Speak With Me English Speaking Practice


Oh, what a cute dog.

What kind is he?”

Oh, is your heart starting to beat kind of

Do you know how to respond to this question?

Do you know how to talk about your pets in

Well, never fear today.

I’m going to help you talk comfortably about
your pets in English.

Let’s do it.

Hi, I’m Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.

And in today’s exciting lesson, you are going
to get a chance to speak with me and tell

me all about your precious pet.

And if you’ve never had a pet, well, this
is a great time to also learn how to talk

about that because people often ask, “What?

Do you not like animals?

Why don’t you have a pet?

Do you not like dogs?”

So in today’s lesson, you will be able to
comfortably learn some common vocabulary around


Also, some common conversational questions
about pets.

And then you’ll see a sample conversation
between my husband and I talking about pets.

And then it will be your turn to learn how
to speak with me and we’ll talk about your


And I have a little surprise today.

At the end of this lesson, you are going to
meet my nine pets.

Yes, that’s right.

Nine pets.

It might be a little surprising.

So you have to wait to the end of this lesson
to find out.

To help you with this lesson, I have created
a free PDF worksheet that you can download

with the link in the description below this

On this free PDF worksheet, you will get all
of today’s common vocabulary, all of the sample

sentences, all of the common questions and
answers, the sample conversation.

And you will have a chance to answer Vanessa’s
challenge question so that you can use what

you’ve learned and never forget it in daily

All right, are you ready to get started?

Let’s learn some common vocabulary about animals
and pets.

Let’s start by describing you.

Can you describe yourself?

I am an animal lover.

This means that you love all kinds of animals.

You might say, “Ever since I first visited
a zoo as a child, I have been an animal lover.

I just love all animals.”

Or if you would like to be a little more specific,
you could say, “I’m a cat person.

I’m a dog person.”

Usually we keep it to cats and dogs, but you
might say, “I’m a horse person.”

Does that mean that you have a cat head?

I am a cat person.

No, this just means that that is your preferred

You like cats.

So for me, if you’ve been watching my English
lessons for a while, you know I am a cat person.

I’ve never had a dog, but I feel like I relate
more to cats, I get along better with cats

and I feel more comfortable with cats.

But maybe for you, you might say, “I’m a dog

I would rather have a dog.”

Or maybe you have this unfortunate situation,
you are allergic to dogs.

Or maybe you might say, “I’m allergic to cat

I love them.

They’re so cute and cuddly and I wish I could
have a cat, but I’m allergic.”

If your eyes start to get red and your nose
starts to run, maybe your throat hurts.

That’s a bad sign.

It means that you are allergic to some kind
of animal.

Maybe you can take some simple medicine and
you’ll be fine.

But sometimes it’s a bigger problem than that
and you just can’t have a cat.

You can’t have a dog.

I hope you’re not allergic.

Now let’s describe your pet.

But a little note, first of all, something
that I’ve noticed that’s different between

English and some other languages is that when
we’re talking about our pets or someone else’s

pet, we use he or she.

We don’t use it very often because it feels
like you’re creating some kind of distance

or it’s a wild animal, or you don’t really
care about that animal.

It’s just an object, it.

So for example, if I’m going to tell you about
my cat, little spoiler, I have a cat.

I might say, “She is Siamese cat.”

If I say I have a cat, it’s Siamese.

It’s okay.

And you will hear this occasionally, but it’s
more common to hear he or she.

She’s a Siamese.

She likes to play with cat toys, he or she.

And if you’re not certain if an animal is
a he or a she, like if you see a neighbor’s

dog and you want to talk to that neighbor
about their dog, you can just say he and it’s


The neighbor will maybe correct you and say,
“Oh yes, she’s a Poodle.”

And then you can say, “Oh yes, what’s her

And you can use her when you find out.

But in general, we use he or she for pets.

A common word we use to describe pets is breed.

What breed is your pet?

But we often just say kind, what kind is it?

So when we’re talking about a dog or a cat,
there are different types.

So I already mentioned, my cat is a Siamese

This is a specific type or breed of cat.

What breed is your cat?

Oh, he’s a Siamese she’s a Siamese.

What breed is it?

But we often use the question what kind is

Which we’ll talk about in our questions section
in a minute.

Another common term used with pets is a rescue.

This is describing your pet.

Both of my cats are rescues.

I got them from an animal shelter.

This means that I didn’t buy them from a breeder
who is making pure bred cats.

No, I went to the animal shelter.

These are abandoned cats who need a home.

I went to the animal shelter and I adopted.

We often use the word adopted.

I adopted too two cats.

They are rescue cats or they are rescues.

And this is the idea that I rescued them.

Sometimes in the US you see a bumper sticker,
something like this that says my dog rescued


Have you ever felt like this?

Maybe you saved your dog from the animal shelter,
but really your dog changed your life.

Your dog rescued you.

You might also hear the word mutt, mutt cannon
be a little negative.

If you say it with a negative voice, but it
just means that you’re not certain what kind

of dog you have.

We only use this for dogs.

And it means, well, it’s a mix of so many
different types of dogs that I have no idea.

He’s a mutt.

We got him from the animal shelter, but you
know what?

He’s the best dog I’ve ever had.

He’s a mutt, but I don’t care.

So it’s that idea that he’s not pure.

He’s not a pure bred dog.

He’s a mix of so many kinds of dogs, but you
know what?

It’s still a great animal.

Next is fur and coat.

My cat’s fur is so soft.

After I give my dog a bath, he has a silky

He’s not wearing a coat.

It’s just talking about his fur.

And these words are kind of interchangeable.

He has soft fur.

He has a silky coat.

So great words to talk about animal hair.

Let’s talk about some words we can use to
talk about how friendly an animal is.

The first one is just friendly.

He’s friendly.

You’ll often hear this as someone is walking
their dog and if their dog wants to come closer

to you, the owner might say, “Oh, don’t worry.

He’s friendly.

He loves little kids.”

And your child can pet the dog.

Or you might ask, “Is he friendly?”

And that means, “Can I pet him?”

So it’s a great word to use, to talk about
if your dog is comfortable with people, he’s


“He’s not very friendly with little kids so
we’ll just try to stay away.”

There are three words that are variations
of this.

One is wild lions are wild.

They are not friendly towards people.

I do not recommend trying to pet a lion.

They are wild.

The next level is stray.

We might say that cat is a stray cat or he’s
a stray.

And that means that he lives on the streets
and maybe he’ll come close to people to get

some food.

He might not really hurt you, but he doesn’t
want to live in your house.

Maybe if you adopt him, he’ll want to live
in your house, but he doesn’t have an owner.

He’s a stray.

He’s a stray cat.

Some cities around the world have a lot of
stray cats or stray dogs.

They don’t belong to anyone, but everyone
helps to take care of them.

Everyone helps to feed them.

In the US, this isn’t very common.

We don’t have a lot of stray cats or a lot
of stray dogs because animal shelters are

a big part of American culture.

A lot of people when they want a pet, they
will go to an animal shelter instead of buying

a pure bred dog or a pure bred cat.

So a lot of stray dogs or straight cats who
live on the street will be taken to an animal

shelter for someone to adopt.

So you might say, “My cat was a stray before
we got him.

He was a stray cat before we got him and now
he’s just so friendly.”

The next level is domesticated.

So this means a cat or dog or animal that
was previously wild, and now he’s very comfortable

with humans.

So we could use this for a lot of different
animals like cows.

Cows are domesticated.

A long time ago, they were completely wild
or horses.

Horses were completely wild, but they have
become domesticated over time.

People have trained them to become comfortable
with humans.

They are domesticated.

We often use this term for farm animals; horses,
cows, chickens, sheep, goats.

They are domesticated animals.

Some animals just can’t be domesticated like
a zebra.

You can’t ride a zebra.

You can’t domesticate zebras.

It would be pretty cool, but they’re just
an animal that cannot be domesticated.

Before we go onto some common questions that
you will hear and that you can ask about pets,

let’s talk about pet care and some words that
you can use to describe pet care.

A cage, a crate and a kennel are all the same
thing and it’s somewhere that you can keep

your animal contained.

So you might say, “I put my ferret.”

Some people have a ferret for a pet.

“I put my ferret in the crate to take it to
the vet,” which we’ll talk about in just a

second, but it’s a type of box where you will
keep your animals maybe to transport them

somewhere, or maybe just to help them feel
safe and comfortable.

We have a big kennel for my dog to help him
feel comfortable when guests come over.

He goes in there and he feels comfortable.

And then when the guests leave, he comes out
and feels very safe.

A collar and tag, this goes around your animal’s
neck and has some important information like

the pet’s name, your phone number, maybe your

And if your pet gets lost, well, someone can
help you to find your pet again by calling

you with the number that’s on the tag on their

A collar is also useful because you can attach
a leash to the collar.

Sometimes this is called a lead.

I think that lead is maybe more a term that
professional people will use.

A veterinarian will use this.

Maybe a dog trainer will use this, a lead.

But for daily conversation, we often just
say leash.

Where’s the leash?

I need to find the dog’s leash so that I can
take him on a walk.

One time I saw somebody having an iguana on
a leash.

Sometimes people put their cats on a leash
too, but usually cats don’t tolerate that.

Have you ever seen a strange animal on a leash

A vet or veterinarian, usually we shorten
this to vet.

You’ve already heard me say this a couple
of times and that’s the doctor for an animal.

So you might say, “I need to take my sick
dog to the vet” or “what is the best vet to

take my dog to?”

We’re talking about veterinarian, but it’s
a situation where we don’t use the longest


We just use a short, simple version.

Yes, finally in English there is a simple
way to say a long word.

So you can just say vet.

“My cat’s vet is just up the street or we
have a vet appointment next week.”


Now I just want to let you know if this is
your job if you are a vet in someone asks

you the common question, “What do you do?”

Which means what’s your job?

And you say, “I’m a vet.”

Well, this might be slightly confusing if
someone has no idea that you work with animals.

Because a vet can be two different things,
it can be a veterinarian or it can be a veteran,

a veteran.

That means someone who used to be a soldier,
they used to be in the military and now they’re


So that means that you could either be an
animal doctor or a retired person from the


So if someone knows that you work with animals
or that you’re a doctor, if you say, “Oh,

I’m a doctor” and they ask what kind of doctor
you could say, “I’m a vet.”

Okay, they will know that you work with animals.

But if someone has no clue, you might say,
“I’m a veterinarian.”

You might elongate that a little bit.

Just to be more specific.

Or if you are a vet from the military, you
might say, “I’m a retired veteran” or “I’m

a retired vet.

I was in the Navy.”

You might want to be a little more specific.

So that’s a situation that might possibly
come up.

What can you do to bond with your animal?

You might play fetch.

So you could say, “My cat likes to play fetch.”

Who would have guessed?

Usually dogs do, but sometimes cats do too.

Or you could just say this word to your dog.

So you have a stick, you throw the stick and
your dog runs after the stick.

You could say, “Fetch boy, fetch.

Fetch the stick.”

So you’re telling him, you’re giving him a
command about what he should do.

Get the stick and bring it back to you.

This is kind of a fun game.

Or we might just pet your pet.

Ooh, so this word can be used as a noun.

As we’ve been talking about it, I have nine
pets, but what is this?

Gently touching your pet.

This is the verb to pet.

When you are stroking or just gently touching
your animal, this is a very kind, nice thing

to do.

Well, you are petting your pet.

So if you’re walking down the street and someone
is walking a dog and that dog seems friendly,

the dog wants to talk with you.

And the owner says, “Oh, don’t worry.

He’s friendly.”

You can say, “Can I pet him?”

Great, that means that you can stroke his
head or his back or under his chin.

And it’s a nice way to enjoy a dog and to
kind of connect with each other.

Okay, are you ready to go onto some common
questions that people will ask you about your

pets and also you can ask?

Let’s do it.

Do you have any pets?

Very simple and straightforward question.

You might say, “When I was a kid, I had a
dog, but now I don’t have any pets.”


Well, this is just answering in a nicer way
than just, “No, I don’t have any pets.”

You’re giving some information.

“When I was a kid, I had a dog and now I don’t
have any pets.”

Good answer.

When you see a dog, a common question is what
kind is he?

We’re talking about the breed of dog.

What kind is he?

It’s sometimes unusual to see a pure bred
dog that’s only one kind, only one breed.

So you’ll often hear this type of answer.

“He’s a lab mix.

We got him at the animal shelter.”

He’s a mix.

So this means he has two different or maybe
three or four different types of dogs in his


So we could say, “He’s a mix or he’s a lab

And this means he comes from different types
of breeds.

Another common question is what’s his name?

Of course, you can just say your pet’s name,
but I wanted to give you some of the most

common female pet names and also some of the
most common male pet names in English.

So the most common female pet names are Bella,
Luna, Lucy, Daisy, and Coco.

There are many other pet names for female
dogs or cats or horses or who knows what,

but these are some of the most common.

In fact, one of my cats' names is Luna.

Some of the most common male pet names are
Max, Buddy, Teddy, Rocky, and Duke.

These are really common male pet names in
the US.

A question we already talked about is is he


Someone might ask you this if you have a dog
and you’re welcome to ask someone else this

if you want to pet a dog.

Is he friendly?

“Yes, you can pet him.”

Another common question is how long have you
had him?

And maybe this is not how old is he, but how
long has he been a part of your life?

So you might say, “I got Max from the animal
shelter three years ago.”

How long have you had him?

“I’ve had him for three years.”

If you mentioned that your dog or someone
else mentions that their dog is a specific

breed, you could ask this question.

“What made you decide to get that breed?”

Maybe you’re just curious about that breed.

You’re trying to have a conversation, or maybe
you’re thinking about getting a dog too and

you want some more information.

So you could say, “What made you decide to
get that breed?”

And if somebody has, for example, a Lab, which
is a Labrador Retriever.

If somebody has a Lab, they might say, “Well,
I heard that Labs are family-friendly dogs

so we decided to get one.”

Okay, they have a reputation for being good
with kids, for being friendly.

“They’re family-friendly so we decided to
get one.”

All right, now that we’ve practiced some common
vocabulary about pets, some common questions

about pets, now I’d like to show you a sample
conversation between my husband, Dan and I

talking about some pets.

After this sample conversation, it will be
your turn to speak with me and tell me about

your pets or maybe the pets that you wish
you had.

And after that will be the big reveal of my
nine pets.

All right, let’s watch the sample conversation.

Hi, Dan, is that your dog?

I thought you were a cat person.

Hey, Vanessa.

I’m an animal lover, but Fluffy’s not mine.

I’m just walking him for a friend.

Oh, gotcha.

Is he friendly?

Can I pet him?

Yes, he’s friendly.

You can pet him, but watch out he drools.

Oh, good to know.

Well, I’ll stick to my non-drooling cats.

Oh, but good boy, Fluffy.

I’m going to walk them at the park to play


Want to come?


Okay, now it’s your turn.

I’m going to be asking you a couple of questions
and then I’m going to pause and you can speak

out loud and try to answer these questions
and pretend like we’re having a conversation


If you feel like it’s too short of a pause,
feel free to pause this video.

That’s kind of the bonus thing, exciting thing
about having a video conversation.

You can pause me and spend some extra time
explaining what you’d like to say.

All right.

Are you ready?

Take a deep breath.

Let’s do it.


I didn’t know you had a pet.

What kind is he?


How long have you had him?

That’s so nice.

You know, I’ve been thinking about getting
one too.

What do you like to do with him?

Thanks for your help and nice to meet you.

So how did you do?

Are you ready to talk about your pets now?

I hope so.

I hope I have empowered you to be able to
speak more comfortably about this common conversation


And now drum roll.

It’s time to meet my nine pets.

Are you ready?

This is Pippen.

He’s a tuxedo cat.

This isn’t a breed, but it just describes
his coloration.

And this is Luna, she’s a Siamese, but we
got them both from a shelter so she’s probably

not a pure bred Siamese.

And my other seven pets are chickens.

They’re only two-months-old, but aren’t they
so big?

Unfortunately, we have to wait until October
until they start producing eggs.

I can’t wait.

My husband Dan built their coop, that’s the
little house where they live and this area

is called the run.

It’s a safe area for them to be outside without
getting eaten by wild animals we hope.

We got them when they were one-day-old.

Look how cute they were.

This is a new adventure for us to have farm
animals, but I can’t wait to get some fresh


And it’s a great thing to do with kids.

Go down to the chicken coop in the morning
and gather the eggs.

I can’t wait.

That’ll be so much fun.

Well, I hope that today’s lesson was helpful
for you.

And I want to remind you that you can download
the free PDF worksheet for all of the sample

phrases, all of the sample questions and answers,
the conversation.

And you can answer Vanessa’s challenge question
so that you can remember what you’ve learned

and use it in your daily conversations.

So I have a question for you.

Let me know in the comments are you a cat
person, a dog person, maybe a chicken person?

Let me know in the comments and I can’t wait
to learn more about you.

Thank you so much for learning English with
me and I’ll see you again next Friday for

a new lesson here on my YouTube channel.


The next step is to download the free PDF
worksheet for this lesson.

With this free PDF, you will master today’s
lesson and never forget what you have learned.

You can be a confident English speaker.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
for a free English lesson every Friday.
