SHOPPING AT THE FLEA MARKET English Conversation Practice


in the flea market

a flea market is an outdoor place where

merchants sell used items

it’s often seasonal

people go there to buy things at lower


watch this video and learn more about

flea markets

dialogue 1

interesting things in a flea market


the weather is so nice today tracy why

did you bring me here

oh joey you said that your tv is broken

and you didn’t have enough money to buy

a new one


i took you here to purchase a new tv

in a flea market

yes let’s find a place for electronic


i’m not sure tracy

i don’t think the items in there are of

good quality

they have used items

don’t worry

i bought many things there and they are

still good

you just need to be more careful when

selecting the products

okay let’s go now

wow tracy

it’s the first time i’ve come to a flea


there are a lot of things here

yes joey

you can find many useful items for


such as shoes

furniture clothes

and so on

do you know who is playing the guitar

this song is so vibrant

i don’t know

people often perform musical instruments


here we are

this is an electronic store for you

let’s select the tv you want


yeah i see it

that black tv over there may suit me

excuse me can you introduce this tv


i just bought it last month and it still

works well

you can access the internet on this tv

and also watch reality movies on it

why are you selling it

my son bought a better tv and i don’t

need to use that

he didn’t know i just purchased a new


it means that this tv is like new

okay let me check


i think it’s okay


is this tv still under

warranty of course

i’ll give you all the warranty

information when you buy it


do you want it

yeah i like it okay

i’ll buy it

dialogue 2

bargain for the price

okay kevin how much does this tv cost

when i first bought it in the

supermarket the price was 500.

so i want to sell it for four hundred

and fifty dollars

wow kevin

i think that price is too high

you’ve used it for a month before

selling it here

can you lower the price please

i swear that this tv is still like a new


you can check it carefully before

deciding to buy it

yes i know its quality is still good

but the price is still too high for me


how much can you pay for it

i’d like to buy for 300

i think it’s a reasonable price for both

of us

yeah i also think this price is okay


that is too low i can’t sell it to you

for this price

how about 350

let me think



your money is here 350

thank you

do you want to buy anything else i still


radios and a refrigerator

no thanks i just need this tv

congratulations joey you bought a good

tv at a nice price

could you help me pack this tv and bring

it to my car

i can’t do it by myself

of course i’ll help you where’s your car

it’s in the south car park

thank you

dialogue three

good price for products


are you tired tom

we’ve gone through almost the whole

market but you still haven’t bought


yes jim i still have to buy something to

decorate my living room

i see an antique store over there

they may have items that you need

okay let’s go there

hold on i think we should drink

something first

what do you want to drink

coke or mineral water

one coke please


good morning

what can i help you with

i want to buy something to decorate my


do you have any recommendations

it must be a landscape picture

please come here to select one of them


okay let me see

come in jim


your pictures look so beautiful

the scenery is exceptional

thank you

i can just select one picture among them

because my living room is enough space

for only one


which picture would you like most

i love this black horse picture it’s so


yes i like it too but i also love the

farm picture here

it’s so peaceful

could you help us to choose one picture

my friend


could you tell me the paint color inside

your house

it’s cream color

so i think the dark color will suit your

living room

the black horse may be better than the

other one

that makes sense okay

i’ll buy it

would you like to put this vase on the


i also think it will make your home more



let me see


i’ll take it too

you know what we visited almost this

whole flea market and haven’t bought


then we buy two items in your store

your products are good

i’m satisfied with them

thank you my friend

so do you want to buy anything else


how much is the cost


for the picture

and twenty dollars for the vase

a hundred and twenty dollars for both


i guarantee that they are real products

and of good quality

quite cheap compared to the other

antique stores great

your money is here

okay thank you for buying here have a

good day

dialogue 4

purchase a luxury item


hey lily

have we bought everything on the list

yes jenny do you want to go home now


i still want to buy a handbag

my bag is too old and i need a new one


i know a place that sells many beautiful

handbags follow me

let’s go there right now

oh is this small store over here

yes it is


look lily

this bag is attractive i love it

but we still have not come to the shop i

want to show you

i know that but i think i’ll buy this


don’t you see that this bag is beautiful

let me see

you’re right it looks so good


go in and ask for its information

welcome to my shop how can i help you

two girls

i’d like to buy this bag

let me take it out for you you can see

it more clearly

by the way

this bag also it has blue and red


would you like to see them all


please take it out

there are full versions of them

these are also our newest designs


i think i’ll choose the red one

it’s outstanding


i will pack the red bag for you

by the way

would you like to buy something else

sorry i just want this bag thank you

okay the cost of the bag is 500

you can pay in cash or

scan a qr code as you want

i already have enough cash for it here’s

your money

thank you for purchasing my product

i hope to see you again

and have a good day


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