Soft palate and other parts of the Mouth American English Pronunciation

all of my sound videos have photos of

the mouth with the parts of the mouth

drawn in so I want to take a quick

minute to talk about those parts of the

mouth most of them are obvious tongue

teeth throat but I want to talk a little

bit about the hard and soft palate the

hard and soft palate are what make up

the roof of the mouth so if you take

your tongue and slide it along at the

top of your mouth you can feel the hard

palate and when you get way for the back

the soft palate so the soft palate is

very far behind there and it feels soft

compared to what comes before it now the

soft palate is raised in all sounds of

English except for three consonant

sounds the N the M and the ng this is

probably not something that you need to

think about or worry about too much I do

want to tell you about it because it

appears in all the photos but it’s quite

natural to raise the soft palate the

thing that I will say about it is if

someone is telling you that your sounds

sound too much in your nose or too nasal

that probably means that your soft

palate is lowered when it should be

raised the soft palate raises naturally

when you yawn so that is one way to

think about how to raise what it feels

like back there to raise the soft palate

now I will step through all the parts of

the mouth as they are not identified in

every sound video these represent the

front teeth in the mouth both top and

bottom and here the rest of the top

teeth this is the hard palate the soft

palate raised here because this is the

AH as in father vowel the throat and the

tongue so this is the anatomy of the

mouth as I draw them in in the sound

adios and of course in each sound things

like the soft palate and the tongue will

be in different positions