Practice English Speaking Conversation by Topics Can you lend me some money



money situation one


hooray finally it’s lunchtime

the canteen has cheesecake today

really that’s my favorite dessert

did any of you bring extra money

i only have enough to buy lunch for

myself why

i think i left my wallet at home

oh no try searching your backpack again

i did it’s not in there what about your


the lock of it was broken yesterday

yes so i cleared all my stuff and

brought it home with me

already that’s bad i don’t have enough

extra money either

doesn’t your twin brother have class


charlie usually yes but he caught a cold


he’s at home now have you asked monica

yes but she brought her own lunch so she

doesn’t have any money either

i got my bank card but there’s no money

left in my account

can we buy a little more food than usual

for her to eat

i’m afraid the money is not enough

besides ellie has gym class this


she needs a full proper meal

wait a minute i have my card here

there’s still some money left in my


oh my god thank you it’s okay

let’s go i’ll withdraw some money for


thanks laila i’ll pay you back tomorrow

oh i actually won’t go to school

tomorrow it’s my uncle’s wedding


right so is monday okay okay

situation two

jackson hello hi mark

uh why did you want to meet me uh

this is a little awkward but can you

lend me some money

so why so sudden well

do you remember the concert that i

talked about last week

yes wait was it yesterday

you’re correct did you have fun

yes and no it was amazing until i tried

to catch a taxi to go home and realize

that i lost my wallet

oh no that’s horrible

so now i ran out of money and i don’t

even have my credit card

i came back to the venue to find it but

there were too many people

i see it was a huge concert

i was just having too much fun it must

have fallen out of my bag

really yes i dropped it once and several

things came out of it

i guess i forgot to pick up my wallet

you have to be more careful next time

i know have you reported this to the


yes however they said that it’s going to

take quite a long time to find it

i understand but what about your salary

i won’t get paid until next thursday

well then in that case i can’t say no

thank you so much jackson how much do

you need

just a small amount to buy food and

other basic necessities

it won’t be too much alright i can

handle that

you’re my lifesaver i promise i’ll pay

you back

right when i get my paycheck don’t worry

about it

you can do that whenever it’s convenient

for you

thanks again no problem mark

when do you need the money as soon as


then i’ll send some into your bank

account by tonight is that fine


situation three

hello uncle ryan it’s great to meet you


hi jack long time no see how have you


i’m great work has been amazing lately

i just got promoted

i’m so happy for you thank you

well i’ve been waiting for this family

reunion to ask you something

since i don’t want to talk on the phone

what is it i’m thinking of buying a car

what kind the newest edition of


do you know that ah yes i heard the

price was quite reasonable

good choice it was but

i still need to borrow some money

because i don’t have enough

can you lend me some money why

i think you can afford it not to mention

your promotion

yes but i’m planning to invest in a

project next month

so now there’s only twenty five thousand

dollars left in my budget

how much is the car anyway about thirty

five thousand dollars

so i need ten thousand dollars to be

able to buy it

wow that’s a huge amount of money

i know at first i wanted to wait but the

new model was in blue

and i like it a lot i’m afraid that it

might be sold out soon

i understand right now i don’t have that

much money in my account but i think

i’ll ask my friend if he can lend me


so you agree of course but under one

condition just tell me

because i also have to borrow someone

else’s money

i need to know when exactly you will pay

me back

oh you don’t need to worry about that

you’ll get the money back in

exactly three months i promise

well in that case i hope you’ll keep

that promise

i definitely will alright so we have a


i’ll try to contact my friend as fast as


thank you so much i’m very grateful for


no problem your money will probably be

transferred the day after tomorrow

that’s great

situation four


hey john are you staying for football

practice today

oh i’m sorry i can’t i have to go home

early to prepare for my mom’s birthday

oh tell her i said happy birthday

i will thank you have you talked to the

coach yet

yes don’t worry he’s fine with it wait i

got a message

oh no are you okay who texted

my brother um i might need to borrow

some money

i don’t have a lot is it urgent

yes it is something came up at work and

he won’t be able to buy a birthday cake

on time

so he asked me to do it instead why

didn’t he ask your dad

he gets off work pretty late too check

your wallet you might still have enough


i would be happy to lend you some but i

don’t think i have enough to afford an

entire cake let’s see

actually i have enough but only for a

regular cake

did you want to buy a different type

yes the premium one we all agreed on


i want it to be special um

i only have twenty dollars would that be


more than enough actually i only need to

borrow ten

great here you are thank you ryder

you’re the best

i’ll pay you back tomorrow okay

now you should go the party won’t

prepare itself

sure goodbye writer bye john see you

tomorrow in bio

situation five


hey maria hi tom what’s up i’m really

hard up

could you lend me a few dollars my

wallet is empty

me too i’m dead broke not a nickel to my


there is an emptiness in my soul and


in my bank account


situation six


good morning welcome to the city bank

how can i help you

good morning i would like to open a bank


sure thing what kind of account would

you like to open

a savings account or a checking account

what’s the difference a checking account

is designed

to use for everyday transactions yet the

money in a savings account is meant to

stay in the account and earn

interest over time i see

actually i want to apply for a credit

card that’s why i need an account

okay then you probably want a checking


well thank you i’d like that sure

we will have you fill out an application

form please

no problem how much of a credit limit

were you looking for

i would like a ten thousand dollar

spending limit

all right we will see what we can do we

might be able to get you one of our gold

cards with the ten thousand dollar

spending limit

wonderful will i also collect points

when i use the card

sure with our gold card you will get ten

reward points for every dollar spent

perfect i have filled out the form do

you need anything else

you just need to deposit a minimum of


into your new checking account very well

here you are thank you your account is

set up now

and your credit card will be mailed to

your address within five to ten business


thank you for your help have a good day

thank you

you too

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