R L Exercises American English Pronunciation

I’ve recently done a video to help
you understand the difference

between the R and the
L consonant sounds.

In this video, you will get the
opportunity to practice those sounds.

You will hear a word pair, and then you
will be given time to repeat the word pair.

When you are repeating the words,

you will see a photo of either
the R or the L consonant sound.

I urge you to practice this with a
mirror and to watch your mouth,

and study to make sure that it
is taking the correct position

for either the R or the
L consonant sound.

Wrap, lap.

Rain, lane.

Rest, lest.

Rate, late.

Write, light.

Rent, lent.

Now you’ll hear word pairs where
the R or L consonant sound

comes at the end of the words.

Cobble, robber.

Apple, dapper.

Label, later.

Battle, batter.

Shovel, shudder.

Frank, flank.

Grass, glass.

Brain, blame.

Broke, blown.

Press, please.

Creep, clip.

Sorrow, shallow.

Now you will hear word pairs

where the R and the L consonant
sounds are reversed.

So make sure that you are
doing the L at the right spot

and the R at the right spot.

Rail, lair.

Real, leer.

Role, lore.

Rule, lure.