Take The Leap English Idiom Practice with Cats

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready to take the

leap let’s talk about it recently one of

my cat started doing something

absolutely amazing i was walking around

the house trying to find him and i

looked everywhere

under the bed in the closet under the

couch under the pillows in the closet in

my clothes i looked everywhere and then

I saw the door slowly moved it wasn’t a

ghost it wasn’t a thief it was my cats

and where was he

Wow he was on top of the door and he

perfectly showed us how to use today’s

expression so I’m going to show you this

quick video clip that I took and you can

imagine that as we talk about today’s



you saw my cat jumped up here he was on

top of the door even though it was

really thin somehow he got up there but

he needed to get down he needed to take

the leap and get down well the word leap

in today’s expression means jump jump he

needed to physically jump but in this

expression we’re talking about this

figuratively doing something risky but

something important something that you

want to do to in advance or improve your

life take the leap or take a leap let’s

talk about this in a couple examples

let’s imagine that you got offered an

opportunity to work in Sydney Australia

and you think office is great I could

speak English I could improve my English

a lot but what if I don’t like it there

what if I don’t like to be away from all

of my friends and everything I know it’s

risky it’s risky to do something new and

go to a new country change isn’t always

easy so for you when you’re talking

about this opportunity you could say I

decided to go to Australia

I’m going to take the leak I’m going to

do it and this means you’re going to

jump you’re going to take the

opportunity you don’t know if it’s going

to work out you don’t know what’s going

to happen but you’re going to do it


you believe that it will probably be

okay and it’s going to improve your

English improve your life in some way

I’m going to take the leap this full

expression is take the leap of faith

take a leap of faith and the final part

of faith means just that you don’t know

what’s going to happen when you move to

Australia you hope that it will be okay

but you don’t really know so it is a

step in a kind of risky direction it’s

something that you’re not sure about but

you hope we’ll be okay

same as my cat when he was physically

jumping down he hoped that it would be

okay but you could see he was a little

bit uncertain about his decision and

maybe it’s the same for you and lies we

always have decisions that we don’t know

what’s the outcome we don’t know what’s

going to happen so let’s use this

expression to talk about our own lives I

want to ask you when is a time that you

needed to take the leap maybe you got a

new job opportunity like I mentioned or

maybe you decided to get a dog you

didn’t know what dogs were like but you

decided to do this something unknown or

maybe you decided to quit your job and

see if you could start your own business

you could say I took this is past tense

I took the leap and I quit my job and I

started my own business I took the leap

and I got another pet I took the leap

and decided to start a family for me

that’s quite a big leap so I completely

understand this expression take the leap

to take a leap so in the comments below

this video let us know when was a time

that you took a leap of faith

you took a leap

you did something unknown but you hoped

would work out so let’s read each

other’s examples and learn as much as

possible thanks so much and I’ll see you

the next time bye the next step is to

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thanks so much for learning with me bye