Three Tips For Native English Pronunciation

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm where you can have natural

conversations in english without stress

today’s video i will give you three tips

for improving your pronunciation there

are many videos on the internet I’ve

made a few - about difficult sounds and

difficult words to pronounce but it’s

one thing to listen to these videos and

hear different sounds that are difficult

and it’s another thing to actually

improve yourself so today I’m going to

give you three tips that will help you

improve your pronunciation today let’s

get started

tip number one is to listen to English a

lot listen to English music listen to

English podcasts listen to videos like

this watch TV shows watch movies hear

English as much as possible and I know

this isn’t speaking this is only

listening but the more you hear native

English the easier it will be to hear

your own voice and to hear the your own

mistakes that you make so the more that

you hear English the more that you will

know specific sounds that are difficult

for you and you’ll be able to make them


and make them correctly the more you

listen that’s how we learned as children

we listen to our parents speak so much

for years and years and years we

listened to our parents speak and when

you grew up you to have a perfect accent

in your native language

so it’s possible in English if you

listen listen listen listen a lot let’s

go on to number two my second tip for

improving your pronunciation today is a

technique called shadowing a shadow is

something that appears when the sun is

shining so when the Sun is high in the

sky and there is a tree on the other

side there will be a dark area that’s

called a shadow so a Shack the technique

of shadowing means to repeat directly

after someone else speaks for example if

I said I loved learning English right

after I

finish the sentence you say I like

learning English you repeat the same

sentence after me or today is a

beautiful day today is a beautiful day

I’m going to book a lesson right now I’m

going to book a lesson right now so this

technique of shadowing helps you because

the native sounds are clear and fresh in

your mind you are not practicing after

the video finishes you are practicing

immediately after the native speaker

talks now you can do this with words or

with sentences for example I could say

the word sheet and you say immediately

sheet I could say the word beach and you

say beach beach beach sheet sheet you

say exactly after me and this helps you

to remember quickly and easily those

sounds let’s go on to number three

number three is something I recommend if

you want to improve your pronunciation

immediately and you are really serious

about having a native accent or at least

a better accent than you have currently

the number three tip is to record your

own voice speaking English now I know

this can be a little scary because no

one likes to hear their voice recorded

me included when I went to my videos my

voice sounds so strange it’s not the

same as I’m used to hearing but if you

want to improve your pronunciation

immediately I recommend recording your

voice with your phone with a computer

with anything and listening back to your

own voice you don’t need to share it

with anyone you don’t need to show

anyone you don’t need to put it online

unless you want to this is only for your

help so recording your voice helps

because you can train your ear to hear

your own mistakes when you hear yourself

say words that are not exactly correct

you can easily change your accent

because you can hear your own mistakes

but a big problem a lot of English

learners have is that they can’t even

hear their own

stakes they know that their accent isn’t

perfect but they’re not sure which

sounds are wrong or which words are

sounded out incorrectly so I recommend

to record your voice record your voice

saying a few short sentences you can

even read it sentences and record them

listen to them back and try to see which

sounds are difficult for you record your

voice again and again and see if you

improve I have a feeling that it will be

very easy to improve your pronunciation

quickly if you record your voice I hope

these three tips were helpful for you

let’s go over the tips for improving

your pronunciation one more time the

first one is to listen to English as

much as possible the second one is to

use the technique of shadowing repeating

directly after a native speaker and the

third one is to record your own voice so

that you can hear again and again

different mistakes that you make so you

can improve quickly let me know in the

comments below are any of these

techniques new to you and when you try

them out let me know your success

stories I’m very excited to hear how

your pronunciation is improving I’ll

talk to you later
