Phrasal Verb Quiz How to use UP Phrasal Verbs

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready for a phrasal

verb quiz let’s talk about it in today’s

special phrasal verb quiz video Dan’s

gonna ask you 5 questions featuring an

important up phrasal verb concept he’s

gonna read a sentence and there are

gonna be three options you can choose

which of the three options is the best

fit for that sentence and after he reads

the sentence you’ll have five seconds to

choose which one is the correct one in

the poll feature up here so you’re gonna

see a little tab come across the screen

and you can click it and choose which

answer you think is correct and then

after that I’ll explain why that answer

is correct and how you can use this in

other situations let’s get started with

the quiz question number one my mom is

coming to visit I need to the house I

need to clean up the house I need to

finish up the house I need to do up the

house mmm clean up finish up do up

what’s the answer Vanessa thanks so much

Dan the answer to question number one is

my mom is coming to visit I need to

clean up the house why is cleanup the

best phrasal verb for this sentence well

the rule that we’re gonna be talking

about today with up phrasal verbs is all

of these verbs are talking about doing

an action but also finishing that action

so you are cleaning the house but you

are also finishing cleaning the house

and that is what the up part of this

phrasal verb signifies that you are yes

you’re cleaning the house maybe you’re

vacuuming or mopping or dusting or

tidying up but you are also finishing

the task so let’s see how this is used

in other sentences for questions 2 3 4

and 5 let’s go to question number 2


  • at the end of the month we usually all

of our purchases we usually use up all

of our purchases we usually add up all

of our purchases we usually heat up all

of our purchases use up add up heat up

what’s the answer Vanessa thanks Dan in

question number two the best answer is

at the end of the month we usually add

up all of our purchases we add up all of

our purchases you can imagine that I

keep all of the receipts all of the

things that I’ve bought I have a lot of

numbers and then at the end of the month

I’m going to add them but I’m not just

going to add them I’m going to finish

the task so here we have the same rule

we’re using an action verb ad but we’re

adding up to show that the task is

finished I finish adding all of the

things at the end of the month that I

purchased okay let’s go to question

number three question number three I

thought he didn’t like coffee but he the

whole pot he used up the whole pot he

threw up the whole pot he drank up the

whole pot hmm used up threw up drink up

what’s the answer Vanessa great senate’s


incidence number three the best answer

is I thought he didn’t like coffee but

he drank up the whole pot do you see a

theme here he’s not just drinking some

coffee he is finishing the whole pot of

coffee there is an action drinking and a

finishing of that action so we’re adding

up he drank up the whole pot now you

might be thinking why can’t we use

used-up he used up the whole pot well in

this situation used up is gonna

be better for some other kind of task

you’re gonna see that a little bit later

in another question but here we’re

talking about a liquid so drink up is

our best option

okay let’s go to the next question

question number four I can’t believe how

fast my baby is my baby is growing up my

baby is finishing up my baby is turning

up hmm growing up finishing up turning

up what’s the answer Vanessa great

Senate’s Dan the best answer for

question number four is I can’t believe

how fast my baby is growing up here we

have an action verb to grow and then

we’re adding up to make this a phrasal

verb but we already talked about how all

of these phrasal verbs signify finishing

a task has my baby finished growing not

really if I said my baby is grown up

this means he has finished growing he is

an adult but I didn’t say that

instead the sentence is my baby is

growing up we’re using the present

continuous so here I’m showing that

there is an action that’s continually

happening but one day it will be

finished one day he will grow up he will

be an adult and he will probably stop

growing he’s not gonna grow forever all

right let’s talk about the final

question question number five question

number five when you all the shampoo

please buy a new one when you pack up

all the shampoo when you clean up all

the shampoo when you use up all the

shampoo pack up clean up use up what’s

the answer Vanessa how did you do on

this final sentence sentence number five

the best way to say this is when you use

up all the shampoo please buy a new one

use up we have our action

verb use plus up what do you think this

means when the shampoo is completely

gone when you use it up when you use it

up so when the shampoo is finished when

it is gone please buy a new one you

might be wondering Vanessa can I use up

with this idea of finishing for other

action verbs yes you can make a lot of

phrasal verbs with this concept for

example let’s imagine that you have a

lot of homework well when you’re

finished you could say I finished up all

my homework or maybe if you have some

soup from yesterday and you want to eat

it for lunch today you could say I need

to heat up my soup I need to heat it up

or you might say before I go on vacation

I should pack up my car I need to pack

up my suitcase or when the police are

following you don’t speed up it’s not a

good idea I hope that all of these

examples are useful to you did you enjoy

this quiz with Dan thanks so much Dan

for joining me in this video I hope you

enjoyed it I hope you learned a lot let

me know in the comments below how many

did you get correct did you get all five

correct did you get four or three or two

or one or maybe none but now I hope you

understand this concept better and I

hope you can use it yourself maybe let

me know in the comments what are some

other action verbs that you can add with

up to signify finishing a task thanks so

much for learning with me and I’ll see

you again next Friday for my next free

lesson here on my youtube channel see

you again the next time bye

the next step is to download my free

ebook five steps to becoming a confident

English speaker you’ll learn what you

need to do to speak confidently and

fluently don’t forget to subscribe to my

youtube channel for more free lessons

thanks so much
