Order Fast Food at the Restaurant in English English Speaking Practice


fast food

fast food is hot food that is served

very quickly and can be taken away to be

eaten in the street

recently fast food is more and more


let’s watch this video to learn some

vocabulary for fast food

situation 1.


hey i’m so hungry what time is it

it’s 12 10 already we forgot lunch time

what should we order today

i don’t know

recently i dislike eating

do you want to come to the mc restaurant

long time no eat fast food

it sounds good jane do you want to go

with us

okay that’s fine let’s go it’s late now


there are some new dishes aren’t there

cool i will try a new one

i would like the shrimp hamburger with

chili sauce what about you

combo c pasta and chips please fried

chicken set b and cola please how long

will it take

it’ll take about 15 minutes i will go to

the counter to order

not too long when was the last time we

ate at m.c not sure last monday

no i think it was tuesday whatever then

it’s last week it felt like it was a

month ago


the food is coming enjoy your meal

bon appetit



ah it’s so delicious i love chicken so

so much and you look so happy what


nothing much mc has a new combo it’s

really tasty tomorrow you should try it

fast food what fast food did you order

fried chicken set b it’s the new one ah

and cola absolutely it’s normal chicken

but sauces are the highlight i think

sauce is made from chilis peppers basil


mayonnaise cool but i think it’s not

good for our health most fast food

contains high level of added sugar

you will eat more calories then regular

eating fast food can lead to problems

with obesity

i understand but you know

yes i know it’s really delicious

it’s one option sometimes just sometimes

thanks for your review i will try your

suggestion tomorrow and it’s time work

hard bye



situation two


hey babe i just arrived in new york what

are you doing

yes remember to go to the post office

they called me yesterday to remind me

about our bills in may

yes i see

i will buy some presents for you honey

i’m so hungry now i will have some food

call you later

bye love you please leave me at the mc


okay sir

wow it’s bigger than ours hope that

quality is good as well

hello what can i help you with sir

i would like to order something what are

your signature dishes here

would you like chicken hamburger or


hamburger please today we have shrimp

beef chicken and fish hamburger you can

choose a side of cheese or double cheese

especially special cheese

can you suggest to me some combo with

shrimp hamburger

with shrimp hamburgers we have combo

s1 and s2 s1 includes a shrimp hamburger

fries and a drink s2 includes a burger a

chicken wing and an ice cream

oh it’s hard to choose i love both

chicken and fries

i’d like the s2 and fries please

small medium or large

small please

would you like chili sauce or ketchup

both please

is that for hero to go

over here

your total is five dollars please keep

the number tag take a seat and wait for

us a few minutes thank you

thanks so much

enjoy your meal when you finish you can

come to our order bar to get your ice

cream thank you

thanks can i have more ketchup please

we have a refill station there you can

fill it up by yourself

oh i see thank you


situation three


alex do you want to run one more round

over there

that way okay let’s go


hey that is mc it is a new one in this

street isn’t it

yeah i guess so are you wanting to try

honestly i’m really hungry now really

fast food after doing exercise it sounds

crazy but i’m in


good morning welcome to mc restaurant do

you need a little time to decide or

would you like to order now

we see a menu please

here’s the menu

let me see

do you have any discount for today

unfortunately not we just have some

discount vouchers for dinner time

if next time you come at dinner time i

will show you some use of pasta don’t


yes you can look for it on page two we

have two best sellers our basil pasta

and tomato cream pasta

i will have tomato cream pasta please

large or small

large please

what would you like to drink

i will have a coke

would you like ice with that

no ice please ah i forgot my pasta is

without pepper please and with extra


okay noted what about you

do you have veggie burgers

absolutely you can find them on page


let me see

i will have number two with a side of

mashed potatoes and i’d also like to get

a side of baked beans could i get that

without gravy

yes sure

mashed potatoes without gravy what would

you like to drink

could i have a coke zero

coke zero sure ice or without ice do you

want to order anything else

no ice and ice cream please

pardon me ice cream

yes i will have number two a coke zero

without ice and ice cream

ice cream for breakfast are you serious

absolutely just because i’m so hungry

we have some flavors here which one do

you want

chocolate please

okay so you will have a tomato cream

pasta without pepper and extra cream a

combo too with a side of mashed potatoes

and a side of baked beans a coke without

ice a coke zero

and an ice cream is that right

it’ll take about 20 minutes

okay thank you

thank you

this food is best eaten while hot please

enjoy your meal

thank you

that will be 15 and 30 cents please

please bring this bill to the checkout

to pay for your meal after enjoying it

okay thank you


not at all




hi how was everything today

all good i love your pasta

will that be card or cash

buy cash please

here is your change

thank you

thank you

thank you see you again soon


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