Present Perfect Practice Advanced English Verb Tenses

hello hello welcome to today’s live

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with Vanessa YouTube channel I’m so glad

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John Zac Muhammad Kenneth Matteo

thanks for coming from Egypt from

Thailand Cambodia Brazil wow you guys

are right really international well

today we have a really important topic

one that I get asked about a lot so

we’re gonna focus today on the present

perfect tense but if you have any

negative feelings about grammar or

grammar classes or grammar terms maybe

they make your heart start beating

faster did your eyes get bigger and you

get a little worried oh no

uh-huh don’t worry take a deep breath

today we’re going to talk about it

clearly I’m going to ask you a lot of

questions and you’re going to be able to

use it a lot so I hope that at the end

of this lesson you’re going to have

confidence using the present perfect

tense so are you ready for my first

question my first question today for you

is what is one thing that you did today

what did you do today what is one thing

that you did today and now just a little


my question is using did what did you do


this is just a simple past verb what did

you do today

so for me my sample sentence is I woke

up I woke up today it’s 9 a.m. I haven’t

really done that much yet so for me I’m

gonna say I woke up simple clear one

thing that I did Gabriela says I went

for a walk wonderful Khan says I went to

school all day sunny says I surfed the

Internet I booked a course I took my

lunch break great so so far we’ve used

just simple simple verbs

I booked a class I took a walk I worked

I had my lunch well what if we want to

introduce the word already ooh if we

want to introduce the word already into

your sentence then let’s change your

verb mmm so take the sentence that you

just wrote maybe you wrote like Federica

says I went to work well let’s say if we

add the word already how can we change

the verb I’m going to give you a sample

sentence here

I’ll take Federico sentence as our

sample I went to work is gonna change to

I have already gone

Oh to work alright so we’ve got a couple

things happening here and I want you to

do the same thing with your sentence if

you’re uncertain about how to add

already into your sentence then I

recommend using this sample using the

sample to change so here we have our

verb simple verb easy clear I went to

work well if we’re gonna add this lovely

this lovely word already already we need

to add a new verb tense so let’s add

half gone gone is coming from this word

went so our original word is go I go to

work I went to work I have already gone

to work ooh

so you’re expanding your verb tenses

expanding your sentence and you’re

saying this really precisely so you

could say today I went to work but if

you want to be really clear about

something that you’ve already done

especially using the word already our

key here is the word already then we’re

gonna need to use this past are the

present perfect tense well let’s talk

about really quick this construction

because a lot of you have beautiful

sentences that you have already written

so I’m gonna read some of your sentences

and we’re going to talk about that

construction Pinilla says I have already

eaten so Yoshi says I have already drunk

before going home

I have already woken up great I have

already eaten my lunch I have already

had breakfast I’ve already studied

history Wow we’ve got a lot of beautiful

verbs for this this verb here it’s

called the past participle don’t really

stress about the grammar term the most

important thing is choosing the correct

verb so we have a lot of irregular here

a lot of you have already used those

Eitan taken gone but sometimes this

looks like just a past verb so some of

you said um I have already called my

sister Verna says I have already called

called called is similar here I called

my sister it looks the same but it’s

just not irregular it’s a regular verb

so we can add it in our beautiful

present perfect sentence I have already

called my sister I’ve already watched a

video on YouTube wonderful Alec says

I’ve already connected to a live lesson

I’ve already had my lunch beautiful

sentences now let’s talk about something

that’s not today but we’re going to add

another word here something that you

have done a lot what is something that

you’ve done a lot

maybe recently maybe in your life I have

studied English a lot

I have eaten pizza a lot maybe it’s your

favorite food I’ve gone shopping a lot

if you like shopping personally huh I

hate shopping so it’s not true for me

but what is something that you have done

a lot we’re gonna substitute this word

here let’s make a sample sentence how

about I

oh let’s talk about speaking English I

have spoken lovely word spoken English a

lot whoo lovely lovely and if you notice

the placement of this word is not in the

middle I have already gone it’s in the

middle of our verb but in this sentence

it’s at the end mmm so with the word a

lot we can’t split I have a lot spoken

oh no it’s gonna go at the end so a lot

of you have already written beautiful

sentences here thank you you’re

imitating the sentence structure I’ve

worked out a lot I’ve swam a lot oh

great great

let’s add a lot I’ve listened to music a

lot whoo I’ve done a lot of exercises I

have done a lot of exercises I have

eaten a lot today oh so maybe you’re

quite hungry but not hungry anymore

because you have eaten a lot today I see

a lot of you are writing the contraction

and this is great this is a great idea

so we can how about I’ll use read again

we can combine these two words and we

use this all the time especially in

spoken English or in casual writing to

say I’ve I’ve spoken English a lot today

I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate today what

is something you have done a lot I’ve

studied a lot I’ve watched a lot of

movies I’ve eaten a lot of chicken today

Oh interesting so maybe for you

you love chicken so you’ve eaten a lot

of chicken for me I would say recently

because it’s getting to the end of my

pregnancy my body my body has grown a

lot so I’m not using half because my

subject is not I my body or we could

even say my baby my body has grown

because my baby has grown thankfully so

we could say my baby has grown a lot so

here we are using just another way to

say have in the present tense but we

need to make sure it goes with our

subject has grown so we could say he has

grown a lot it’s true he has grown a lot

my baby has grown a lot so make sure

that your verb agrees with your subject

and now are you ready for some negative

sentences whoo I think that negative

sentences are not not really more

complicated than positive sentences

that’s the good news so I want to ask

you a question what is something that

you have never done what’s something

that you’ve never done hmm for me I

think I would say I’ve never oh I’ve

never eaten caribou meat so caribou is a

giant deer kind of like a moose and it

lives in Canada or Alaska but recently

my friend gave me some

caribou meat so I will eat caribou meat

but at the moment I’ve never eaten

caribou meat if you have eaten caribou

meat let me know so here we have our

special word this is kind of our the the

trigger we know oh we need to use the

present perfect because we have one of

these words never a lot already that’s

pretty typical for the the present

perfect so here I have have eaten I have

never eaten I have never eaten it well

I’ve never smoked I’ve never eaten

grasshoppers I’ve never met Vanessa oh I

hope someday you can I hope that would

be great we could have tea together I’ve

never been to Australia oh I really I

hope someday you can go I’ve never

spoken with a British person oh I hope

it will happen someday for you

I’ve never played tennis I’ve never been

to the US I’ve never drunk 100% alcohol

oh maybe that’s a good thing for your

health I’ve never seen snow oh so sorry

I hope someday you can experience it for

a short time a couple days I’ve never

eaten sushi but I want to try it someday

beautiful full sentence I’ve never done

it but I want to try it someday I’ve

never eaten sushi I’ve never left Brazil

but I would like to go to Argentina but

I’d like to go to Italy someday

wonderful sentence I’ve never eaten a

wild deer oh I think I haven’t even I

haven’t even eaten a deer I haven’t

eaten a deer like a local deer either

hmm well when I eat caribou I’ll let you

know if it tastes good

I’ve never traveled to the US I’ve never

learned to swim these are beautiful

sentences you’re using this same Senate

structure have never eaten caribou meat

now I want to let you know we could make

a negative sentence in a slightly

different way does anyone know how we

can use not not in this sentence how can

we use not now remember in English we

can’t have two negative words never is a

negative word but we can’t have two of

them we can only have one in our

sentence so how can we create a negative

sentence using only not hmm

to answer this question what have you

never done how can we use not I think

I’m maybe I’ll write on the side here Oh

a lot of great comments here haven’t I

haven’t I haven’t done something all


let’s use the word haven’t and also oh

we’ve got a great answer Scala says I

haven’t ever beautiful so here we have

never but if we’re going to use haven’t

we need to use ever if we’re talking

about something in your life what have

you never done I haven’t ever I haven’t


oh I haven’t ever been to California I’d

love to go to California well actually

I’ve been to the airport but I don’t

think that that really is California so

I would say I haven’t ever here’s our

word I haven’t ever been to California

we have our important verb tenses

of then and we have that negative part

not I haven’t ever oh we’ve got some

great sentences using this so both of

these both of these are negative

sentences you can use both of them no

problem they mean the same thing it’s

just two choices so a lot of you said I

haven’t ever been to Vanessa’s house I

haven’t ever gone outside oh I hope so I

haven’t ever gone to Canada

oh I haven’t ever been to Sweden I

haven’t ever been to China I haven’t

ever smoked I haven’t ever used an Apple

laptop these are beautiful examples so

you’re using our new sentence structure

haven’t ever plus our special verb here

gone to Canada I haven’t ever smoked I

haven’t ever eaten crazy food or I’ve

never eaten crazy food we’ve got two

negative choices so now is your chance

to use this while you’re speaking I hope

that during the lesson as I’m giving

sample sentences you can repeat after me

and say them out loud shadowing is

really important for improving your

pronunciation muscles and improving your

speaking if you don’t have an English

speaker in your city who’s your friend

or if you don’t have someone to speak

English with well first of all you can

still speak because shadowing is a great

technique it’s helped so many people be

able to improve their speaking skills

and just have a chance to use English

out loud so shadowing means you’re

repeating directly after me so are you

ready to shadow a sentence with me

shadow and say it out loud if you can

say it loudly great if you say it

quietly it’s okay oh I’ve got marker on

my hand if you say quietly nope

boom I think this is a good chance to

speak out loud and use our sentence

structure from today so let’s say a

sentence together using the present

perfect are you ready

clear your mind take a deep breath and

if you would like to write this sentence

in the chat box it’s also good listening

practice to see if you can hear each

word each individual sound and to see if

you can write it correctly

it’s like a dictation practice just one

sentence so I’m gonna say the sentence

and I want you to write it and then

we’re gonna say it together let’s get

started let’s say a sentence about

English I’ve already spoken English

confidently today because right now

you’re doing it I’ve already spoken

English confidently today I want you to

shadow repeat directly after me I’m

gonna say it slowly and if you want to

write the sentence go ahead make sure

that you’re also saying it out loud

let’s say it slowly and focus on

pronunciation I’ve already spoken

English confidently today I’ve already

spoken English confidently today yes

you’re doing it right now thank you for

writing these sentences excellent your

dictation skills and listening skills

are improving hopefully your speaking

skills as well so let’s say this quickly

together a couple times I’ve already

spoken English confidently today I’ve

already spoken English confidently today

when you say it with confidence your

body feels more confident your posture

is straight you’re smiling I’ve already

spoken English confidently today yes I’m

doing it

thank you so much for speaking

confidently and for opening your mind to

this verb tense today I’ve already

spoken English confidently today keep up

the good work and continue to speak

confidently I hope that you feel

confident about using the present

perfect tense in these three sample

sentences with already and a lot and

with never and ever in a negative way

thank you so much for learning with me

for using English and I hope that you’ve

already learned something useful today

even if it’s the morning for you they’ll

have a beautiful day if you would like

to continue learning with me

good news you can continue to watch

other live lessons there are plenty of

other lessons on the speak English with

Vanessa YouTube channel lots of things

that you can learn expressions idioms

phrasal verbs today advanced verb tense

and if you’d like to receive my free

email lessons and read my free ebook

it’s called five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker and in this

ebook thousands of English learners have

followed these five steps and realised

what the next thing is to do to really

become confident and to forget your

fears that’s the most important thing

forget your fear and move on so that you

can really speak as well as you can so

if you would like to read this get my

free email lessons you can click the

link in the description or on the screen

at the end of the video it’s my pleasure

to share English with you today thanks

for joining me

thanks for being here live or not live

I’m glad you’re here

have a beautiful day and I’ll see you

again on Thursday 9 a.m. Eastern Time

bye everyone

see you later