started Oh a

couple of announcements

I suppose first if you have not checked

the YouTube channel recently the English


YouTube channel there are a lot of new

videos up there one is there’s a new

series called know your verbs that’s up

that’s exciting is there something on

the keyboard ah there is a cord crossing

the keyboard sorry just a second

does that make it better cut it all

right so to get back to that if you

haven’t checked the YouTube channel

recently there is a actually there’s a

lot of new content up there so like

check the know your verb series also

there are new episodes of ask Alicia

available on the channel and soon

there’s going to be something really

special I think this week so please keep

an eye on the YouTube channel this week

for some exciting new stuff oh okay I

think uh do we have an image to share

for this week if not that’s no problem

almost okay we’ll come back to that

maybe in a bit all right so anyway I’ll

review then for those of you just

joining today’s topic is English

proverbs English proverb so a proverb

proverb is the key word for today I

think proverb means like a short

expression that’s like a short piece of

advice from that culture so these are

really really common expressions ways

that people like try to communicate how

to live life or how to work and so on so

that will be the focus for today’s

lesson excellent

all right with that then let’s get

started in a minute no maybe yes no

shall I past that no pick okay no

problem we won’t share a picture this

week no worries okay so let’s get

rolling into today’s topic then I’ve

grouped them into just three proverbs so

I’ll explain each proverb on the board

you’ll see some text on screen too so

it’s the same but let’s get started with

the first the first proverb for today

first one the first one for today is a

watched pot never boils a watched pot

never boils

so here please notice we’re using this

watched watched form a watched pot never


excuse me have a bit of gold a watched

pot never boils

means if you’re focusing

your attention on something you are

waiting to happen like there’s something

you really are excited about there’s

something you really hope is going to

happen it’s going it’s never going to

happen or it’s going to seem to take a

long time so imagine this expression

comes from cooking then so when you’re

cooking in the kitchen and you’re

waiting for water to boil if you stand

in the kitchen and watch and watch the

water and you wait for it to boil it’s

going to seem to take a long time if

however you move around you do other

things in your house while you wait for

the water to boil it will seem to boil

at a faster rate so this means if

there’s something you’re waiting for

don’t just focus on it while you wait

for it it means do other things as you

wait for it - so a watched pot never

boils is a key for today all right

good and if you have questions please

send them in the chat I will try to

check the chat a lot though I can’t

catch everything so good all right so

that’s our first one a watched pot never

boils a watched pot never boils

and please make sure your pronunciation

here not a watch pot but a watched

watched why is it watched think of the

passive form like the pot is being

watched by someone by you or someone

else maybe but the pot is being watched

so a watched pot that’s why we use the e

d form watched pot okay good let’s

continue on to the next proverb for

today then so the next proverb I chose

because I thought it would be really

good for you guys who are studying

people who are studying learning just a

nice reminder um oh are we gonna see

this if so that’s cool no okay all right

well I’ll go on to the next proverb the

next proverb that I thought was really

good for learners today is practice

makes perfect practice makes perfect so

everybody oh yeah we’ll see that in just

a second

see it um up above here perfect thank

you so practice makes perfect practice

makes perfect is great for study for

anything you are trying to improve I

imagine in your language you probably

have some kind of similar expression but

practice makes perfect means if you

practice something a lot it will become

perfect so like a lot of you asked like

how do i improve my english what should

i do in those cases it’s like the answer

is practice you have to practice so

practice lots and lots of practice makes

perfect so like to make something you

need to do something else before the

result so practice is the first thing

practice make something perfect so

practice makes perfect really short and

easy to remember but a good proverb for

studying in particular hmm okay oh do we

have subtitles in the lie that’s


alright good ok nice so practice makes

perfect is our second one for today

alright someone says I don’t believe

that practice makes perfect

oh really then what makes perfect if you

have a different suggestion what makes

perfect if practice does not okay

alrighty let’s continue on to the next

one next one is an interesting

expression next one I’ll break it down

in just a second the next expression is

hindsight is always 20/20 hindsight is

always 20/20 okay so first let’s look at

this word hind sight hind so this part

hind this part think of the word behind

so behind meaning like in fact of like

not in front of the opposite of the

front behind here we have hind sight so

sight refers to your vision yeah so hind

sight means looking back on your

activities looking back over your past

is hindsight so what did you do

yesterday thinking about that that’s

hind sight hind sight so hindsight

looking back over your past is always

20 20 20 so this refers to vision this

refers to vision so if you have visited

an eye doctor

an optometrist the kind of baseline for

like perfect normal regular vision is

20/20 so 20/20 is the measurement for

perfect vision for clear vision so

hindsight is always 20/20 means in other

words when we look back over the past we

can see everything very clearly like

everything seems very clear when we look

at it like when we’re looking back over

everything we’ve done before so

hindsight is always 20/20 here it is if

you can’t see the board hindsight is

always 20/20 here so 20/20 refers to

perfect like clear vision perfect and

clear vision okay

oh yeah it South Korea same proverbs

cool cool yeah okay um practice makes

perfect yeah people are talking a lot

about practice makes perfect for sure

great great okay um yeah and someone on

Facebook I’m in says hi well I would

like to improve my English what should I

do like we talked about this one

practice makes perfect is a great one

for those of you who like studying so

practice just you know you have to

practice for sure

okie dokie we are about 12 minutes in so

please yeah keep sending questions and

ideas too um but for now I think we’ll

move a log we do have a special that

we’re kind of preparing for you guys

this new there’s a new PDF

oops sorry Emily there’s a new PDF

available on the website it’s this one

right here it’s hard to see now I think

maybe we’ll have it later for you in the

show but Oh special delivery looking

special delivery

this is a new PDF actually I know we

usually share like the vocabulary PDFs

but this is a new one that we have the

team made

lots of people asked like what should i

do how should I study so we made or the

team made rather a goals a goals cheat

sheet so you can see it here look at

that we got fancy camera action this


so like this is basically to help you

build a goal for your studies so like

first by asking the question like why

first like why are you learning English

what do you want to do with your English

in other words and then there are a few

ideas here so I want to travel to the US

I want to use it for my job I want to

speak to someone about someone special

in English for example other ideas here

on the other side like I like the

language I like the culture and so on so

it’s sort of meant to give you sorry

it’s sort of meant to give you oh I’ll

go back to that to give you some ideas

to help you build goals for yourself so

once you’ve done that making a plan what

are you going to do when are you going

to do it

sorry it’s difficult to see and then a

few patterns that beginners can use and

some grammar as well some key grammar

expressions so if your beginning or if

your if your beginning or if you’re just

thinking about how to move forward how

to make a study plan for yourself you

can take a look at this it might help

you and if anything if you want to

review like I just showed quickly the

grammar the grammar points down here

basic grammar points these are some

great basic grammar points for you to

begin with to understand so please check

this out this is available on the

website at English class

so find the link please check the link

is let’s see on YouTube it’s below it’s

below the video on youtube and it’s

above the video on Facebook okay

so please check this out this is our

free thing for this week it’s moves so

please check it out

all right let’s continue on great if you

are just joining today’s lesson I’ll

stand here there okay good okay so if

you are just joining today’s lesson

today we are talking about English

proverbs English proverbs proverbs are

like kind of historical traditional

advice I look fair I look kind of bummed

out they’re like what am I thinking

about anyway using proverbs how to use

them what they mean and so on yes it is

totally free on the website you need an

account but the account is free to

download the the PDF I just showed okay

sorry again I have a bit difficult break

time is over indeed one yes so if you’re

just joining please don’t forget to hit

the like button and share the video too

we appreciate it

all right let’s go to the second group

of Proverbs

for today today second group of Proverbs

let’s start with this one this one I

think about a lot actually this one

personally I really think about this one

the expression is actions don’t forget

this s actions speak louder than words

so again as here actions speak louder

than words actions speak louder than

words means the things you do are more

important than the things you say so

your actions the things you choose to do

with your time those things are more

important than just talking so actions

speak louder than words actions speak

louder so actions don’t actually speak

no but your actions communicate more

than just words like words are one thing

it’s easy to say words but taking action

making choices and making decisions

that’s different

so actions speak louder than words this

is a great one that I think about a lot

so here it is above me actions don’t

forget these s sounds at the end of

these two actions speak louder than

words also comparative form here this is

a comparative expression

actions speak louder than words so

actions here words are down here more

okay good nice all right so that’s one I

personally really like actions speak

louder than words

then let’s go to one that might not

quite the opposite but like a slightly

different idea a twist so a twist means

like a kind of change or like an

unexpected change in a story or an idea

the next one is the pen the pen so pen

literally means like the writing device

a pen so the pen is mightier again

comparative the pen is mightier than the


the pen is mightier than the sword sword

if you don’t know is like an old weapon

a big weapon that people used to fight

swords so this expression means the pen

so writing in other words words writing

words we have the word mightier mighty

means strong or like effective like in

battle it means powerful for example so

the pen is mightier more effective

stronger more powerful than the sword

here the sword refers to fighting so the

pen is mightier than the sword means

words and communication that way are

more effective than fighting you the pen

is mightier than the sword the pen is

mightier than the sword so this is quite

a good one that people like to talk

about in times of like battle or in

times of war for example the pen is

mightier than the sword

or perhaps writers as well like to use

this proverb but - okay nice and if you

have any questions uh mode brews hi some

I’m really sorry I’ve mispronounced your

name if you change it to 50/50 this

expression hindsight is twenty-twenty to

5050 note it sounds very strange please

use 20/20 this expression okay yeah em

Rainey said 1 & 2 are opposite because

the sword represents an action and

penned two words so yeah so there’s a

bit of discussion you could have here

these two

kind of different like they’re kind

almost opposites you could say that

sword means specifically fighting

specifically like violence actually so

that’s one way that we could say it’s a

bit different anyway quite interesting

okay um let’s continue to the third one

for this group then flees the third one

here is you can’t judge a book by its


you can’t judge a book by its cover okay

what does this mean so this expression

means you can’t determine a person’s

personality you can’t understand a

person based only on their appearance

based only on the way they look so here

we’re talking about a book you can’t

judge a book so the cover of the book is

the first appearance of the book I don’t

think we have a book in this room

okay let’s imagine oh no I don’t never

mind so if you imagine the cover of a

book there’s some artwork or something

on the cover but there’s a lot of

information inside the book in the pages

of the book we can’t understand all of

the information inside the book only

looking at the cover so in other words

don’t judge people based only on their

looks hmm so you can’t judge a book by

its cover

you can’t judge a book by its cover so

this is one that’s like trying to teach

people to be understanding and to kind

of try to get to know other people

before judging them before making a

judgement so to judge someone actually

to judge this is a word that means like

to make a determination so like a very

simple judgment is oh that person’s good

or that person’s bad so that’s a

judgement we judge we determine we

decide something so to judge a person or

to judge a book is to decide that person

that book is good or bad only by looking

at their

hereit’s so this is saying you can’t do

that it’s not possible to know

everything only by appearance quite good

someone on Facebook nah man Nubia

AutoKey no physical appearance might be

good but the context or pages inside

aren’t that good God said that’s

something to maybe the the appearance

looks amazing but inside is not so great

so there are a lot of different ways

that we can apply this proverb for sure

it’s quite interesting Aquila YouTube

says sometimes we say in Arabic the

content is known by its subject

interesting I want to know more about

that hmm interesting

okay fantastic great so those are the

next three I have three more for today

but I want to take another quick break

in case you missed it so I mentioned

before hmm

excuse me I mentioned before there’s a

new PDF available on the website you’ll

see a close up here in just a second

okay so this is the new PDF that’s up on

the website you can find the link to

English class

below the video on youtube in the

youtube description box or above the

video on Facebook so this is a kind of

way to make some learning goals for

yourself so by asking why are you

learning English and a few reasons why

you might be learning English maybe you

have a different reason this also

includes some question words to help you

make your plan like what do my what do I

want to do how often am I going to do it

who am I going to do it with a few

sentence patterns for beginners for sure

and some grammar points which I

mentioned earlier today but there’s a

third page that has a few data a few

proverbs sort of things so like this one

you can never understand one language

until you understand

two so this third page includes a couple

of Proverbs related to language and

related to studies so if

example a new language is a new life as

an example so these are just a couple of

ideas that hopefully can help you with

your motivation so check this out you

can find this on the website you can

find the link below the video are you do

above the video on Facebook yes we

always do have two small breaks because

I need a break it’s very warm in here

it’s very warm in here though

it’s good to take a break all right good

good let’s move on then yeah so check

this out definitely it’s free to

download you can download this for free

you do need an account on the website

but you can make it check it out all

right then we have only a few minutes


this was our most recent proverb we

talked about let’s move on to the last

three for today some good ones over here

let’s go to this side can you see okay

all right the first one on this side is

the expression if it ain’t broke don’t

fix it we usually use this ain’t what is

ain’t some of you probably are asking

this right now

ain’t is the casual extremely casual and

not technically I suppose if you want to

be specific correct way to say isn’t if

it isn’t broken so actually this part

ain’t broke this is grammatically

incorrect this is grammatically

incorrect but using this grammatically

incorrect form sounds kind of like rough

or cool but this is a situation where we

do it on purpose if it ain’t broke don’t

fix it yeah so this means if you have

something that is not broken like if

something is working well don’t make any

changes to it so like if at your job for

example everything in your job is moving

smoothly or experiencing success

everything’s going great don’t change

anything you should continue doing that

thing so don’t try to fix something that

isn’t broken don’t try to fix something

if it ain’t broke don’t fix it

if it ain’t broke don’t fix it hmm yes

okay that is correct it is not

grammatically correct ain’t ain’t you

might hear this in music actually

sometimes you hear this and yeah

actually a lot in popular music ain’t it

sounds kind of rough or kind of cool I

don’t use it because I’m not rough and

I’m not cool like ain’t is something you

might hear in media a lot and in this

proverb for example okay sounds good all

right uh let’s see

hi Costa Rica someone said say hi to

Costa Rica don’t have many theories from

Costa Rica at least you don’t write in

the chat okay anyway let’s continue on

to the next one the next expression

we’re running at a time the next

expression is this one another if clause

sentence if the shoe fits wear it if the

shoe fits wear it kind of strange maybe

but this means if something suits you

so suits means if something matches you

if you’re good at doing something and

that thing like fits you and fits your

lifestyle well you should do it so like

this expression uses a shoe if you have

a shoe and the shoe is the perfect size

for you it’s it’s a great fit you should

wear that shoe it’s great for you so the

same thing applies to your lifestyle so

if something in your life fits you if

something in your life suits you really

well you should do it so if the shoe

fits wear it

so this can actually mean like jobs it

can mean hobbies it can mean your

friends your personal relationships so

if you find something that fits you

really well you should go for it that’s

this piece of advice here if the shoe

fits wear it if the shoe fits wear it

it’s good one

okay good we’re running out of time so

let’s continue on I will I’m reading the

chat I don’t see many questions where is

the air conditioning we have a fan in

this room but if I turn the fan on

you’ll hear audio going you’ll hear like

an audio problem it’ll sound bad so we

don’t use it okay anyway let’s continue

to the last proverb for today the last

one for today it is strike while the

iron is hot strike while the iron is hot

this expression has an interesting

historical background strike while the

iron is hot this refers to metalworking

so use this imagine this is a hammer and

I’m making a sword okay so when working

metal when you’re making something from

metal you use fire you put metal in fire

and then it becomes softer the metal

becomes softer as it’s hot when it gets

hot it’s softer and easier to work so

someone who is making something with

metal if they strike strike means hit

strike is like a more formal way to say

hit or like attack so if you strike when

the iron iron is a type of metal strike

while the iron is hot means that if you

do this at the right time then it will

be more effective the it’s better timing

in other words so this means you should

take advantage of opportunities when

they are available so if you see a

chance you should jump you should attack

that chance you should take that chance

strike while the iron is hot so imagine

your opportunity or your chance is like

the iron in the fire like it’s ready

it’s in a good time for you to take

advantage of it to jump on it to do

something so it’s up to you to take the

chance to make the like to make the

situation good for you your timing so

strike while the iron is hot I like that


  • this is similar we have like another

expression that’s like to have a lot of

irons in the fire means you have a lot

of different opportunities going at the

same time I like that I think I think


that kind of person I like to have lots

of irons in the fire

so yeah that’s a really cool one I quite

like that expression yeah it means don’t

miss your opportunities take advantage

of things when you have the opportunity

when you have the time strike while the

iron is hot okay I don’t see any

questions in there can I give an example

about that in a situation sure uh so

like for example if you get a great job

offer it’s a really good job offer but

you already have a okay job then your

friend might say Oh strike while the

iron is hot like you need to take this

chance while you have it otherwise you

might miss it so that’s a situation

where it’s like oh you need to jump now

like you have to do it now so it’s one

of those like once in a lifetime chance

sort of things could be yeah I hope that

helps okay to make ends meet means to to

be able to cover all of your expenses

for something a little bit different hmm

yes it is lively Tarr on Facebook but we

are finishing up actually it is time to

finish perfect timing for your question

so I have to finish there for today but

thank you very much for joining today’s

live yesterday’s live lesson if you

missed the live lesson you can watch the

video on youtube or on Facebook and now

I think we’re trying to make it in HD so

I hope you can see everything very

clearly of course don’t forget to like

the video if you haven’t liked the video

it helps other people to find the lesson

so we really really appreciate you

hitting the like button on the video and

sharing as well yeah so dude do you like

you sure oh great so we will be back

next week next week same time same

channel we’ll be here next week June Wow

already June 20th my gosh this year is

going so fast whew so next vehicle will

be back on June 20th the topic will be

improving your spelling improving your

spelling so how - yeah how to improve

your spelling in English

I’ll talk about a few tips and maybe

some things you can do that will

hopefully help you become a better

speller and therefore a better writer in

English so please join us next week

June 20th 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Eastern Standard Time is New York City

time so if you don’t know your time

please Google it from this time ok

also if you missed it before as well we

do have a brand new PDF for you to

download from the website Oh shall we

look at it over here again ok so we do

have this brand-new PDF for you on the

website if you are trying to make some

goals for yourself or trying to make a

plan or are just starting this could be

a great place to begin with some basic

questions basic grammar points as well

and then a few actually proverbs 2 about

learning languages great alrighty so

with that we will wrap up today’s lesson

thank you very much for coming I hope

that you found something interesting

this was kind of different from what we

usually do but this was sort of an

exploration so I hope that you found

something new and interesting and maybe

you found a proverb that you have in

your language but now you can say it in

English that would be cool ok but for

today we will finish up there so please

join us again next week have a good day

have a good night too enjoy your weekend

and I will see you again soon bye