Talk about the best soccer team Which is the best team English Conversation Practice



about the best soccer team

peter did you see the match

yesterday evening which match

which match ajax vs

juventus those teams are boring

excuse me excuse me

ajax is the best football club in the


i’m afraid i don’t have a clue

i know that only music matters

anyway in your opinion

which is the best team i don’t know

i heard arsenal is the best of all time

they’ve got the most aggressive players

the most important coach the toughest


peter peter you

are so mistaken

okay what’s so great about ajax

first of all their defense is superb

it’s much more intelligent than

arsenals no but you promised me

anyway thanks daddy thanks for your


you are the worst father in the world

don’t worry i’m gonna have a great party

all the same

yes with my friends

they do love me bye


is everything okay alice

no nothing is okay

my father keeps on being the same

come on alice don’t cry please

tell us what happened well

you know i told you

my father decided to give me a trip

for my birthday well

he promised to come with me

and just now he told me that he

can’t anymore because

he has some important work to do

as usual don’t be

angry with him even if he has something

important to do you can leave for your


anyway no

i don’t want to go anymore

well don’t worry alice

we are going to give a big party for you

isn’t that true guy absolutely

of course you are the most

brilliant the smartest

and the funniest roommate we’ve ever had

even if sometimes you are a bit lazy

you need a special party

thanks a lot you are the best

friends in the world

the musical was great wasn’t it

yes it was

peter was excellent

well now let’s think about the party

it’s time for fun uh

by the way who is coming to the party


well david will be here

mary paul and tom

will be here as well everyone will be


i wonder if jack will be

jack why

he’s leaving on a business trip tomorrow


he doesn’t know exactly when he’ll be


hey girls what are you talking about

anne was telling me that you won’t be

coming to the party this evening

it isn’t true is it

yes it is i’m

afraid i can’t business before pleasure

you never will change will you

excuse me hello

oh hi i

don’t really have a choice listen

jack i was wondering if you really have

to go away on business

or if you’re not coming to peter’s


for some other reason

no sharon i

i do have a business engagement

anyway since you asked

i’ll tell you there’s more

i’m jealous of peter

oh come on jack

you only care about business

sure that’s what they all say

but you know i i’m interested in you

and sharon

are you are you really interested

in me


ann who were you talking to on the


mary she wanted to know what time the

party is going to start

i think it’ll start at about nine


won’t it well girls

i have to go finish my presentation

see you later bye

back to work you’ll never quit

will you what is shame

that jack isn’t coming he’s a very

interesting person i wonder

if you are falling in love with him

come on you can tell me

okay but don’t tell

anyone uh

yes he’s quite handsome

do you think he likes me sharon

what a question it’s

none of my business don’t be so

difficult sharon i was

just asking confidently

your opinion you are my friend

sharon i’m sorry anne

i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings

i’m just a bit nervous these days

why because of peter

we’re having some problems

i’m sorry anne but i don’t want to talk

about that

i’ve got to go see you later

bye bye

oh jack you’re always

so messy you leave your things

everywhere but

what’s this in the pocket

huh what it’s jack and sharon

and he’s kissing her oh my god

now i understand everything

it’s a shame jack isn’t here isn’t it

yes it’s just not the same without him

is it well business is business you know

well and i wonder what wonderful food

you cooked for us this evening

and hello are you there

oh sorry peter i was

miles away what did you say

what did you cook for us oh

your favorite fish and chips

oh what would i do without you

hey what about me

i brought the beer yes

we are glad you did cheers cheers

cheers to peter’s success

well guys this is the right time for

an important announcement

last night there was a famous director

at the theater we met after the show

and he told me he was preparing a


to be performed all over japan

so he wants to see me for an audition

next week cheers

you’ll be famous soon peter

surprise jack

jack well well

well not so dedicated to your work

are you peter

get me up here now you’re talking

hi anne is everything okay

yes no jack

everything is fine it was just

really a surprise for me


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