REAL ENGLISH CONVERSATION Learn Real English From Real English Conversations Episode 3

hey welcome to today’s lesson in today’s

lesson i’m going to help you master the

english language by watching and

breaking down a real english

conversation this is going to help you

sound more like a native english speaker

are you ready

well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump

right in now what we’re going to do is

look at different parts of a

conversation and when we look at the

conversation we’re going to be listening

for new words new expressions and also

how the individuals express themselves

that’s how you get fluent in english so

here’s the first part of the


when i was in in high school you know i

was pretty good football player

but didn’t get a scholarship

and i was very disappointed


i got to go to england and play football

again pax and you know nice man they

treated me like a celebrity over there


it was it was on yeah and it was just i

just love the english people yeah uh i

love the culture i mean it was just a

very nice environment for me and i

thoroughly enjoyed it and didn’t want to

come back

so you see again a very short 30-second

portion of the conversation but there

were a lot of words and expressions used

during the conversation so let’s first

look at the new words and expressions

and then we’re going to break down how

you can speak just like he was speaking

during the conversation now the first

thing i want us to look at number one

is when he said this

when i was in high school you know i was

a pretty good football player

but i didn’t get a scholarship and i was

very disappointed

now he didn’t just say i was a good

football player

he said pretty good and this is

something that we as native english

speakers use a lot but in order for you

to use it naturally you have to

understand the meaning so let me explain

what this means pretty good actually



or extremely good i know it’s a little

confusing don’t worry i’ll explain

you see it all depends on the way

it is used and the person’s facial

expression when they use it so for


let’s say again in the conversation he

said you know

i was a pretty good football player

his facial expressions showed some

confidence right he didn’t say i was i

was pretty good

you see how my facial expression

suddenly changed the meaning

that was pretty good

meaning i was average

but if i say

i mean i was i was pretty good

you can tell by my facial expression

that i knew

i was real good i was amazing extremely

good so that’s how this expression can

be used in two different ways so let’s

look at an example sentence i was a

pretty good baseball player when i was

in high school now again depending on

the facial expression the meaning can

change either an average baseball player

or an extremely good baseball player

makes sense all right after me

pretty good

excellent very good now in the other

part of the conversation he also said it

was on you heard him say that part right

we’ll watch it again don’t worry he said

it was on

now what does it mean when we as native

english speakers say it

was on you see this expression is kind

of a slang term it means

this is what you say when the battle or

showdown or project is about to begin

or when you want to fight someone after

school so let me explain


for example think about when you were in

high school and let’s say there was a

little disagreement between two high

school students and they said okay

i’m gonna see you after school i’m gonna

talk to you after school you could tell

by their body language that they were

probably going to fight when they went

outside after school to fight if someone

says hey they’re about to start they

could say it was on meaning they were

about to start the fight

but the other explanation again is when

you’re about to

start a big


start a big project so he was talking

about football he said oh man they gave

me the ball and it was on he was about

to accomplish something so let’s look at

this example sentence right here

after he threw the first punch it was on

the fight began

it started makes sense right okay so

again after me it was on

excellent very good and again we’re

gonna watch the clip the short clip

again so you can see how these words and

expressions were used during the


but the one i want us to look at before

we go to that clip again is right here

number three

he said i love their culture i mean it

was just a very nice environment for me

and i thoroughly enjoyed it

i didn’t want to come back now for

pronunciation i want you to repeat after


thoroughly enjoyed

good th put your tongue through your

teeth thoroughly enjoyed

excellent now this is something we use

on a regular basis thoroughly enjoying

something it means to enjoy something


totally or very much for example

i thoroughly enjoy

indian food

y’all know that i love indian food i

really enjoy it so i can say i

thoroughly enjoy indian food again to

enjoy something completely now look at

this example sentence


thoroughly enjoyed her oatmeal this


makes sense they really liked it they

really enjoyed it thoroughly enjoyed

this is what we say in english so after

me thoroughly enjoy

excellent now let’s check out the clip

one more time and i want you to

recognize all of the expressions that

were used here we go one more time

when i was in in high school you know i

was pretty good football player

but didn’t get a scholarship

and i was very disappointed


i got to go to england and play football

again pax and you know before nice man

they treated me like a celebrity over

there oh

it was it was on yeah and it was just i

just love the english people yeah uh i

loved the culture i mean it was just a

very nice environment for me and i

thoroughly enjoyed it and didn’t want to

come back

so you caught all the words and

expressions right thoroughly enjoyed it

was on

but now that we understand the

expressions and the words i want to

break down the conversation a little bit


you see what was happening during this

part of the conversation was that ob his

name is ob family friend

was reminiscing was thinking about

something from the past a good memory

you see in this part of the conversation

obi is talking about his past experience


you can tell that he is reminiscing

because he goes into detail about his

feelings during that time

this is something that is very important

to english fluency

talking about your feelings during a

past experience so let me explain things

to remember when you’re doing this in a

conversation remember these three things

when you speak about your experience


remember to talk about the experience he

talked about playing football he talked

about his experience in


second remember to talk about how you

felt during the experience he talked

about how he felt again you start with

talking about your experience then you

talk about how you felt

during the experience

and finally remember to talk about how

you felt

after the experience

in that short 30-second clip that

30-second portion of the conversation

he was able to do all of this that is

why he’s a native english speaker

speaking english fluently able to give

enough information no matter what you’re

discussing so again when you’re talking

about your experience remember to talk

about it

talk about how you felt during the

experience and how you felt after the

experience makes sense right

okay let’s jump to the second part of

the conversation here’s part two of our


they shipped me this place called

washington dc that i i thought well we

love you it’s so glad you’re here

not to come here and haven’t been

anywhere since

man no okay now this is not really

connected with the question but since

you mentioned you were a football player

and i do like football what position did

you play play quarterback

i mean you mean i’ve never i haven’t

showed you the press clippers in this oh

after we turned the camera

school assistant you were a quarterback


i respect that yeah i respect you yeah i

know when i first told the dear wife you

know back in the day yeah she looked at

me she looked up and down yeah right

then i broke out the press clippings on

her side and then she believed it right

you know the press speaks for itself oh


all right now i was smiling really big

as i watched that clip again you can

tell that something was happening during

this part of the conversation a lot of

laughter but then there are a lot of

extra expressions and some slang that

was used that for you as an english

learner can be a little bit confusing if

no one explains it to you i’m gonna

explain it to you and give you the tools

you need to start using it and start

sounding like a native english speaker

each and every one of them so the first

one right here

press clipping so

he said i played quarterback

then he said wait you mean i’ve never i

i haven’t shown you the press clippings

of this

after we turn the camera off again this

is how he was talking to me right

but what are press clippings press

clippings let me explain what press

clippings are you see press clippings

again something very important they

literally are a compilation or a

paragraph a paragraph or a short article

that’s cut out of a newspaper or


we call that a press clipping a story

from a magazine or from a newspaper that

has been cut out

and taken now again he said he had press

clippings about when he used to play

high school football when he played

football when he was younger

so here’s an example sentence

his wallet

was always full of press clippings of

funny stories that he would read to

fellow members he always had these

little pieces of paper these press

clippings stories from articles or

articles from newspapers or magazines we

say press

clippings your turn

excellent job very good now in the next

part of the conversation he also said

this right here he said oh

i’ll school a sister and that’s actually

how he said it now this is slang so i’ll

say it again in the right way

oh i’ll school a sister

now this is something again

i use it all the time i’m a school you i

use it a lot when i play basketball let

me explain what this actually means so

the expression is school somebody and it

means to educate

or put a person in his or her place to

teach someone something all right it’s

when you’re in a position

to teach someone else something that

they don’t know and it’s kind of you can

use it in a funny way oh i’ll school you

on that don’t worry i’ll school you on

that i’ll teach you that

i’ll inform you of that i’m going to

teach you something and it’s slang so

here’s the example sentence right here

i’m about to school you now again i told

you when i played basketball i used this

all the time so

i enjoyed um dribbling like i was a

point guard i could shoot really well so

depending on who i was playing if i was

talking trash or just playing around

with my friends i said okay i’m about to

school you and i would take the ball

down and shoot and again it just means

i’m about to teach you something i’m

about to teach you how to play

basketball right but you can use it in

any situation but it’s slang all right i

wish i had a basketball right now okay

so again after me

school somebody

excellent job very good all right the

next thing he used to use a lot of


to have it going on he said

i had it going on i mean you know i was

pretty good

you remember we learned that right from

the first clip pretty good and you see

the way he’s talking he’s speaking in a

very confident way so it means he was

extremely good but what does it mean to

have it going on here’s the meaning of

this one as well it’s also slang

to be attractive or socially successful

or to have an aura of success like

i know i’m really good

i know i’m amazing i have it going on

that’s what he was saying hey

i was good in football everybody knew it

i had it going on i was amazing i was

socially successful

makes sense right so let me show you an

example sentence here we go

he really had it going on when he was in

high school

and he did right he played football

really well he had it going on now again

this is slang but hey if you know how to

use it properly you’ll sound more like a

native english speaker

now the other thing he said was break

out something he said yeah you know

when i first told the dear wife his wife

you know back in the day a long time ago

when he was younger she looked at me

looked up

and down

and said yeah right then i broke out the

press clippings on a sister again

he’s speaking about his ability and then

his wife kind of doubts him so he broke

out something what does broke out to

break out something so this expression

break out something it means to present

something for use

especially something that had been

stored out of sight or concealed

his wife had never seen the press

clippings right

they were somewhere concealed or out of

sight so he said let me take them out

i’m going to break out the press


makes sense right let me break out the


all right so here we go here’s the

example sentence

i dove dove under the counter when the

robber broke out a gun the gun had been

concealed but the robber broke out the

gun that makes sense right so again i

want you to repeat after me break out


excellent job very good now there’s one

other expression he used that is also

very important he said yeah

you know

the press

speaks for itself

now this expression speaks for itself

what does it mean when you say speaks

for itself let me break it down here we


speaks for itself now this just means if

something speaks for itself it is clear

and needs no further explanation

everything makes sense hey


my english speaks for itself i’m a

native english speaker and you after

this lesson someone will say wow your

english is really good you say yeah my

english speaks for itself

it’s good you don’t need any other

explanation here’s the example sentence

the school’s excellent record speaks for

itself no other explanation or details

are needed makes sense right so after me

speaks for itself

excellent job very good so now that we

know these new expressions i want us to

listen to the clip one more time here we

go pay attention here we go

they shipped me this place called

washington dc that i i

love you it’s so glad you’re here

not to come here and haven’t been

anywhere since

man no okay now this is not really

connected with the question but doesn’t

you mention you were a football player

and i do like football what position did

you play play quarterback

i mean you mean i’ve never i haven’t

showed you the press clippers in this

after we turned the camera on a school

or sister you were a quarterback i had

it going on i mean you know i was i was

pretty good i respect that yeah i

respect you yeah i know when i first

told the dear wife you know back in the


she looked at me she looked up and down

yeah right

then i broke out the press clippings on

herself and then she believed it right

you know the press speaks for itself

oh yes

all right so you caught them this time

right all of the new expressions the

slang terms again used in a real english


but i want us to look at this right here

because i want you to understand what

happened in this part of the

conversation you see he was providing

support and proof for what he was

telling me in this part of the

conversation ob starts to present

information that proves he was good at

playing football he says that he will

show me some press clippings these

clippings were the proof his wife needed

to believe his story again you’re seeing

english fluency is not just about the

number of words you use it’s about being

able to support your answer give proof

for what you’re saying and when you

learn this strategy you’ll be able to

speak english fluently so things to


this rule when you are giving your

opinion or a story here we go

always provide supporting information

and details that will help people

believe what you are saying

again as an english learner i know you

may be a little nervous sometimes to

speak in english don’t worry about

making mistakes instead focus on

providing information that supports what

you’re saying i’ve had so many students

especially when i was in korea

that came to me for an interview

and they had to figure out which level

they were going to go into when i worked

at the institute

and the students that made grammar

mistakes however

but they were able to

support their answers and give me

details and information those students

were placed higher than students that

made no mistakes but were not able to

give me supporting information it’s

really about your ability to give

supporting information for what you’re

saying now honestly i hope this lesson

really helped you i hope you enjoyed the

conversations i hope you enjoyed my

conversation with my family friend ob

and i hope to see you next time keep

studying hard now remember i do have a

free pdf for you if you want to keep

studying and mastering the english

language and you want to speak like a

native hit the link right in the

description it’s for the speak english

like a native the action plan a totally

free pdf that will take you through the

steps you need to follow in order to

speak english like a native english

speaker i hope you enjoy the lesson

again and i will talk to you next time

you still there

you know what time it is here we go it’s

story time

hey i said it’s story time

all right

today’s story is actually

about something you all know that i love



now christmas uh was a few weeks ago

and my family and i we had a wonderful

time together


during the day we actually we had

wonderful food together we decided to

make mexican food it was delicious

and we had worship together we talked

about um all the things that we

appreciated that god had given us and

then we went to open up the gifts

so my parents and i my sister my

brother-in-law and my nieces we all went

to the family room where the big tree

was and we were all opening up our gifts

everyone was opening up gifts and my

sister and i we were in shock because

usually my nieces they’re the kids that

get a lot more gifts because you know

we’re older and it’s fine the kids can

have it

but this year my parents decided to give

my sister and i a lot of gifts and i’m

not gonna lie to you i was happy so

my sister and i were extremely happy

this year and of course we got our

parents gifts too but it was really nice

so everyone was happy

i gave my family members some paintings

i did and they were happy i had them

framed and everything so we came to what

we thought was the end of our

gift-giving time and we were just

sitting there talking and my dad

suddenly stood up and said hey


i have something else that i want to

bring out and it’s for the entire family

so i need you guys to go to the other

room now let me just give you a little

bit of history

my dad for honestly the last i think 15


has always bought himself a gift and put

one of our names on it and said oh what

thank you

tiff i didn’t know you bought this for

me and i didn’t buy it for him he bought

it for himself so we had this ongoing

joke that my dad likes to buy himself

gifts and put one of our names on it so

we just expected it to be another one of

those because up until that point he had

not opened a gift that he bought for


so he said i have a gift that’s for the

whole family so we’re like huh what

could this be so he said hey did

everybody go to the living room so we

went to the living room we’re just

sitting there

wait maybe about

five minutes and we’re like what is

daddy getting

and he comes downstairs with a big black


it was a karaoke machine and he had a

microphone now let me explain something

you guys know i like singing i love

music my entire family everyone in my

family loves music


we said oh yeah i mean it had lights and

everything now here’s the thing

my family we’re very loving we’re cool

put a mic in our hand

we gonna put a show on so anyways


my dad said all right so he had

everybody’s favorite song so my parents

went first my dad my mom sang a song and

they were just dancing around and he

said all right baby girl talking to me

he said tiff it’s your turn and there’s

this song that i really like when i was

in korea i sang it all the time we went

to the karaoke place so i’ll sing a

little bit of it for you



you say

i’m crazy

but you don’t really know what you’ve


i’ll stop there

but i sing the whole song and i mean i

was giving it my all and then my sister

went and she was singing and my

brother-in-law went up we had an amazing

time and we laughed so hard because the

year we thought my dad was gonna get

himself something really big is the year

he bought something big that the entire

family could really enjoy and it was a

great memory singing on christmas night

with my family hopefully you also had

some wonderful memories made some

wonderful memories with your family on

christmas and yeah i hope you enjoy this

story and i’ll talk to you guys next
